Apple from the apple tree: how to defeat the children's jealousy


Actress Anna Banschikova is engaged in raising two children: Mikhail, who will be six years old in June, and a four-year-old Alexander. The younger son is still too small, but the eldest - Mikhail - already knows, in which films his mother was filmed and even talks about the profession of the actor. True, while Misha does not want to film, but if mom or dad will ask him about it, he will agree, because parents need to help.

"In my opinion, Misha is like me. And not only externally, but also in nature. He has stubbornness, sociability and curiosity. Son looks at the scientific program on TV with interest, he likes when they read "smart" books, and not just fairy tales. He loves nature very much. Walking through the forest, can long and carefully look at any bugs or worms. Takes them in hand, and I also call me, says: "Mom, look, what beautiful!" I refuse, explaining that the girls do not cause the kind of insects of delight, "the Anna laughs.

Principles of child education:

1. Lask and love - just so you can defeat stubbornness. After all, I was stubborn, and if I started swearing, I was even more stood on my own.

2. Decide all your free time to children, then they will understand how much they mean to you.

3. I have two sons. And so that the boys are not jealous, they should be treated in the same way: you give a gift to one - you need to give something to something else, you play with the eldest - it means then you play with younger.

4. We try to rest actively. Traveling, we go to children's ideas, in the zoo, museums, every weekend we walk in nature.

Anna Banschov with the son of Misha. Style: Ekaterina Koresh. Makeup and hairstyles: Inna Alikina, Larisa Afanasyev. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Anna Banschov with the son of Misha. Style: Ekaterina Koresh. Makeup and hairstyles: Inna Alikina, Larisa Afanasyev. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

"Of course, my mom and my mother! This is my mom! I love her very much, and she is me. - Misha tells. - This is also common. I have an actress, it works in Mkate, but I myself have not seen it. She also starred in the cinema, she has a lot of films, and there will be even more. I like to go to my mother. It is interesting there. "

Principles of parenting of parents:

1. Mom must obey. She is an adult and knows how it will be right. I try to do so, but it turns out yet.

2. Take care of mom. When they ask for a photograph for a newspaper or magazine with her, I agree. This is part of her profession, and so I help in her work.

3. Mom must tell what she is beautiful, how do you love her. Because I taught me only the truth and also because she immediately begins to smile. I like it.

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