Vegeta dystonia: What is it?


The husband was diagnosed with vegetiovascular dystonia. What is it?

Oksana Moskalenko

Vegeta dystonia is a violation in the work of the vegetative nervous system, which is the main regulator of internal equilibrium in the body. The vegetative nervous system constantly calculates and maintains the optimal blood pressure, the frequency of heart cuts, heat transfer, the width of the bronchi, pupils, the activity of the digestive system, urine products, and much more, including the products of adrenaline and insulin. Failures in the work of the vegetative nervous system are manifested by disorders of internal equilibrium (blood circulation, heat exchange, digestion). This is what dystonia is called. Dystonia manifestations can be constant or the nature of crises.

How to distinguish a strong disorder from depression?

Natalia Sukhova.

The difference between depression and disorder is rather significant. And, as a rule, the first distinctive feature is an assessment of the situation. When disorder, a person believes that everyone surrounding "is to blame", and when depressed - "I myself am to blame." Another important point - the peak of depression falls on the first half of the day, and the peak of the disorder is on the second, when the closer than the evening, the most acute we perceive everything ... No wonder such a national proverb appeared: "The morning of the evening wisen!"

What symptoms can be a vegan dystonia? And can she be in children?

Inna Shilova

Symptoms are diverse and remind many other diseases. For example, rapid heartbeat, pain in the field of heart, respiratory disorder or difficulty breathing, pressure jumps. As a rule, a person appeals to the therapist due to another disease, for example, heart pain, but after the examination it turns out that there are no violations in the cardiovascular system. Then there is a suspicion of a vegetary-seeking dystonia.

In childhood, a vegantious dystonia cannot be deleted, but this is a very rare phenomenon. As a rule, the person starts to suffer from this ailment from adolescence, but adult people are more susceptible to her.

Is it true that a vegetative dystonia is a female disease?

Svetlana Strelnik

No it is not true. Vegeta dystonia is one of the most common diseases, they suffer from both men and women. But unlike men, women more willingly turn to doctors, trying to radically solve their problems ... And this applies not only to the visit of the doctor-psychotherapist ... Therefore, according to the statistics of treatment, most often appeal to the symptoms of a woman, but this does not mean that they are more susceptible to Men, and even more so can not say that this is a female disease.

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