How to punish children


From birth to a child, two closest people are his parents. The house becomes a fortress for the kid, where he can feel comfortable and calmly hiding from the outside world. If there is a tense atmosphere inside the family, a small person from early childhood closes. We explain why it is important to learn to solve conflict situations with a rational way.

Creek - Psyche blocker

Our brain and nervous system react negatively to a loud sound, associating it with danger to the body. For this reason, all words expressed by an increased tone are literally flying past the ears. The child sees only aggression expressed in the gesture and facial expression, but can not understand what it is caused. If parents constantly resort to such behavior in a conflict situation, over time the brain forms new neural connections - the fright reaction to any loud sound and blocking the perception of this sound. It can be dangerous if the child will accidentally be in an emergency when you need to react immediately.

Parents from birth influence who will be their child

Parents from birth influence who will be their child


Forbidden forbidden

In no case do not beat the children and do not listen to people who justify it. So you will remove your negative emotions, but for a long time you will regret the made. Take an example from Europe - there the baby will definitely be taken from the family if physical impact measures are applied to it. As a child, any emotions are remembered especially acute - do not be surprised if 10-15 years later, the child remembers your slaps, for which you will be ashamed. After any conflict, learn at least 5 minutes away from the child: release steam and rationally review the situation. It will not allow you to make stupid mistakes.

Confidence in all

The main educational weapon is a cold mind. Learn the books of psychologists to raise children, perceive the child as an equal person to you, designate your arguments and let the baby opportunity to speak. Yes, such a solution to the problem takes more time than putting a child into an angle or deprive sweet and cartoons, but it provides an effective effect on the child's subconscious. Over time, he will understand the norms of behavior and starts to regulate emotions and actions independently. The main task of you as a parent is to support it in this and give to understand that you love him and respect.

The child must learn self-control

The child must learn self-control


Training - Pledge of adequate psyche

Read books like famous "harmful councils" and disassemble the situations along with the children, offering the child to explain to themselves what the hero of the work is wrong. Also pay attention to the behavior of other children and adults towards children. It is important to do it in a neutral form, without inclining the child to a bowl in relation to you or pride yourself. He must understand that if he does not cry after a quarrel with a friend in kindergarten, and trying to solve the conflict, it does not make it a unique person, but is equivalent to the norm of a civilized society.

Treat your child as it would like to raise you in childhood. Before you do something, think about how to affect the future life of the baby. No rude word, a cry or a hands-preposition pass without a trace. Understanding this, you raise up self-esteem and surrounding people, not neurotic.

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