Breathe - do not breathe: We select essential oil by zodiac sign


Aries. Farmers do not occupy impulsivity. Sometimes representatives of the first sign of the zodiac simply need to find calm and be able to translate the Spirit. The essential oil of Fennel fiery Aries will give peace of mind and will reduce the "no" excessive excitement, and the oil of pink wood will contribute to gradual deep relaxation.

Calf. With the invested urbanity of the second sign of the zodiac arises a lot of trouble. Translate the Spirit and find a compromise in the controversial situation to the Taurians will help the aroma of sweet-citrus butter Bergamot or Lemon, it will inspire positive thoughts and improve the mood.

Twins. In addition to the curiosity and openness of the world, the twins tend to throw in extremes, which often leads to uncertainty and mood drops.

To concentrate with air twins will help the essential oil of Niauli - it contributes to the stabilization of emotions. And the confidence in their own forces will add to neroli oil.

Cancer. Cancers sensitive in nature often lose power over emotions and fall into the pit of their own experiences. To pacify the emotional vulnerability, the cancer will be useful to drop in the aroma several drops of ginger essential oil. It charges cancers with positive thoughts and move forward.

A lion. When the lion does not cope with the flow of his emotions, to unlock any nearby person. Obviously, they do not want to charm once again, but the energy of the patronage of the sun seems to be incorporated by the already fiery nature of the lion. The essential oil of a nutmeg can help the lions to take themselves in hand and will calm down after conflict situations.

Virgo. The sequence and attention to the details of the Earth's Earth sometimes develops into pedantry and criticality. The desire to take everything under its control will stop the essential oil of rosemary. A pleasant bonus will also eliminate mental fatigue.

Right essential oils will help you adjust the emotional background.

Right essential oils will help you adjust the emotional background.


Libra. To imagine what features of the character, their zodiac patron was awarded, it is not necessary to go far. They approach any question with excellent care, carefully weighing everything "for" and "against". However, this kind of oscillations can make people very unsure of themselves. Essential oil of orange will avoid such an outcome, it will remove the alarming mood. And the restoration of soul equilibrium air sign will contribute to the Oil oil.

Scorpio. Is it worth saying that it is scorpion that is considered in terms of character in the most difficult sign of the zodiac? Its emotional bursts sometimes can not understand the representatives of the water element. Their strengths are honesty and objectivity - often hurt others and lead to conflicts. The task to tune in to pleasant conversations and good words will take on the aroma of Mandarin. He will awaken in the shower only the best qualities.

Sagittarius. Light on the rise and energetic Sagittarius sometimes need a skill on time to slow down the turnover of their activity. And without that fiery sign can easily be free, the assistant's assterior. Umirture and teach to control the emotions of the seals of the pair of oil patchouli.

Capricorn. Thoughtfulness of earthly Capricors tends to turn into self-confidence with which it is necessary to fight. Lemon essential oil will contribute to positive thinking and convert negative behaviors into positive. To eliminate the confusion in their own thoughts of Capricorn, it is worth buying the oil of Mirra.

Aquarius. What Aquarius calls rationality, any other will perceive as coldness and selfishness. For the air representative of the horoscope there is no other measure of truth, except objectivity and thoughtfulness. The smell of cytronella will add to the aquales of soulfulness and moderate emotionality. And for disclosure of sensuality, the oil of roses is very suitable.

Fish. The ease and mobility, which gave fish their zodiac patrons, make them just wonderful comrades. However, the fish sometimes it is difficult to stop the current by which they float. To sense stability and grounding, fish can choose fragrance fir. By choosing cinnamon essential oil, it will be easy to get rid of fears and overcome depressive states.

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