Slow Running Time: Best Beauty Effect Tools


Time is inexorably running forward. And so for the first barely prominent wrinkles, a whole mesh appears. With age, our skin loses its elasticity. This is happening for a number of reasons: violation of blood microcirculation in tissues, losing the skin of it with the necessary moisture, a decrease in the number of hormones responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. External factors - the action of ultraviolet, poor ecology - also play a distinctive role. Well, the laws of gravity nobody canceled: Losing elasticity, our skin gradually begins to drop down, thus forming wrinkles and folds.

Although modern technologies for hardware rejuvenation of the skin offer real effective procedures, but do not forget about daily care. The most usually rules will help look at least ten years younger.

Of course, first of all it is worth paying attention to the mode of the day. Be sure to do sports or yoga, walk more on foot, swim. The advice seemed to be banal, however, it is a healthy lifestyle - the basis for maintaining beauty and youth. Even two or three hikes per week in the hall will help to support the body in Tonus: improve blood supply and normalize metabolism.

It is also necessary to go to balanced nutrition. Do not forget to use protein - after all, it is in it an indispensable amino acids - the same building material that helps the production of collagen (responsible for elasticity and skin tone).

After thirty years, it is necessary to make professional procedures for a couple of times a week - masks, lifting-care, peelings. And, of course, it is worth reconsider the funds that you use daily day and night creams. Carefully learn the composition of these products. After all, now it's just no moisture and nutrition to do.

Cream Point Age Reverse from PhforMula


It is known that peptides have truly unique rejuvenating properties. They are capable of penetrating deep layers of skin, which is not available to most cosmetic ingredients, stimulate collagen synthesis, elastin and other structural skin elements, lengthen the life expectancy of cells up to 30%, slowing the aging processes. It was the peptide complex that underlies the new cream. This will help "tighten" the skin, smooth out small and reduce the severity of deep wrinkles, increase the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin and increase the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. In addition, the composition of beauty-novelties includes substances that protect the skin from sunlights with a protection factor 15.

Cream Filler LiftActiv Advanced Filler from Vichy


This is a means for those who are not ready for "injections of beauty." At the very least, as a result of the tests of the Vichy 7 brand, outlined their next injection. For intensive smoothing of wrinkles respond to retinol (in the LiftActiv Advanced philler, its concentration is the highest compared to other means for daily use) and the anti-aging component of LR2412 (it stimulates the production of its own hyaluronic acid). Just keep in mind that Retinol is still a very powerful tool, so the skin at first can react not very adequately (painting and pointer). In this case, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of use of the means and wait until the skin gets used to the action of retinol. Retinol also has a feature: the skin becomes very sensitive to solar radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to use the means with the factor SPF at least 15. Although if the weather on the street is such as today, this item can be safely ignored.

Serum Corrector Wrinkle A-F33 Anew Clinical from Avon


In addition to daytime and night creams, the anti-aging serum should live in your cosmetic bag. After all, the concentration of active substances in creams is not so high to cope with serious problems - emerging wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. It was then to the aid and serum. As part of the "Corrector of wrinkles" - a patented A-F33 amino acid molecule, it struggles with collagen blockers so that its production was constant and the level in skin cells did not fall. Already after two weeks, the use of wrinkles really become less pronounced, and the skin becomes more elastic and fresh.

Cream for the eyelid "Rosa" from Ausganica


Separate attention is a sensitive area around the eyes. After all, it is "goose paws" instantly give out age. At the heart of the formula of this cream is a synergistic composition comprising hibiscus extracts, pasta, red algae porphyridium and hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid of plant origin (beet and wheat fermentation product). So the remedy can be safely recommended to all those who prefer natural ingredients. In addition, they work very effectively. The oligopeptides of the extract of Bamii and Hibiscus colors show Botox-like activity and reduce the severity and number of mimic wrinkles. At the same time, they reduce the activity of enzymes that destroy the basic proteins of the intercellular matrix, and thus slow down the skin aging processes.

Red algae extract protects cell membranes from damage to free radicals, improves metabolic processes in the intercellular substance, contributes to the synthesis of its own components of the dermal matrix. A certified Ecocert hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid provides prolonged moisturizing of deep layers of skin, improves its barrier characteristics, contributes to the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

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