Return the lost parts of the soul through sleep


Already many times on the pages of this column, we disassembled that our dreams are metaphors of our brain about us. And about themes that need conscious processing. Sleep, as Freud wrote, "Royal Road to the Unconscious." He reflects our passions, dramas, difficulties. Sleep, as in the theater or film, on the roles are playing questions that cut us.

Sleep images are the parties of our person, the part of our soul, entering into the dialogue, sometimes to the conflict. "Nonsense", "stupidity", "oddities" of sleep for verification are far from oddities, but with real conflict themes of the dream.

Another example today:

"I open the entrance door and see that three decades of the child, two boys and a girl, prepare on the windowsill in the entrance of some kind of drug in test tubes. They drink him quickly and fool from him. One of the boys and a girl, I understand, no longer save. In the sense that the dependence has already completely subordinate to themselves, the consciousness was dissolved. The only idea of ​​their idea is that no one takes a foolishness and did not prevent Kaif. Therefore, when I open the door, they flee to get out of the entrance.

One of the boys does not know how to drink it. I understand that he tries for the first time that he is not even firmly dependent. I grab his jacket, knocking out a test tube with a substance from the hands and pushing into my house. I close the door and lock it in the room so that he does not escape. After that, I am going to search for his parents, thoroughly studying his things and a school backpack. I remember that in a dream I try to read the tags on his things, to understand who he is and what his name is, but I can not see the name. "

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"All three children in dream of dreams are part of it.


All three children in a dream of dreams are part of it. The girl and the boy who are already dependent strongly, and they do not help them - perhaps highly injured parties, which do not have access to. There is no way to return them to the disposal of consciousness, which means that some of the feelings and states are blocked for a dream. In a dream, she sees it and helplessly register this state.

And the third boy who is not yet "distorted" by the substance is the assigned side found. Together they join feelings, the special states of the boy, whose parents "need to be found."

Accidentally left "good" parents - this is her own experience of herself, who gave himself a dream. The boy she symbolically returned to his own home, that is, he returned him a place in the shower.

It is likely that her mental strength will have more, through other dreams and even in other ways, she will be able to return to their home and souls of two other children.

It would be interesting to know what invisibly changed in her life after this sleep? But for the absence of this opportunity, I will only add that it is worth asking that a significant in her life occurred at the age of ten years. All kids from sleep indicated a certain age. Of course, we are talking about the age of a dream.

Such an example of the return of important states and resources at the disposal of the dreams.

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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