Daria Shashina: "If the doctors are not allowed to stay in the group - I leave the show business forever"


A few days ago, the Serebro group fans learned extremely unpleasant news. Information about the fact that the team may leave the beauty-blonde Daria Shashin. Received comments at the very artist.

- Daria, you told fans that you have serious health problems. Is it really so?

- From mid-November, I observe from different doctors, a course of physiotherapy passed, punctured the course of Haluron, and I assumed to forget about the problem with my feet at least six months ahead. Alas, the situation was aggravated due to large touring loads. Yoga classes, snowboarding were completely discontinued. Now the doctor strongly recommends how to make operations on both knees as soon as possible. The fact is that I have a congenital dysplasia that has always been manifested in perfect stretching. I, I don't get smoking, it could easily shut up a straight leg to my head like a ballerina, sit on the twine, etc. Also because of the dysplasia nine years ago, a knee cup flew out in the theater school, but we did not make an operation, since in It was not necessary.

- What do doctors say and can it be cured?

- Doctors advise to make surveillance operations. I hope that it is still possible to postpone the operation, providing a relaxed way of life, and contact the Manual Doctor. The operation is very frightened by ...

- Do you support colleagues in the group and producer Maxim Fadeev?

- Support as a family! Maxim Alexandrovich suggests thinking about treating in Israel, the girls constantly write and call. And Olya (Seryabkin. - Ed.) On the tour insisted me to take me on the hands and carry. Of course, I am conscientious, on the one hand, around myself and the disease develop so many noise, but on the other, it is nice that she supports me in a friendly way.

- The network write that the casting is almost announced to a new soloist in the group. This is true?

"I didn't say that, and in the production center of such statements did not do either. We said that as soon as clarity appears about my situation, Maxim Aleksandrovich will decide. I can't quit everything now and bring our company. I will work until the middle or end of April, at the same time to the manual therapist. If the doctors are not allowed to stay in the group - leave the show business forever. And I will begin to live ordinary life.

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