Blog: how to lose weight. Simple rules that work


We all live in different cities, even different countries.

Elena Demeli found her place in London.

She is 32; Works in the online shoe store, on Fridays, like everyone, walks having fun and leads several blogs. Among her interests are beautiful things, beautiful people, online-shopping, cosmetology, boltology, restaurants, horror movies and fitness.

Its knowledge and impressions, she is ready to share with Womanhit readers. How to get married to a foreigner? Where in London to eat Fish & Chips? How many dishes can be cooked without oil? The first column will affect the spring of the "female" effluent. Yes, having left the girls in the UK remain girls and do not stop thinking what to eat to lose weight.

"For my life I tried many different nutrition systems and diets, I was actively interested in someone else's experience.

And here's what conclusions did:

one. Hamburger can not be made dietary. Recipes of the system "How to erase and sit on both chairs" will never help to lose weight. There are no dietary sandwiches from grain bread and slightly roasted chicken breast. No low-calorie mayonnaise and yogurt. All this is good to maintain already existing weight, but is not suitable for discharge of extra kilograms.

Hence my principle: when I lose weight, it is ready to prepare rarely and as simple as possible. All these complex recipes are still tasty diet food and psychologically: you read them, buying products, enjoy cooking, extending all this vakhanali. Then eat. And cook again, and again eat, and there already the olives push more and the sauce add a walk ... In short, all this delays you in the kitchen, and this in the process of weight loss should be avoided.

2. I believe in fitness. But I believe in the feed restrictions. If you are already prone to completeness and are going to throw up the ass in the gym, you need to understand what:

a) to swing will not only bep;

b) it will not change your body forever, and, when the gym is canceled, the fat will return and starts to flash on top of your homeworked muscles;

c) If you start to swing seriously, in order to swing all my life;

d) Do not blindly navigate on fitness bloggers - absolute fans of gyms. They look cool and precisely those who are "all, buying sneakers and from Monday to the gym" with them. Good idea if you are going to change your entire lifestyle. This is so cool turn that I advise you to think twice: will you pull?

Most often the correct answer is "no". It is necessary to understand clearly and cold, where the compromise is between the ideal appearance and the quality of your life and act, proceeding from it. If you are ready to constantly consider the ratio of fats-carbohydrates, live in the gym, eat separately from the family - in good time! But if you do not burn this flame, then, most likely, you will come down from the distance disappointed.

Do not wise up immediately for gold, take to start at least bronze.

Therefore, for myself, I chose: cardiotransports in the gym + daily homemade assorted from the complexes already tested by me. Sometimes - swimming pool and pilates.

Elena Deleli:

Elena Deleli: "Stop moving is how to quit smoking or drinking."

3. Each organism is suitable for its food. Someone gets fat from the dairy, someone rushes from bread. I instantly "thick" fresh juices (those in the packages I do not consider it acceptable at all) and pasta products, but the chocolate does not give such adds.

There are general rules in a healthy diet, they are well known. There is also a food from which you swell and "swollen" you. All this can only be understood on personal experience.

four. Stop moving - it's how to quit smoking or drinking. Once upon a time I was lying in the endocrinological department, and once we talked with neighbors around the ward, which means really helps to lose weight. At that moment, a doctor, a very experienced specialist, I asked her question in the ward. "The best mixture for weight loss is a hungry saliva," she answered seriously.

"Otole" does not happen in this matter. This is a question of willpower. If there is a tendency to a set of kilograms, you will have to give up a lot and learn to swallow hungry salts in the evenings.

five . By the way, about endocrinologists. If you are "rushing from the air" - visit the doctor. If your TTG (thyrotropic hormone) is overestimated, and the hormone T4 is underestimated, then sit even on one water, you will still get fat and swell. The endocrinologist will help you understand yourself better, therefore, it will be easier to fasten the next way.

6. It is impossible to take restrictions in food as something temporary. Some manages to lose extra kg, and then gradually and "somehow imperceptibly" to return the fats back.

If it is already clear that the tendency to the completeness is available - everything, the finite of the comedy, about fried potatoes and fatty cakes with mashed potatoes will have to forget. Forever? No, not forever. You can enjoy them a couple of times a year - as an exotic dish.

But everyday food it should not be: loses, we do not lose the body's tendency to a weight set.

7. Any weight loss or "ceiling" takes time. Loading on a diet month, you do not need to be upset that kilograms do not leave quickly. Give the body a deadline to accelerate. Also, it is not necessary to rejoice if, dropping the weight and starting to overeat again, you do not see the weight gains. She will come, not going anywhere, just and it also takes time.

eight. I do not really believe in "wide bones." X-ray shows that everyone has the same bones. Another thing is that there are problem areas and it happens that it is better to come to terms with a "pear" figure than to death cut for a couple of screens dropped. But before to accept, you need to try to compete, and not immediately jam on the skeleton.

nine. I am a fan of water. Water - it is her, and not tea - you need to drink a lot. It helps in everything: the skin is moisturized, the digestion works better, the metabolism is also being established.

All over the apartment, I have water bottles. Wherever I was at home, she is always at hand. I do not drink from the glasses, only from small bottles of 250 ml, by experience so I drink more.

10. When I need to lose weight, I'm sitting on a steamer. " That is, the low-aluminum diet. I am preparing food only in a double boiler and I do not add butter anywhere. I do not refuse products containing fats, but these are products from the useful army: salmon, chicken fillet, eggs, avocado, etc. For dinner, you must eat protein + vegetables.

I am preparing as simple as possible, but the oil does not even touch the hands and "fit" at 1200-1400 kcal per day. It gives excellent results, weight goes.

And from deceptions slightly dump, they are no longer so you want, as with "diet with overlooking".

The author of the author Elena Deleli.

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