The most fashionable accessories of the summer - 2019


Chains with glasses

There are no first season in any manifestations in any manifestations, but now it is complemented by even greater variability. In addition to chains on belts or classic "rapper" - on the neck, now in the trend complement the points.

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This summer, glasses with chains are especially popular. It not only makes the image more stylish, but will allow you not to lose glasses! Do not think that exceptionally classic chains are popular. It can be pearl and plastic beads, ropes from various materials. The most interesting thing is that this accessory can perform not only complementary role, but also independent. They can be so long that they will look exactly like beads.

Barring, rim and gum

Popular in the 90s Accessories are returned. At fashion shows, you can constantly see almost the same hairpins and rims that previously helped to remove the hair during cleaning. Wide dressings, massive rims and children's bright hairpins - all this trend season. What they will be brighter, the better.

Special popularity acquired large hairpins with pearls, which are very organically looking with removed hair and pastel outfits.

Minimalistic geometric decorations

This trend holds for quite a long time, but does not lose relevance. Designers find new interesting forms of the most simple geometric shapes.

Square, round and rhombid earrings this summer is particularly popular not to wear, but to combine with other models, or limit the same earring. Asmetry now the same trend of the season.

Colorful and bright plastic ornaments

Along with minimalism, this season is popular with eye accessories.

Large and massive earrings with feathers, sequins and crystals are what makes your image more extraordinary and interesting. Large chains fall under the same category.

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Heavy and massive chains with aggressive character will be well combined with light dresses and turtlenecks.

Straw hats

Sollar hats purchased particularly popularity. Small hats with variable additions, whether it is a tape or a small amount of straw colors, perfectly complement your image.

Huge bags

Initially, the shopkeepers performed the role of eco-friendly reusable shopping bags so that people do not buy plastic bags. However, now it is a separate type of accessory.

This season is relevant large veins with eccentric details, thanks to which the bag looks more hypertrophy.

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