Instant reaction: how to stop the first symptoms of a cold


The disease does not bring joy, especially unpleasant feelings with influenza and ORVI, when the heat, runny nose and sore throat make the world with gray. Of course, a specialist will appoint therapy, however, we ourselves accelerate their recovery. We collected the main advice that most just ignores, and thus delays their treatment.

Drink more fluid

Our mucousse people need moisturizes, especially during the period when the body struggles with viruses and bacteria. The mucus is the answer of our immunity, which does not give the bacteria to multiply. If there is insufficient moisture in the body, the mucous cavities are cut, you can begin to feel worse than yesterday, since natural protection weakens. To avoid this, more drink, and not coffee and tea, as we love, and simple water, compote, water with lemon or chicken broth.

Moisturize air

As we have said, dry air is the enemy of our mucous meters, which means that during the heating season we can not do without a special humidifier, which can offer various brands. The device copes perfectly with its task, not giving air in the room to become too dense. Alternatively, you can moisten the room with simple water, but it will take more time and strength.

actively fight the cold

actively fight the cold



The less often you take off the windows, the longer sit on the hospital. No, you do not need to sit under the open window and wait when all bacteria and viruses will eat - slightly open the window or the window itself and go out for 15 minutes. Bacteria is very difficult to move in cold and moving air, and therefore their amount falls sharply as soon as you open the window. But be careful - do not ferret the room.


A big mistake of everyone who is just beginning to experience unpleasant SMI symptoms is an attempt to pretend that nothing happens, and in general it will pass. Will not pass. If you understand that they got sick, take the hospital and take care of treatment, to carry the disease on the legs is very dangerous, and not only for you, but also around you, which you will inevitably infect. Spend at home at least four days, tightly take care, and you will see that the cold will retreat in a week, and not in two or three.

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