Only gloves left from the wardrobe Elizabeth Alekseevna


"She was made by a mysterious tradition."

Louise Maria-August Badenskaya - Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, wife Alexander I

Not too successful family life, a tendency to privacy, an explicit desire to remove from the life of the yard and from any "politician" - here are the main strokes to the portrait of Elizabeth Alekseevna. It is not wonderful that this "woman on the throne" seemed to be a figure of a romantic suffering. "... She's somehow invisible, somehow the mysterious shadow passed the field of life and the reign of her. Very few were allowed in the sanctuary, in this ... the royal gate, in which she was hiding ... In the early years of the reign, they were talking about her beauty, about the inexpressible charms, who was all overlooked. Her movements, the slightest movements, rare, but always faithful to thoughts and feelings of the word - everything in it was captivating and slightly. Pleasant, Grace merged with the majestic Osanko. Speaking about this time, she said, which is often standing in front of a mirror for decoration, when she was preparing at the royal exit or a ball, she checked and almost annoyed to the gifts of nature, which should not pay the overall attention and friendly eyes. But these years of celebration, secular and female ambition continued not long. The queen was removed into his turn. All the circle of it was quiet. Molva soften ... She was alive with a poetic and mysterious tradition ... "(" Memories of Prince P. A. Vyazemsky ", 1882)

Elizabeth read a lot (she knew German, French, Russian and English). She was interested in a variety of areas: elegant literature, memoirs, books on history, art, philosophical treatises. From the read books often made extracts in their albums. N. M. Karamzin interested Elizavet Alekseevna by Russian history. Shortly after moving to Petersburg in 1816, Karamzin became a frequent visitor to the Empress and a trusted companion. Elizabeth even listened to the author's reading "the history of the Russian state".

Her Majesty loved music. During the Vienna Peace Congress in 1815, she was represented by the famous composer Beethoven, to whom the empress presented 100 ducats for three violin sonats, presented by Maestro Emperor Alexander I. In 1816, Beethoven dedicated to Elizabeth Alekseevna Piano Arrangement by his seventh symphony.

Of course, her imperial status assumed the woman's extensive personal wardrobe and a rich selection of jewels. Preserved written queen note about the order of dresses:

"No. 1. Dress Long Casual Pink Tafts with Silver Brilliance ... 4066 Fr.

No. 2. Dress Long elegant of fabric with steel glitter ... 7774 Fr. ...

№ 5. Tweight hood embroidered with blue silk, on a lining made of white atlas, decorated with double hole ... 370 fr ...

TOTAL: 18 050 FR. "

Another archive document - the score of the jewelry house F. Duvalya for the order of the Jewelry of Elizabeth Alekseevna:

"1807 February

11th. Ring with emerald and diamonds - 1000 rubles.

Ruby and diamonds ring - 1000 rubles.

Amethyst medallion with diamonds - 450 rubles.

Medallion from chrysolite with diamonds - 300 rubles.

15th. Medallion from amethyst with diamonds and with pearl threads - 325 rubles.

March 11th. A pair of seague with river pearls - 40 rubles.

Total: 3840 rubles.

The whole amount is obtained. S. Petersburg on May 6, 1807 Duval. "

Exhibit of the exhibition - Gloves Elizabeth Alekseevna.

Exhibit of the exhibition - Gloves Elizabeth Alekseevna.

Nevertheless, after his death, this empress would seem to "dissolved in space": unlike other "colleagues by profession," very few personal belongings have been preserved from it.

The only surviving item from the "Elizavetinsky" wardrobe is considered gloves from light brown suede. According to legend, they at one time of Elizabeth Alekseevna presented the Countess Sofary Stroganova, with which it was in the "love triangle": "The charming beauty of Countess Sofia Vladimirovna is one time heavily carried away [Emperor] Alexander Pavlovich," Sovremennik recalled. - Countess managed, however, with dignity to get out of this difficult situation and not only to maintain the location of Alexander I, but also acquire the friendship of his royal spouse, close relations with which they have stopped for her only with the death of Erizabeth's empress. "

The exhibition will last until June 13. Work time - from 12.00 to 18.00. Weekends - Monday, Tuesday. Address: Moscow, ul. Large Pirogovskaya, 17.

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