Ekaterina Volkova: "We have a rule - do not quarrel more than 15 minutes"


Andrey Karpov

Ekaterina Volkova

Your first meeting?

For the first time I saw Katya on the stage in the play, where she played with Dasha Sagalova, who invited me to the theater. I immediately liked it.

What was Katya's dressed?

In a scenic suit.

And you?

I had jeans and shirt.

Your first date?

I invited her to the dance lesson.

Who was the first confessed in love?

I. took her city. We divided the fire, and under the cracks of the fire, with the light of the moon I confessed to her in love.

The first gift that you did KATE?

Tiffany chain.

Her first gift?


Who is the first usually take a step towards reconciliation?

We have a rule - do not quarrel more fifteen minutes. It is like a limit. As soon as he expires - all ...

What values ​​your wife most of you?

Probably what I understand her, I try to take care of her, I love her. And the fact that I am.

What do you value in it?

Everything. It is difficult to allocate some separate features. I appreciate everything in it!

Favorite wife of spouse?


And yours?


Her unloved occupation?

Cleaning. She is doing this, as she is a good mistress, but without any pleasure.

And yours?

Stroke. Fortunately, this is a lesson for my spouse.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

I can't remember anything ...

The habit from which your wife refused?

There is no such. I try to not limit it.

What thing is the spouses would you be happy to throw away?

Ballet shoes. I believe that a woman should wear shoes on a heel.

Your home nicknames?

As such are no constant. We just call each other with some kind words, but they are not homemade nicknames. True, when Katya is angry with me, she calls me Andrei. It costs me to hear it, I immediately understand that the wife is in anger.

Your first meeting?

We met in the theater.

What was Andrei dressed in?

In jeans and shirt.

And you?

And there was a scenic costume - a dress with a corset, which was very tightened and increased the chest. I remember, Andrei, looking at me, said: "Wow!" What Dasha Sagalova replied: "This is not" Wow! ", And Corset!"

Your first date?

Andrei invited me to the dance lesson. We danced forty five minutes. And at the end he said: "Well done! You, Katya, not a log! "

Who was the first confessed in love?

Andrew. And he made it very romantic. Outdoors.

The first gift that you did Andrei?

If we talk about things, then the clock.

His first gift?

Tiffan chain.

Who is the first usually take a step towards reconciliation?

We have a rule - more than fifteen minutes each other do not sink.

What makes the husband most in you?

My care for him and daughter.

And what do you value in it?

The fact that he is a real man.

Favorite wife of a spouse?


And yours?

I love to iron.

His unloved occupation?

I do not know. He is engaged in everyone

with pleasure.

And yours?

I do not like cleaning.

The habit of which you refused when they began to live together?

I have such a husband that I did not have to refuse something.

The habit of which refused

Your husband?

Stopped scattering clothes.

What thing of the spouse would you be happy to throw away?

Old velvet coat. It is already charged and he does not go.

Your home nicknames?

Carec, he has the name of Karpov. Sometimes we call each other "Sunshine", "Kitten", but it is not nicknames. But if I call him Andrei, then that means

something happened.

Commentary Family Psychologist:

"A wonderful couple, which builds relationships in mutual understanding, respect for each other, and not just for love. After all, it is very important to hear your half, to understand and take it, what it is, not trying to make a ridiculous ideal from your beloved person, who invented you yourself. Pay attention to the rule set by them - a fifteen-minute limit on a quarrel. Very good idea. I can recommend other married couple take her note, it is useful. Especially in cases where a step to reconcilizes the pride of one of the partners or causes fear before recognizing its own error. "

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