Pierre Rishar: "My Brazilian captured me absolutely"


It is not called anything other than the "high blond" - by the name of the film, in which he played a major role. And it would seem, Pierre Rishar is so open for the press and the public that there is nothing mysterious in his life and can not be. Meanwhile, he is full of surprises. He is attributed to four marriage, although he was married only twice. His height has an average - 178 centimeters. And Rishar is not a surname, but the name. Yes, and professional interests are somewhat unusual. He dreams of playing ... Dog.

The actor has been in Russia several times, but the last visit to our country surprised everyone. After all, the famous Frenchman went not to the city cities, but to the Far East. True, this trip took place only thanks to the efforts of the President of the Festival "Amur Autumn" Sergey Novozhilov. He convinced the artist to fly to Blagoveshchensk to see the beauty of this edge, located on the border with China, and take part in the movie known to the whole European holiday.

The first thing that amazes when meeting with Pierre is that at seventy-eight years he looks much younger, a maximum of sixty. And it is worth only to come to his senses from the first shock, as they immediately admire his charm, humor, simplicity and resourcefulness. Although, obviously, these traits have brought up life in it.

Its real name - Pierre Richar Maurice Charles Leopold Deaf. It is the Deaf - the last name of the actor. He was born in the family of a rich aristocratic sibling. But his father, being a player and a walk, wondered his condition, after which he threw his wife with a small son and disappeared into an unknown direction. Then the care of the boy's grandfather and his mother took over the boyfriend. Pierre tried to raise in rigor and referred to him the future of a business man who will manage not only by the estate, but also a family business. However, these plans were not destined to come true. The fracture in the thinking of Rishar took place in childhood. He was determined in the guesthouse, where, together with native families, the children of peasants, miners and ordinary workers studied. And there were most in the school institution. They, to put it mildly, treated with hatred to the boy, who was brought to the limousine every day to classes, and everyone knew that he was from the secured family. And then as a defense, he began to mix his classmates, trying to portray some of the teachers or famous people. For eight years of study, Pierre is so fascinated by this activity that dreamed only about one thing - to become an artist. But his family was against. Is it possible to stain the surname of an ancient kind of her appearance on the bills?! Therefore, enrolling on dramatic courses, Pierre took a pseudonym, consisting of two of his names.

Pierre Rishar has repeatedly been in Russia. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

Pierre Rishar has repeatedly been in Russia. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

It said a lot about the fact that you began to play the role in the orphanage to "save your skin" from classmates. This is true?

Pierre Rishar: "I tried to cheer the guys who studied with me. But this does not mean that I cried in front of them. Just when a person is aggressive for you, it builds a certain insurmountable barrier in communication. It is unreal to break through this wall. You can withstand only humor. When your opponent begins to laugh, he swings off armor, you can already talk to him. "

Your childhood accounted for the war years. What are they remembered?

Pierre: "War is scary. Although France, occupied by the Germans, got less than Russia. When I encountered what kind of war, I was too small and only heard about her, I did not feel on myself. I remember how German motorcyclists stopped for me. Smiling, they extended me chocolate. I took it. But it was worth it only to leave, how my mother ran up to me, I took my sweetness and thrown out. I do not know why she did it. Whether he thought that the tile was poisoned, whether it believed that it was insulting - take gifts from the hands of the occupiers. But I still have this scene before your eyes. "

That is, childhood passed in fear?

Pierre: "No. Children do not understand much at that age. For example, in our school I studied a boy - a Jew. At first he walked with a star of David on clothes. We, children, and in the head did not occur that this symbol means something special. Deadly. And then that boy suddenly disappeared. He did not come to school once, and no one had seen him. We began to ask what happened why he does not attend classes. We were answered that he would not learn with us anymore. At first we were surprised - how so, you wondered, what is the reason, and then they just forgot about him. What happened to him and his family, I understood, becoming already adults. "

And with the fascists it did not have to face?

Pierre: "There was one case ... My mother and I came to her sister then in Paris. We had a game with a cousin: which was the fact that from the second floor window, where the apartment was located, we descended the wand on the rope and drove it over the tops of passersby. The challenge was not to touch the head of a person who goes down the street. But we were too fascinated and accidentally shot down a cap from a German officer. And this is at the end of the war, when the Germans were especially called! This military did not pass by, and wrapped in the entrance, rose to the second floor. The door was opened by aunt. I do not know what the conversation was about in the hallway, but when he left, my aunt just fell without feelings. So he scared her. "

Sorry, what did the hopes of the grandfather, who seen you by the Family Traditions follower?

Pierre: "It seems to me that I just became as he wanted: an independent person, a man who is responsible for his actions. I grew up so much. And the surname did not stain - on the contrary, glorified. If you grow out of a child personality, you should not be surprised that he will choose the professional field of activity that he soul, and not what is imposed on him. I became an actor and never regretted it. On the contrary, only in the nightmare I may be encouraged me that my life has developed differently. "

The film "Toy" brought you fame. I heard that real events were legally in its foundation. This is true?

Pierre: "Relatively. Francis Weber was once a witness to how a very rich family chose her Karapuz toy in a children's store. And they so wanted to please their child that they were ready for everything ... even "buy" the seller. History is indicative. Therefore, she smelled into the soul to such a creative person as Francis, and he wrote a script. And when I read it a story, I realized that I had to play in this movie Cartine. By the way, since then I am understanding to journalists with understanding, because my hero was a reporter by profession and was forced to obey the will of the editor-in-chief, although it destroyed his own "I". It is hard for you ... Nobody offends you personally? "

Not. We, fortunately, everything is democratic and reasonable.

Pierre: "You see, and in France, your colleagues think that you are in Russia under great pressure and do not feel freedom. Although you obviously do not look sick in the vice. "

Thank you. But it's not about me. They say you love to sleep and once you have ever fired because of this ...

Pierre: "Pure truth. There was such a case when I fell asleep on the stage during the performance. In fact, according to the script, my hero falls and falls asleep, but I plunged into the kingdom of Morphheus in fact. And I could not wake me for a very long time. Tried to pinch, kick, prick, shout right in the ear. But I slept, accompanying all this with a loud snoring. The public died from laughter, ovations were unmatched. True, I could not wake me up, and then I was invited to the Directorate of the theater. They wanted to dismiss, but, thinking, after all, left in the troupe. I still try to control my sleep after that story. But I am glad that my snoring was so played by the audience, the main thing - they really did not understand that I fell asleep in real. "

Pierre Richard is proud of friendship with Gerard Depardieu. Photo: Sipa Press / Fotodom.ru.

Pierre Richard is proud of friendship with Gerard Depardieu. Photo: Sipa Press / Fotodom.ru.

I heard that you had a similar story on the set, when a drunken Gerard Depardieu fell asleep on the court. Truth?

Pierre: "O-la-la! .. If I say that it is true, then you make the conclusion that Gerard saw that day. And I can't recognize this. Let's say this: he just did not sleep, and his clone into sleep. Then we shot the movie "Gemini". There is an episode where my character taking the hero of Depardieu, hiding behind the car. We lay down the car, I shout out the words put on the scenario, then there should be the text of my partner, and he is silent! I pushed him with a cushion of two times - silence. I look, and he ... fell asleep. Sleeps quietly, like a child, putting his hands under the head, not even snoring, but sucks slightly. "

Are you friends with Gerard?

Pierre: "Yes. He is my friend. And I am proud of this friendship. He is a good man, but too emotional. Sometimes they say feelings, not a mind. He has an excellent distinctive feature - he will always do everything possible for people close to him. For example, he helped me acquire the estate in France and vineyards. It looked as if he buys them for himself. And he delighted you with delight, which I found, although it is clear that he is not averse to owning them himself. Not everyone is capable of such. He is a very kind and sincere person. And impulsiveness is not bad too. First, it is incredibly coming, and secondly, he is frank, all as a palm. "

And by rumors, he beat you once ...

Pierre: "Erunda. Just he heavier me ... I can be wrong, but, in my opinion, it was the project "Unweight" (although, perhaps "fugitives"), and according to the scenario, the character of Gerari my hero was periodically punished. And the difference in weight between me and Depardieu then constituted at least ten kilograms, and the partner's hand was heavy. So it came out: according to the plot, it is written that my friend hits me on the shoulder once, and twenty doubles is done. He gives me pink - and again at least the same twenty doubles. As a result, by the end of the filming, there was no living space. Hence the rumors that he beat me. "

You are not the first time in Russia. What surprises you here most?

Pierre: "I remember, in my first visit I was surprised that people drink little. No, I agree: they drink vodka here, but not so much and not as often as they represent in France. And then, each country has its own drinks. In France - Wine, in Russia - vodka. She is stronger, but then the weather is colder. Therefore, it is quite clear why your national drink is higher. But to say that they drink a lot here, I can not. Did not see".

And what did the Russians struck?

Pierre: "Openness, good nature and generosity. Judge for yourself: I enter the hotel in the elevator, and there are five women there, and they suddenly begun something to sing in Russian, and from all uttered words I only understood two: "Pierre Richar". That is, I guessed that they sing about me or for me, and only on their tone, the expression of faces, I realized that the song is kind and good. Joyful. People do not know you, but they meet. Then he struck me the old woman from Blagoveshchensk, who gave me his own knitted socks. We have older women, those who know how, also knit, but only for their relatives - children, grandchildren, nephews. And I, in fact, a completely someone else, and she did it for me! I am for her - a member of the family, relatives we are on socks. "

I will reveal the secret: the Russian grandmother would not welcome the fact that her grandson lives on a yacht on the water, and not in the apartment ...

Pierre: "I can tell you more: and in France not everyone understood why I lived on the water for a long time. But not on the yacht, but on the barge. I gathered all the things that I were expensive, books - and moved to the "waterfloor house". Yes, I lived on the Seine for almost ten years. Someone seems like an eccentric, but I just wanted so much, and it was possible to realize my desire. I'm not trying to say someone: why do you live like that, and not otherwise, why did my movement discussed so much?! It is still incomprehensible to me. I try to be myself and, in vain without diluating the acquired, live as it is convenient for me. "

What about women?

Pierre: "What are women? In the life of every man they are, they can not not be. But the main ones are those with whom you went to the altar. "

If you believe the media, then you were married four times. You deny it yourself ...

Pierre: "For the first time I heard about it here, in Russia. I was asked about my four marriages on television. I was shocked because married only twice. My first spouse, a ballerina Paris "Grand Opera", gave birth to me two children. We broke up. But without scandals. And I do not want to discuss this divorce. There were journalists who tried to pull out negative words from me to my ex-wife. But this is nonsense. If we got married, two sons were on the light, therefore, we arranged each other. It happens, people disagree, and what about it? This does not mean that she is freezing or I am a scoundrel. Just life was so formed. "

Pierre Rishar:

His wife Sil, with which the actor lived almost seventeen years old, he loves "My Brazilian". Photo: www.kinopoisk.ru.

And the rest of my wife?


"I only have the second wife, with which we live together for almost seventeen years. I will not lie: between my first wife and the second I had hobbies, and quite long enough, so as not to part and live together or two, but more. But they were not so serious to issue a relationship officially. My Braziliana (so I love the current spouse) first struck my heart, then captivated the soul, and then I was conquered my mind. This is a man who is sharply experiencing for me. She is not indifferent to what happens to me and around my person. Probably, she captured me absolutely. Yes, men want to conquer women, but they, even if they do not admit them, it is important that their women fought for them. Not with a man himself, but for him. If you understand what I'm talking about ... My wife sail is from Brazil, and she is completely given to its feelings. When she is trying to protect me (if it suddenly seems to be that I need it), it is like a hurricane. In his attachments, it is constant. "

And you?

Pierre: "I am also a shore as I can. We, men, not always it turns out to be such as our women would see us, but, on the other hand, if we were one hundred percent on this dream, it would cease to be interested in our welfare. Therefore, I am as loved to love me and chose out of the general army of fans. "

And how are her relationship with your adult children?

Pierre: "Ha! .. Psychologists say that mature comes in twenty-five years. On this threshold now is my eldest grandson ... This is if we are talking about adult children. Sons for my wife are good, and she pays them reciprocity. But for my grandchildren, the youngest of which is five years old, she is a favorite grandmother. No children have their children, with her four grandchildren. Mine. She loves them, and they treat it with limitless trust and love. When someone from the side observes their communication, no one will come to mind that she is not a native grandmother. "

If not a secret, where did you meet my wife?

Pierre: "In the house of my good friend, an excellent actress Milen Demonimo." (In Russia, she is known for two roles: Milady in the French film "Three Musketeers" and the photocurrent of Helen in the trilogy about fantomas. - Approx. Auth.)

Did she immediately recognized the French comedian star?

Pierre: "No. I already mentioned that sail from Brazil. And there is not popular with European cinema. And before our meeting, she saw only one of the film with my participation. Therefore, it was difficult for her to imagine how much I am known as an artist. When we introduced, Sail did not know French, and I am Portuguese, which is spoken in Brazil. We had only international English to communicate. My current wife owned them well, as it should be a successful model, but I'm with difficulty. And I'm still surprising, as we were able to understand each other, to accept, and most importantly - not to lose. "

But still - what is your father?

Pierre: "Worse than grandfather. Grandchildren I do more than before - with my sons. But we are now in close relationships. So much that at the moment, being in Russia, I really regret that there are no sons near. I would like to divide the joy with them that this trip delivers me. I am sure that they would like it, we would together admire what is happening and with a smile surprised everything. "

And what did you surprise you once again?

Pierre: "Oh, if you knew what Moscow Airport is! I flew to the Russian capital as "a particularly important person," although I prefer to travel as a simple citizen. I was met by the aircraft as a VIP guest, and I immediately felt that it was a significant privilege compared to conventional passengers. But it was not here ... To get into the so-called zone for VIP persons, I had to walk for about twenty minutes. First, a long corridor, and every time I hoped that he was about to end, a new transition began, even longer. In general, in Europe such zones for "expensive guests" are located close to the aircraft: came out - and you are already in the hall. And if it is located a little away, then you are delivered there on special mini-boxes. Everything else here. And maybe it's right. In the plane fed - it is necessary to "work" eaten calories ... And then I waited about a luggage for about an hour, because I first distributed things to all the "simple" travelers, and among the remaining suitcases then found mine. It's funny, because for the time you were looking for my bags, people who arrived in the same flight had long been reached at home. It is Russia, here everything on emotions, in France there are more pragmatics. "

To the winemaking, which Pierre is engaged in, he adds his friend and colleague Gerard Depardieu. Photo: Sipa Press / Fotodom.ru.

To the winemaking, which Pierre is engaged in, he adds his friend and colleague Gerard Depardieu. Photo: Sipa Press / Fotodom.ru.

But you say, love Russia very much ...

Pierre: "Yes. And Russian literature. I like Chekhov. And once I visited one of Anton Pavlovich museums. As it should be the actor, I have an imagination developed. And while in Chekhov's office, I have already imagined how the great writer existed here: here he sits down at the table, puts a candle in the candlestick, makes a feather in the inkwell ... I was in the children's delight. And here at the end of the excursion, the Museum employee tells me: "Did you like it?! But here only the walls remember Chekhov, and the furniture and interior items are just newly nodded, or at best, something bought in an antique shop and in terms of production refers to the Chekhov era. " My delight was replaced by sadness ... But I still love this country. I love the writer Mikhail Bulgakov, and, you want to believe, you want - no, the role that I dream to play is not a hammlet or king lire, but Bulgakovsky balls. For the actor, this character is just something! Beyond the desired! "

Usually, when it comes to the "dog heart", artists dream of playing a professor of Preobrazhensky ...

Pierre: "No ... Dog, and only a dog. I want to be this dog, who, becoming a man and not losing his animal features, acquires a human character. And it is not clear which of its qualities are more terrible - our "social and social" or animal. And most importantly, the balls are honest than each of the people who surround it. He says what he thinks, although not always his brain is aware of the end of this or that idea that the society inspires him. In a word, I passionately want to play this role - a good director in an honest picture. "

You are already seventy-eight years old, but at the same time you look at twenty years younger. What's the secret?

Pierre: "Probably in genes. Thanks Mother: She was already ninety, and she drove a sports car. At the same time it was dangerous driving. Once I saw the mother in such a respected age pushed cars to start it, and when the car went, she quickly opened the door and jumped behind the wheel. She could sit in the twine in the most advanced years. It can be seen, this "formula of youth" was passed on. And I think it is necessary to be able to laugh and be happy. "

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