Vintage: Create an original interior


Not everyone will decide on the design of an apartment in Vintage style. And in fact, such an interior will suit a creative person who is not afraid of experiments and who is accustomed to an ambiguous reaction from others, and it will really follow after visiting your apartment after repair.

Vintage is difficult to carry out a separate direction, because it combines notes of amup, baroque and slightly gothic. The owner should have a subtle sense of style, since with such an interior it is easy to overdo it and make the room not refined, but alyapic.

use objects of varying degrees of failure

use objects of varying degrees of failure


Probably the main feature of this style is comfort. The vintage style is inherent in the elements of antiques, which do not leave indifferent anyone, bringing small notes of nostalgia along the past. The main thing is not to clutter the room, but to furnish it so that the room does not resemble the warehouse of the furniture outlined.

As a rule, the center of attention is made some one thing, for example, a chair or a carved table.

Well, if the decor items are slightly shall or will repeat the form of things that are no longer produced in the modern world. However, it is worth considering what effect you want to achieve: if you have a room in the style of European chic 17th century in your plans, the shape of the items will save you, for example, tables and pillows, which were in fashion exactly at that time .

If you are to later era, you can choose some separate topic, let it be an American style 50s, Hippie's time in the late 70s or Soviet classics. The unconditional advantages of choosing any direction of the twentieth century can be attributed to the opportunity to acquire original things that are still preserved in private collections, thereby making their interior unique due to antique items. But be prepared for the fact that such a luxury will have to be seriously spent.

Features of finishing

Avoid any inclusions of modernity like LED lamps, linoleum and embedded equipment. Use natural materials.

No need to litter an apartment with many objects

No need to litter an apartment with many objects



It is best to paint the ceiling into the usual white, but you can dilute pastel colors. It is in this style of stucco on the ceiling will not be knocked out of the overall style.


Use mostly simple parquet, tile in the bathroom and hallway. Please note that parquet boards should not be covered with varnish, even better if they are rubbed.


You can simply paint the walls or pick pictures with a pattern that imitates brick, stone or wood, most importantly, focus on the mood and nature of the situation.

Choose one epoch

Choose one epoch


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