Installations, learning about which you need to say "while" man


"Why is he so with me?" - Complains after parting another girlfriend. Then they follow the stories that she did everything for her beloved, and he behaved like the worst man on earth. But the truth of this scene is that each first itself allows a bad handling of himself, afraid to exit the unhealthy relationships and to remain allegedly "no one needed." Helps identify the alarms - phrases, after which it is to seriously talk to the partner.

"You are the first one I loved so much"

The fairy tale of the princess and the Prince, who met each other after many attempts and lived together until the end of the life - is, of course, great. That's just in everyday life, the fairy tale turns along with ordinary deception. Do not believe such phrases - a man either lies you or ... lying. Yes, and people often confuse sympathy and attraction to a person with love. The degree of feelings of an emotionally mature person is not assessed by degrees of comparison - love is either there, or it is not.

the words

Words "very", "stronger" in relation to love is meaningless


"Friends forever, and girls are temporary"

There are no such men to dissuade intelligent arguments that you can only be confident in yourself. For them, betrayal from friends - something from the area of ​​the impossible. They are ready to spend a day with buddies: Love to them through the whole city, just happen, go on vacation together and build a business. Do not be surprised if your scheduled weekend will be interrupted by the call of the next friend. Leave a man to those who need it more, and find a person who will be aware of himself as a separate person, and not an inseparable part of a small team.

"I want a family, but I look at the environment and I'm afraid to make a mistake"

Usually, this phrase comes out of the mouth of infantile men who are simply not ready to take responsibility for the family. Often, this phrase adjoin the stories about another Wan, who left the beautiful wife to a young mistress, or Dima, who realized that he didn't really like his spouse and tries to spend all the time at work, returning home to midnight. Do not try to prove such a person that you are the only one that he was looking for all my life, ready to be both the hostess, and a mistress, and a business woman, and the best mother in the world. His only task is to have a new fleeting novel.

do not lead under the crown of an immature man

do not lead under the crown of an immature man


"Everyone is changed around, loyalty is myth"

If this thought came out of the subconscious of your partner, sympathize with you. So men usually justify their treason, mentally introducing such behavior in the category of norms. Most likely, in the past of your beloved, a girl offended the girl. Now he put on the avenger mask and is ready to break out other hearts, just to prove to himself that she was wrong. Throwing jokes, such an installation really should alert you. After all, the decision to change partners or not everyone takes for itself the only time in life and forever. Moreover, this decision does not depend on the external circumstances and experience of familiar or former partners.

Always listen to your intuition and at the same time rationally evaluate the actions of the partner. Then before your eyes there will be a real picture of the world, and not the lenses of pink glasses.

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