Ideal softness: how to pick up "your" face care in the fall


In the fall, our skin suffers several times more than in summer, and it is not at all surprising, given the environment and constant stress due to change temperatures. In this situation, in our power to help their skin depending on its type and state.

We select cleansing

As a rule, we focus only on problems when it comes to choosing a means for cleansing: with acne, inflammation of another origin, we often struggle exclusively with alcohol, while the skin itself can be dehydrated or sensitive, and dry skin moisturize means that contain Not quite suitable components for us. As a result - the problem is not solved, and new ones are added. What to do? Pay attention to the overall condition of your skin: even there may be inflammations on dry, and the fat requires feeding no less than normal or sensitive. Ideally, if you consult with a specialist and pick up a suitable "washshirt" with it. But if you decide to choose the remedy, remember that gel compositions are best suited for oily skin, but dry it is better to pick up a foam, but sensitive skin requires a means with a neutral pH.

Mandatory moisturizing

In the fall, the skin is quickly losing moisture, especially if you use alcohol and make makeup daily. It is not necessary to think that the oily skin herself will cope, no, it is also necessary to moisturize, with the means it is important to select from the professional line of funds in order not to get allergies. Dry skin in the autumn period can cause you to experience discomfort because of the depths, which indicates a lack of food. Pay attention to nutritional products, but be sure to make sure that there are no gamogenic components.

Support the beauty of the skin in the cold season

Support the beauty of the skin in the cold season


Road peptides

Of the additional funds it is worth paying attention to those that help restore the protective barrier of the skin. As a rule, such funds contain lipids and peptides. As soon as you feel that your usual moisturizing cream does not cope with its task, look at a means based on hyaluronic acid, which will become an excellent auxiliary element in home care.

Soft exfoliation

We have already said that scrubs are not your best friends, as they are rather rudely bypassed with the top layer of the skin: the cracks are formed, in which bacteria can enter, which is why even greater inflammation occurs. Replace the scrub on peeling, today many brands offer their peelings for home care. Use the tool in accordance with the instructions, but no more often several times a week - the skin you need to restore time. However, it is not necessary to think that homely peeling is able to replace the saloon - the second option has a more powerful impact that perfectly updates the upper layers of the skin, slowing the processes of aging and eliminating unnecessary pigmentation.

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