Weight faster: Tips for perfect skin tone


Golden tan decorates any appearance - the skin seems to be highlighted from the inside, acquires a healthy appearance, and the muscular relief is drawn on the body. True, as in any case, in the process of tanning you need to know the measure. Gives useful tips to help "twirl" safely.

Clean the skin

Before departing to the sea we advise you to make skin peeling scrub with small abrasive - sea salt, soda or artificial polymer. The composition of the cosmetic means also look for basic, essential oils, vitamins and softening components - silicones, glycerin, etc. Scrub will remove dead cells from the surface of the skin and moisturizes it on deeper layers. To put a soft washcloth with you in a suitcase - she should rub the skin, starting from 3-4 days, when she slightly loads and stop blushing in the sun.

Do not hold all the time on the beach

Do not hold all the time on the beach

Photo: unsplash.com.


For the first 3-4 vacation days, buy a sunscreen with a protection factor 50 for hot countries and 30 for places with usually climate. Before entering the Sun, apply cream to the ultraviolet zone sensitive - face, shoulders, chest, caviar. Refresh the cream every 2-3 hours or more often if you are a lot of swimming - the water blends the protective film from the skin. A few days later you can sunbathe without a protective cream, right to do it only in the morning (from 8 to 11) and in the evening (from 15 to 18) hours. As soon as your skin gets a golden shade, you can use the oil for sunburn. The mixture of basic olive or coconut oil with carrots and black cinema oil is best suitable, as well as vitamins A and E - they are responsible for updating and elasticity of cells.

Active lifestyle

Do not spend all the time on the sun bed - vacation is better to spend on receiving new impressions. During a swim or quick walk, the skin becomes wet: the sun's rays pass through the drops and actively act on the skin, accelerating the production of protective melanin. Do not forget about proper nutrition - it is better to give preference to unsaturated fats from avocado, fish and nuts, as well as vegetables of red, orange and yellow - in them a lot of vitamin C, E and A.

It is better to sunbathe more often, but less

It is better to sunbathe more often, but less

Photo: unsplash.com.

Moisturize the skin

Be sure to buy an aloe gel or panthenol before leaving. Under the influence of sunlight, moisture is evaporated from the skin, so it becomes dry and inelastic, which means fasterly age. Use moisturizing creams every day after the soul - these cosmetics will soften the skin. Glycerin and oil contained in creams will make the surface of the skin smooth - this means that during socks clothes will not rub the skin inflamed after the sun, causing strong irritation in the form of peeling and crust formation.

In pursuit of a golden tint of the skin you need to know the measure. It is better to sunbathe all year round in small "portions" than try to get a chocolate skin shade at a time. Remember that doctors advise sunbathing no more than an hour a day - ultraviolet speeds up the aging of the skin. Watch your health and well-being during your stay in the sun.

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