Faster and cunning: 8 rules that will help avoid traffic jams


Summer with trips to the cottage ended, and the plugs are all in the same place. What to do? Here is a list of tips that will help you avoid them:

1. Time. Adjust your schedule to avoid peak hours. You will save time if you arrive at work per hour before or after and will go to another time accordingly. Usually, peak in the capital is celebrated at 9 am and 7 pm, in the other cities of Russia it is 7 am and 5 pm.

It is useful to study alternative routes for which you can drive, for example, in the case of a traffic accident on your way

It is useful to study alternative routes for which you can drive, for example, in the case of a traffic accident on your way


2. Applications. Download the navigation application that analyzes the intensity of the movement and shows the fastest routes, helping to avoid traffic jams. Load it to the phone and adjust with voice - modern smartphones react to standard commands.

3. Radio. Turn on the station that reports updating the traffic in real time so that if necessary, adjust your route. Such stations are in most major cities.

4. Alternatives. It is useful to study alternative routes in advance for which you can drive, for example, in the case of a traffic accident on your way. More often it will not be highway, but 1-2-way roads, or dubls highways, for which you can get to the place at times faster.

5. Time 2.0. However, remember that alternative routes are clogged pretty quickly, 10-15 minutes after a road accident ahead of you may be wiser to stick to the main road.

6. Public transport. Yes, we know - not the perfect way out of the situation. But sometimes, except for the subway, the option is not to get to the place. Each resident of the capital understands that on a trip in the evening within the rings you will spend no less than an hour, while on the subway it is possible to take a maximum of 20 minutes. In addition to this, during the trip you can read the book or newspaper.

In addition to this, during the trip you can read a book or newspaper

In addition to this, during the trip you can read a book or newspaper


7. Professional GPS tracking. By installing the GPS tracking system, you can analyze the history of your routes and better evaluate various alternatives. You can also follow your family's cars on the Internet and do not disturb them with text messages or calls that can jeopardize road safety.

8. Bicycles and motorcycles. You can also choose a bike, a motorcycle or scooter instead of a car, especially if you travel alone. However, be careful because it is quite dangerous to maneuver.

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