Gerard Butler: "I am ready to fight if the danger threatens my loved ones"


"Jerry, we often had to see on the screen, as you deftly cope with the villains." So in the film "Fall Olimpa" you save the President of the United States and the whole world from terrorists. And in life, if you meet with bad guys, then enter the battle or empty?

- I do not think that I will run away. I'm not sure that I can put my ass to them, as I usually do it in movies, but I do not lose weight. I am not that kind of person. And in my life there were moments when I went beyond the people who needed help. And ready to fight if the danger will threate my loved ones. In the film, we will mostly see how America is put on the ass, because these bad guys are really cruel, ruthless and very well trained. We tried to show the day of a big failure in the US National Security System. To do this, they communicated a lot with agents from the presidential security service. On the one hand, they helped us develop a plan of attack on the White House, calculated the minimum number of fighters required for such an operation, and also advised what weapon could be the most effective in the hands of the invaders. And on the other, it is to come up with a plausible scenario for neutralizing terrorists.

- In addition to just conversations, did they teach you to their techniques of fighting?

- Yes of course. I trained a lot with special forces agents, "marine quotes", former Fabeerer. They are cool! I adore these guys. (Laughs.)

"But you have to be filmed in action films before." So, probably, from a physical point of view it was not so difficult to enter the image?

- For the film "300 Spartans", for example, I wanted to make myself a beautiful, muscular body. I had a fix idea to achieve such forms, like Greek statues, and, preparing for a role, I worked in this direction. And, it seems to me, I achieved. (Laughs.) And for this picture I needed to be not so much silent as strong and in good physical form. And since I had to be not only shooting and run, but also fighting the terrorists in hand, I studied various martial arts.

Gerard Butler:

Playing together in the painting "Fall of Olympus", Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart became friends in life. Frame from the film.

- What scene eventually became the most difficult?

- Probably, the scene of the fight with the hero of Rica Yuna at the end of the film. We shot her three days. It's very hard. After all, when you remove the scene of the fight, with each double you need to start everything from the very beginning. Blow into the jaw, kick in the shoulder, back on the wall, plafhmy on the floor ... and everything is new. And again, and again, and again. And so three days, 12 o'clock, 300-400 doubles. Hell! I lost my nail on my hand, broke two of some kind of tiny bones in the neck, beat the rib. My hand from the elbow to the shoulder turned into a huge bruise ... But it was fun, oddly enough. (Laughs.) Yes, and besides, it was pleasant after all this to feel like a national hero. (Smiles.)

- Here you also performed as a producer. But this is a film about the USA. And there is no desire to remove something about your homeland, about Scotland?

- I'm really working on a project about Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. He was a great warrior. You know him in the picture "Brave Heart", where the hero of Mela Gibson William Wallace meets with him, and at the end of the film Robert Bruce's army with Scottish soldiers goes to the attack on the British, shouting the name of Wallace. I have a wonderful scenario, which tells about Robert's growing, about how he studied to be a politician, he found out who is actually actually and what should fight. This is the story of a human life path, his formation. I love such films. My favorite similar film "Apocalypse Today". I rarely revise even those pictures that I really liked and demolished me a tower. But "Apocalypse Today" I am ready to look at once. And, of course, I would like to make your film about Robert Bruce at least a little similar to the picture of the Coppola on the strength of perception.

- Are you a major role for ourselves?

- (thinks.) Yes. (Laughs.) But do not think that I will produce only those movies where I play a major role. My company produces those ribbons where I do not even have an episode. And it started in general everything from what I wanted to play a villain. My agent told me: "Forget about the villain, be a hero." And I somehow take and Lyapney Jamie Fox: "Want to play a good guy, and I will be bad?". And he unexpectedly agreed. Heck! But what was done, I had to take pictures of the "law-abiding citizen", which became my first producer work.

- You used to play a lot in the theater. And now do not think about the scene?

- I love theater very much. But the acting career so sometimes it consists that with the head goes into the movies. And because of the permanent tracks to the theater, it is simply no time. I like what I do; Films in which I am removing. Cinema gives me a huge charge of energy. But I miss the scene terribly. Playing the theater is very exciting and scary. But this is a reverent fear. He brings pleasure. In the movie you can repeat the same double. In the theater, everything is always live. And I really miss this aspect of my work, according to the lively reaction of the audience in the hall. But I have one project, and I hope, in the coming years I will implement it. I am ready to pass another test exam on the scene. (Laughs.)

Gerard Butler:

"Football Cossacks. It was very funny! Funny Guys, "wrote Ivan Urgant on his tweet after meeting with Aaron Eckharr and Gerard Butler. Photo:

- President of the United States in the film "Fall Olympus" plays Aaron Eckhart. Would you vote for him?

- Yes! He is a cool politician. Probably. (Laughs.)

- If in reality met with the President of the United States, what would be asked about? Or asked?

- Probably about reducing taxes in the film business, about the fight against piracy. Perhaps about diplomatic inviolability for themselves, about any state financial support for my family and my producer company. A lot about what ... (laughs).

- Would you save him?

- If he gave me all these privileges? Sure!

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