Ilana Yuryeva: "We dress up under the songs of Frank Sinatra"


- Ilan, tell me how you remember 2017? What became the main achievement of the year?

- First - the last new year we met in Miami. We lived in the US for a month, and at the end of the trip went to New York, where I had long wanted to visit. The city made an indelible impression on me and did not disappoint. Back in 2017, I began to conduct live ether in the musical program "Formula Yumor". Famous guests come to the broadcast. We are discussing various news and try to give people a good mood.

Well, everyone who passed through the repair, I will understand me. We finally finished repairs in the bathroom.

- Construction plans for the next year?

- I absolutely do not like to plan. When I start building plans, I usually do nothing. But it is worth exhausting, relaxing and calmly sail downstream, how everything immediately succeeds. Still, "We assume, and God has."

In the sense of global professional goals I want to say that it is open to the proposals in the cinema. Not a Sitkom, not comedy. For example, a historic film. I would like to fulfill the role of Anna Bolein. But still in me only the comedy actress is seen.

- Have you already managed to decide where and how will you celebrate the New Year?

- I will spend this new year at work: I go to St. Petersburg, where I will celebrate this magic night. To be honest, I am extremely glad to such a coincidence, because for any artist, happiness to be on stage, even if in the new year

The family of Ilans Yuryeva together dressed up a two-meter live tree

The family of Ilans Yuryeva together dressed up a two-meter live tree

PHOTO: Marina Grinevich

- How does your family give gifts?

- I love to do surprises very much, but when I do them, I do not like them. Therefore, I always surprise my husband, but he says in advance that I would like to get for a holiday.

As a child, I really believed in Santa Claus, I remember, even fell asleep in the living room on the sofa near the Christmas tree, just to see how he puts gifts. But for some reason, writing letters in our family was not accepted. Now it is the opposite insanely popularly, and I will gladly support this tradition with my daughter. As for gifts, she clearly knows what she wants, like her mother. When we wrote a letter to Grandfather Frost and I asked Diana, what kind of gift would like to get from him, she said "Red Dress and Bow". It is even funny that at such a young she so clearly formulates her desires.

My most memorable gift is a backpack in the form of a teddy hare. They just just appeared, and parents immediately gave me it. For a long time, only I walked with such a backpack, no one had no such kind. So at 10 years I was the most fashionable girl at school! I was incredibly loved and even gave a name: Suzawa, Suzanne. And so far this hare lives in the parent house. I loved all my soft toys exactly, and as a backpack wore every day. Now I remembered this time and realized that I really miss him. But I grew up, now I have other things, and this is a pleasant and warm memoil.

Little Diana already helps to prepare parents for the new year

Little Diana already helps to prepare parents for the new year

PHOTO: Marina Grinevich

- Are you planning to cause Santa Claus or arrange a children's new year?

- No, this year we do not plan to call Santa Claus, but we will definitely go to the New Year performances. We especially want to get to the Mariinsky Theater on the ballet "Nutcracker".

- Somehow especially dressing the apartment? Without which the holiday is unthinkable for you?

- For me, the holiday is unthinkable without a living tree. Her stunning fragrance and energy creates a special festive mood! This year, I put a Christmas tree with a height of two meters and dedicated a whole day to dress it. Of course, a husband and her husband were engaged in the main decoration of the apartment, but Diana was already very actively helped. And I am a big fan of Frank Sinatra, and the New Year's atmosphere is unthinkable for me without his Christmas album. It is under his songs that we dress up. Hung toys, laughed, sang, danced. I want as much such days as possible!

- Do you have a corporate dish that you definitely prepare for the new year?

- At our desk, there is a dish with the Salat "Olivier", where I put the boiled turkey and be sure to be a fresh cucumber. In the rest of the rest of the receptor the same: boiled potatoes, egg, green peas, boiled carrots. We refuel mayonnaise, which, by the way, is better to do. You need to mix two ingredients correctly: egg and oil. But I advise you to practice in a couple of weeks before the new year, because you need to comply with technology, otherwise mayonnaise may not work. It is important to be intensely whipped the mixture and pour oil a very thin flowing. To taste, for example, you can add some mustard.

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