Laura Reznikova: "I prefer to go to a professional astrologer and make a personal horoscope for the year"


- Laura, at the end of the year we all love to sum up, what was 2017 for you?

- 2017 I remember very brightly - there were many fateful meetings, amazing dating, gifts of fate, discoveries and insights. Some wonderful acting trainings, the masters from Hollywood brought to Russia, and I was lucky to visit their workshops. I believe that the actor's profession is so flexible and unsubstantial that you need to constantly learn something, it's like an escalator, which goes down, and you need to run very quickly, so as not to just stay in place, but also move up. The end of the year was marked by many interesting proposals, I hope, in 2018 they will fall out in very bright projects.

The series "Witnesses" was very interesting experience, because in fact I played two large roles in the same project: a regular psychologist and operatives.

- Is there something that you did not have time to implement?

"Oh, I don't like this" did not have time. " All that people really need, they have time, and otherwise, it means that they did not need it. The actors have no plans for a year, there are only possibilities, many of which open up completely unexpectedly at different times. So my plan is to be open to interesting opportunities, whenever they presented.

- Have you already decided how to spend the new year?

- New Year by tradition celebrate two families - we come to visit my girlfriend and her husband, these are very interesting people, they are both political technologies, and they have the brightest and unusual public among officials and politicians to publishers of books about the most rare Venus varieties. Gifts Gifts to each other are symbolic, because the New Year's Eve for us - the gift itself is already. And what to wear, I will decide in the last minutes before going out ...

Laura Reznikova enjoys the services of a personal astrologer and a personal plate

Laura Reznikova enjoys the services of a personal astrologer and a personal plate

Photo: Anastasia Tregubova

- Next year - a year of the dog, you pay for this something, learned that the dog promises you personally? We know, do you go to a personal terrologist when a meeting is appointed?

- I do not believe in such common, called concepts as a year of dog. Yes, I use the services of a personal astrologer and a personal tarologist, but it has nothing to do with such naiveness as "what to wear on New Year's Eve to please the dog." I am always ridiculous, what kind of dog or rat, or the dragon are going to "please" these people who write like. First, the Chinese New Year comes in late January-February, and what's the night of December 31? Secondly, what kind of stupid baby flirting with a symbol of the year, as if it were a certain pagan deity? The symbol is just a symbol, and for different people born in different months, days and hours, this symbol carries different events. With the clock reading all the amateur heresy, it seems to me, it is better to go to a professional astrologer once and make a quality personal horoscope for a year. I go to the tarologist in early January, I try to get on the shields - it is very beautiful, magical, energetically charged time, ideal for fortunes.

- You can often see with champagne, you are not hiding a glass in secular events, you probably, you can tell about your favorite brands and the rules of choice? After all, champagne and new year are unthinkable by each other.

- It is stupid to hide one of the most excellent achievements of humanity - champagne. There is a theory that the champagne is a mystical past, because the playful drink was born in the province of Champagne, and this place was once a secret marsh of masons and other esoteric orders. For example, it is champagne, it is customary to celebrate the New Year, it is truly a magic drink.

As for the choice, of course, it is best that this is precisely sparkling from Champagne Province - just for the reasons that I indicated above - it is real champagne that has the most strong magical properties.

However, if you do not chase mysticism and magic, it is quite possible to limit ourselves to any other sparkling drink. Finding excellent among Italian intercourse and Spanish Kava, for example. The main thing is that it was a beer of the brut. As once on TV on a New Year's Eve, graduated narcologist, "Sweet champagne destroys the brain."

This year, the actress did not put at home the New Year tree

This year, the actress did not put at home the New Year tree

Photo: Anastasia Tregubova

- Somehow especially dressing the apartment? Without which the holiday is unthinkable for you?

- Well, of course, the Christmas tree! Unfortunately, the main decoration of the New Year's Christmas tree this year will not take place ... My adorable cat Sirius for many years literally forged nests under the New Year Christmas tree every winter, it was incredibly touching and comfortable. He adored the Christmas tree and was a cunning hunter: with us did the form that he was indifferent to the balls, and when we returned home from work, broken trophies were broken throughout the apartment. And therefore was a special excitement to calculate, at what height you can hang glass balls, and where you need to decorate the Christmas tree with unbreakable toys, so that Sirius does not interrupt all the decorations. Now Sirius left us, so the Christmas tree will not be so joyful as usual. Another Nervous Attribute of the Holiday - Olivier - also undergone changes. For more than two years, I do not eat meat, so I do Olivier with salmon or crayfish.

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