Sit down and eat: how to stop finding out the relationship with the child at the table


A child and dinner for many parents is a terrible dream, since a rarely of what child can be forced to eat right, and even with pleasure. How to stop waging a war at the table with your own child? In this we tried to figure out.

Gradually develop useful habits

No matter how stubborn your baby is, you can always act cunning and gradually change the food habits of your baby. Most children are inquisitive, and therefore they are quite simple to switch from soda to a more useful product or you just can distract your child to some kind of favorite thing until it forgets about harmful snack. It is allowed to "apply" useful snacks, like chopped or dried fruit, while feeding an example by using them.

Concentrate on dinner

As a rule, in many cuisines and in the canteens, we hang plasma screens or bring a laptop to drink a cup of coffee than kids are skillfully using, pretending the next cartoon at the table at the table. Rarely what kind of parent refuses to his chad. But after that, you should not be surprised if the child begins to be capricious, and lunch is tightened for several hours. Try to avoid distracting factors, so you will greatly alleviate every meal.

We update the menu

As we have spoken in the first paragraph, the father of the Malotka often has to act a cunning, distracting or switching the child. But if you do it quite easily with the snack, then problems may arise with the main dishes. Not every child will agree to move with roasted potatoes on steamy vegetables. Here you can also act on your example - a child will begin to be interested in the time, what a tasty you eat, and soon I will ask your dish on the sample.

the child will show interest in what you eat

the child will show interest in what you eat


Show patience

Most scandals occur on the basis of our inability to maintain imperturbability in difficult situations. When a child refuses to eat and rolls a real hysterium, it is difficult to restrain, but still needed. Remember that you will not achieve anything with your retaliatory cry, only weave your nerves and a child. Try to calm down and not to insist that the child will eat everything instantly, show patience, be consistent and persistent, most importantly, without screams and hysterics.

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