Albina About the internal compass, Michael Jackson and the first big concert in Moscow


Fans no longer give her a passage, and Michael Jackson's choreographer has already recorded a girl as a friend. The author and performer of hits "I am with you", "not necessary", "not with me" discussed with the "MK-Boulevard" work in America, love for dogs and work with icons of show business.

- Albina, not all your fans know how you hit the capital. As far as you know, you were born in Baku ... Why did you leave?

- Yes, I was born in Baku, but the circumstances have developed in such a way that my family had to move to Russia. It was very troubled time, and we were unsafe stay in Azerbaijan. My childhood, to gently say, was not simple ... Of course, parents tried to do everything possible to ease the life of refugees. Now, unwinding back, I understand that it was in childhood, through the difficulties and all kinds of deprivation, my character "Fighter" was formed. (Smiles.)

- You are the first in Russia artist-universal. You yourself write your songs yourself, put the choreography on them, completely produce your project and, as far as we know, also take pictures of the video clips. How do you all do it?After all, for Russia, to be honest, it is rare ...

- Everything goes from childhood. Thanks to my parents who began to give me to all possible circles. From childhood, I was engaged in choreography, drawing, macrame and even judo. My time was occupied so that I am at a minimum was at home. In addition, because of the nature I wanted to become the best in everything that I do, so I worked hard since my childhood. It became my norm of life: to do everything yourself, everything is controlled and in the end to become the best in what you are doing.


- Tell us about your education? Is it connected with your artist profession?

- I have an economic education. I am a managers in the economy. Such a choice was associated with a banal desire to cling to Moscow and get a profession, which, according to my parents, was supposed to "feed" me. But the fact is that I have a creative mind warehouse, although I and the analyst in kind. I finished the university and began to do what I dreamed about. Although, putting your hand on the heart, I am a little regrets about those six years that did not give me the opportunity to start developing my career before.

Albin managed not only to meet the meeting with Travis Pain, Choreographer Michael Jackson, but also impress him. Now Trevis and Albina work together.

Albin managed not only to meet the meeting with Travis Pain, Choreographer Michael Jackson, but also impress him. Now Trevis and Albina work together.

- Do you have a hobby and what do you do in your free time, if you have this, given your loads, where everyone has to control the most?

- My hobby is learning languages. Now I speak English well and Chinese. More couple of languages ​​in the learning process. My hobby is to get every year the best version of myself, acquire new knowledge, skills, do opening ...

- I know that you worked with the choreographer Michael Jackson. Why exactly with him? Why are such difficulties?

- If you adopt your experience, then only the best. People who "turned" the world. People who were not afraid to differ from everyone and change people thinking. I dreamed of working with Trevian Peter a long time ago, because I am a fan of Michael Jackson's creativity and I know who helped Michael to develop his own unique style. When Michael Jackson died, I realized that it was impossible to slow anymore. Negotiations with Trevis, I would not hide, were long, since he was used to working with very gifted people and after Michael he was hard to focus on someone else. I managed to persuade a Trevis for one lesson, so that he looked at me and decided, he would work with me or not. Frankly, I put all my strength to show him all my potential. Our first lesson dragged into four hours, it was magic, as if we knew each other all the time and just could only meet. After the lesson, he only told me one thing: "I saw Michael in you. I missed this feeling so. " After that, we did not part and work with him so far. I will not disclose all our secrets, but everything that we created can be seen next year. And to be honest, I am proud that I am the only person from Russia, whose mentor was the same person as Michael Jackson.


"I understand that I want to convey to people, so I am writing music myself, texts, put a choreography"

- How do you feel about artists who are not as you, who do not "control" what is created, and are the "product producers"?

- When I look at the colleagues on the workshop who do not dance, or do not write their songs, or execute the director's scripts, then I am surprised. Sometimes you watch the clip and see: put another person to this place - and nothing will change. I strive to be impossible to replace me. I am the artist who understands what he does and what he wants to convey.

- You have appeared as a "project" only two years ago, but have already managed to work with the most famous directors in the country. Your clips are rotated on leading music channels. You are speaking in the Kremlin every year and on the largest platforms of the country. You grow up the army of fans, and you are already planning a solo concert on one of the best platforms of Moscow! What is your secret?

- There is no secret. (Laughs.) I just try to be the most open world and easy to communicate. I try to stay and not affect the outside. I also try to follow my inner compass and do everything as much as possible. People see it and believe my music ...

- I read that five dogs live at home, three of which are chosen on the street ...

- Dogs, and in general, animals are my passion, my love and my pain. Sometimes it seems to me that I feel their pain physically ... It's hard ... If I see a dog or another animal in trouble, I will never go past. As for my dogs, I picked up one dog in Nizhny Novgorod, the second - in the Vladimir region, another one - in Moscow ... many will say that five dogs are a lot, but there are no friends. All my dogs are members of my family. I love them immensely and try to spend your free time with them. I, of course, try to help animal shelters, which I advise and all readers. Help animals heals and helps to achieve the goal.


- Albina, New Year's holidays are also time for creative plans. What will be surprised in 2018?

- Now all my strengths are thrown into preparations for the first solo concert in Moscow. I know that my fans are already waiting for him, but the project is large-scale, and I, as a perfectionist, I want to do everything at the highest level. I will still amaze you with new songs and very beautiful video clips! Watch me in my social networks, because next year promises to become very interesting for me!

Photo provided by Albina Production LLC

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