The terrorist attack in Boston's eyes of a large father


"Never read in front of breakfast and lunch of Soviet newspapers," wrote once Bulgakov, and this phrase became wildly popular, almost eclipsed by the great "everyone will get to his faith." As any former Soviet intellectual, I bowed to Professor Preobrazhensky. Therefore, getting at six in the morning and drank drinking coffee, I shoved at the gym, without reading anything. I have not followed the news for a long time. I have a theory that everything is very popular.

The gym was locked, which did not happen on my memory. To the door, someone joined the piece of paper on which he was infeaving from hand: "Closed to a special order."

I shrugged. Probably, again the fire alarm broke through. We have at home this happens for about once a year. This is how the third day all 9 sensors were shouted at 2 o'clock. The first time it is very scary, but gradually get used to. But one way or another, it is clear that the souls will not break. Sighing, I went to work for the unimportant.

My office is far in the south of the city. The highway was deserted. Towards a smaller fire, a police car was rushed. Over it is different. Third. In the second dozen of Stirlitz guessed to turn on the radio. The news was two: good and bad. Good - what they found terrorists of the Boston Marathon. And bad - that one of them, hung with weapons and explosives, ran away and wanders somewhere in a few blocks from my house (we live in Newton, on the border with Watertown). The rest of the family was just waking up. Wife took a vacation on this day to go with children to a popular film in the center of Boston.

We all grew up on Hollywood militants. What makes a negative hero when the police chase him? That's right, bursts into the first house and takes hostages. Or catches someone right on the street. Police seemed to watch the same films. Therefore, as it turned out, for three hours over all channels, there is no one to go anywhere and never to let anyone. It was unprecedented. Multimillion city measurement. All businesses closed (among others - the company of his wife, where she prudently took the day of vacation). My office is far behind the circumferential road, so it functioned, although not all came.

I called home, strictly pointed out that the traditional trip for coffee and bun cancel, and assured that in a couple of hours it will be possible to go to the movies. Then the wait began. I did not get out of news sites. The rest of the staff, apparently, too. And not only our employees. At 2 o'clock the day, SMS came from Ohio: "You could not finally soak this su ??? And then the whole country is reading news instead of work. "

News did not please. Some rumors were replaced by others. Better than all of them summed the caricature on "In this store, the suspect once bought sneakers. Read an exclusive interview with the brother of the ex-wife of the store manager's assistant. " At 7 o'clock I was driving home and listened, it seems the first press conference, on which the police chief recognized that they did not find the terrorist. Although it was not understood into the eyes, the homemade were very exhausted. We laid children and without much hope turned on the TV. And there…

I then saw many Russian bloggers from many famous photos: the crowd applauds the police. Commentators admire (or indignant - which is someone as) the patriotism of the Americans. So, guys, it is not patriotism. Although a very strong feeling - if I was standing there, I would also applauded. This admiration for people who have done their work. And they did well. "My militia is saving me," the Soviet poet came out. So, these are shovel. On Monday, there was a terrorist attack (by the way, the first for 12 years). On Thursday, found out who did it. Friday - arrested.

There is something to respect.

More notes you can read the author's blog.

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