Do not sit on the spot: 7 reasons to maintain physical activity


The exercise is defined as any movement that makes your muscles work and requires your body to szhigallo calories. There are many types of physical activity, including swimming, running, jogging, walking and dancing, and these are just some of them. It was proved that an active lifestyle brings many benefits of both physical and mental health. It may even help you live longer. Here are 7 basic ways that regular exercises benefit your body and brain:

It can make you happier

It has been proven that exercises improve your mood and reduce the feeling of depression, anxiety and stress. Sport causes changes in the parts of the brain, which regulate stress and anxiety. It can also increase the sensitivity of the brain to the hormones of Serotonin and Norepinefrine, who remove the feeling of depression. In addition, exercises can increase endorphins, which are known to help cause positive emotions and reduce pain perception. It was shown that the exercises reduce the symptoms in people suffering from anxiety. It can also help them best realize their mental state and distracted from their fears.

In fact, the study with the participation of 24 women who were diagnosed by depression showed that any intensity exercises significantly reduced the feeling of depression.

In fact, the study with the participation of 24 women who were diagnosed by depression showed that any intensity exercises significantly reduced the feeling of depression.


What is interesting, it does not matter how intense your training is. It seems that your mood can improve exercises regardless of their intensity. In fact, the study with the participation of 24 women who were diagnosed by depression showed that exercises of any intensity significantly reduced the sense of depression. The effect of exercises for the mood is so great that the decision to play sports is important even for short periods of time. In one study, 26 healthy men and women who were usually regularly engaged in sports were asked or continuing to do, or stop them for two weeks. In those who stopped playing sports, there was an increase in negative mood.

It can help when weight loss

Some studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle is the main factor in weight gain and obesity. To understand the effect of weight loss exercises, it is important to understand the relationship between exercises and energy consumption. Your body consumes energy in three ways: digesting food, performing exercises and supporting the organism functions such as heartbeat and breathing. During a diet, a decrease in calorie consumption reduces the metabolic rate, which slows down weight loss. On the contrary, it was shown that regular exercises increase the speed of metabolism, which burns more calories and helps to lose weight. In addition, studies have shown that the combination of aerobic exercises with exercises with burdens can maximize the loss of fat and maintaining muscle mass, which is important for maintaining weight.

This is useful for your muscles and bones.

Exercises play a vital role in creating and maintaining strong muscles and bones. Physical activity, such as lifting weights, can stimulate the increase in muscle mass in combination with adequate protein intake. This is because the exercises help to release hormones that contribute to the ability of your muscles to absorb amino acids. It helps them grow and reduce their collapse. With age, people tend to lose muscle mass and functions that can lead to injuries and disability. Regular physical activity is essential to reduce the loss of muscle mass and preserving force with age. In addition, the exercises help build bone density at a young age, and also help to prevent osteoporosis in more mature age. Interestingly, exercises with high impact load, such as gymnastics or running, or sports with unusual shock load, such as football and basketball, contribute to a higher bone density than types of unstressed sports, such as swimming and bike.

It can increase your energy level.

Exercises can be a real charge of energy for healthy people, as well as for those who suffer from various diseases. One study showed that 6 weeks of regular exercises reduced the feeling of fatigue in 36 healthy people who reported constant fatigue. In addition, exercises can significantly increase the level of energy in people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (SHU) and other serious diseases. In fact, the exercises seem more effective in the fight against SHO than other methods of treatment, including passive treatment methods, such as relaxation and stretching, or complete absence of treatment. In addition, it was shown that the exercises increase the energy level in people suffering from progressive diseases such as cancer, HIV / AIDS and multiple sclerosis.

It can reduce the risk of chronic diseases

The absence of regular physical activity is the main cause of chronic diseases. It was shown that regular exercises improve insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular system and body composition, but reduce blood pressure and blood fat levels. On the contrary, the lack of regular exercises - even in the short term - can lead to a significant increase in abdominal fat, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and early death. Therefore, daily physical activity is recommended to reduce belly fat and reduce the risk of developing these diseases.

Exercises can stimulate blood flow and cause adaptation of skin cells, which can help delay the appearance of skin aging

Exercises can stimulate blood flow and cause adaptation of skin cells, which can help delay the appearance of skin aging


Helps skin health

Oxidative stress in the body can affect your skin. Oxidative stress occurs when the antioxidant protection of the body cannot completely eliminate damage that free radicals are applied by cells. It can damage their internal structures and spoil your skin. Despite the fact that intensive and exhausting physical exertion can contribute to oxidative damage, regular moderate exercises may increase the production of natural antioxidants to protect the cells. Similarly, exercises can stimulate blood flow and cause adaptation of skin cells, which can help delay the appearance of skin aging.

It can help your brain and memory.

Exercises can improve brain performance and protect memory and mental abilities. First, it increases the heart rate, which contributes to the influx of blood and oxygen to the brain. It can also stimulate the production of hormones that contribute to the growth of brain cells. Moreover, the ability of physical exercises to prevent chronic diseases can benefit your brain, since these diseases may affect its function. Regular physical activity is especially important for the elderly, since aging in combination with oxidative stress and inflammation contributes to changes in the structure and functions of the brain. It has been proven that the exercises are forced by hippocampus, part of the brain, vital for memory and learning, increase in size. It serves to improve mental abilities in the elderly. Finally, it was proved that exercises reduce changes in the brain, which can cause Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.

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