It is the love that I need


"To be happy, you need to find a man who will love you who will be an excellent lover and a caring father, and then make that these three do not meet ..."

Quote is not literal, but it is painfully suitable for the title to this article.

Most of us have to dream of our person, about the second half, which will perfectly complement us. Take the tasks that we do not want to decide and deliberately surrendered. Often you can hear such: "Give me those emotions that are missing."

An excellent example is exemplary couples, where a man is closed as a coffin, and a woman is a thin flower that he protects. A man earns, and a woman provides this couple feelings. Agree, the picture is desirable for many. A man is a minider, a woman - mother and wife, hostess at home. And each in his "cage", inside his role carries its obligations and payback. Women accuse men that they limit their freedom, press and tiranny, and men put forward claims that they do everything for wives, and those remain disappointed and did not appreciate the 24-hour cautious in the family name. And those and others begin to dream of love and admiration, often finding it with someone third. The picture is very common.

So, do not dream of love? Does there be something wrong in wanting to meet your person?

There is nothing galloping in these dreams, just this is quite healthy and life-affirming tasks. However, when we dream of our person, it is important to keep in consciousness that he should not do anything. Do not come to facilitate the financial burden or heal past wounds in love. When partners become each other psychotherapists, consistently heal each other's injuries or take into account the painful experience of the past, the attachment between them is growing, and passion and sexual interest will fuss. The couple becomes warm friends for each other, but the relations of lovers dissolve. And a legitarious exit - to find someone else to fill the gaping hole in life. The dream of our heroine is talking to her about these issues:

"I went to some kind of training event, there are different people who are interesting, deep, and met a man, even the name for some reason I remember - Max. During the training, we got together, I got acquainted better and fell in love with each other. When it comes to continuing to communicate, I said that I had a husband and a child that somehow a little unexpectedly became for him. Apparently, the conversation about it did not arise before. I don't even remember how, but I turned out to be on a universal "court" - in the audience of people, where there was training, - I tell my life story, as it was hard for me to find a satellite of life, was mistaken and eager love, and found only sex. And now the current husband turned out to be the man who surrounded me care, and it was total what I wanted. I first somehow awkwardly it was to tell everything, but for some reason it was necessary. And then the most important thing happened what I wanted - this Max continued to experience tender feelings for me, but already taking what I am, all my stories and experience. "

It is clear that sleep is not physical reality. Sleep tells her that she dreams of love in his life. Love is power, she awakens to life stronger than many other states. Love is a disease that you dream to get sick, as Irwine wrote. The dream shows that she dreams of unconditional love for himself, that she was loved and taken as it is. It is about this that she tells on the "Court", this in relation to her makes a metaphorical beloved.

Sleep hints to her that love for himself in a deficit in her life. While she is looking for it from other objects, from men. But she is not sleeping, adult, can learn to love themselves such regardless of anyone.

Excellent tip. I wonder what you dream? Send your dreams and questions by mail [email protected].

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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