What did you know about Legend number 17?


№ 1. The idea of ​​a series of meetings between Soviet hockey players and Canadian professionals was born at the end

1960s, but a clear agreement was achieved by the parties only in April 1972 during the World Championships in Prague. The first four match of the series was held in Canada (in Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver), the other four - in Moscow.

No. 2. As part of the Super Series, Valery Kharlamov scored three washers. Canadians immediately recognized how dangerous he was dangerous, and his diligent "worn", and in the sixth game Bobby Clark was hurt by a cunning strike by Harlamov's ankle, eliminating the "threat" to the end of the series.

Number 3. Valery Kharlamov twice became the champion of the Olympic Games: 1972 and 1976. Eight times - champion of the world, seven times - champion of Europe, 11 times - champion of the USSR. In just 15 years of sports career, he played 438 matches for CSKA (and scored 293 goals) and 123 matches for the national team (and scored 89 goals).

Valery Harlamova's famous hockey player in the film "Legend No. 17" was played by Danil Kozlovsky. .

Valery Harlamova's famous hockey player in the film "Legend No. 17" was played by Danil Kozlovsky. .

№ 4. The name Harlamova carries a prize that the newspaper "Soviet Sport" annually presents the best Russian Legionna NHL ("Kharlamov Trophy"). Also, the name of the Great Hockey Player is called one of the KHL divisions and the main trophy of the youth hockey league. The 17th number is immortalized in the Hockey Glory Hall in Toronto, which has long been recognized by Harlamovsky and is not assigned to the Hockey players of CSKA and the national team.

Number 5. According to the producer of Leonid Vereshchagin, the idea of ​​creating a hockey picture arose after watching the film "Miracle" (2004), which told about the sensational victory in 1980 by the US Olympic Hockey Hockey team over the famous Soviet team, before that, practically did not know defeats. "I wanted to make a similar film, but on the contrary. One of my brightest memories of youth was the legendary victory of our team over Canadian professionals, whose game we did not know anything. For this match, the first in the 1972 Super Series followed the whole country. This is one of those rare events that united all generations in a single sense of pride for their team, for their country, "says Vereshchagin.

№ 6. The shooting of the legend number 17 painting began in mid-June and lasted until the end of September 2011, and in February 2012, winter scenes were drawn. Removed in Moscow, Elektrostal, Minsk, Novopolotsk, Bobruisk and in Spain: in Pitillas under Pamplona.

№ 7. Director Nikolay Lebedev initially doubted that Danil Kozlovsky was suitable for the role of Harlamov. "Aristocratic, refined, not at all athlete," said the director. But Danil began to train before approving the role and for three months the preparation managed to cut out his own athlete. Looking at Kozlovsky on samples, he had unconditionally approved him.

Number 8. When Kozlovsky came to get acquainted with the mother-in-law Valeria Borisovich, she, having seen Danil, splashed his hands and cried. After she admitted that she was preparing, as if Harlamov himself arose before her.

No. 9. "My first acquaintance with Valery Borisovich Kharlamov took place at the age of about eight years, when I actively strolled school," Danilla Kozlovsky says. - Nearby was the Ice Palace of CSKA, and I remember, we climbed the top stands and from there watched training of skaters and hockey players. Then there were three big symbolic sweaters under the roof, and the 17th number was in the middle. Harlamov. I understood that this is some kind of very important surname in the world of sports and felt that it was not just that this sweater fluttering over the Tska Arena. Later I learned what the great player he was. But really I met the personality of Harlamov, preparing for shooting. "

Vladimir Menshov performed the role of the party official Balashov in the film. .

Vladimir Menshov performed the role of the party official Balashov in the film. .

Number 10. Oleg Menshikov's candidacy for the role of coach Anatoly Tarasova also did not occur immediately. "He is a handsome man, brilliant hussar," says Lebedev. - But a miracle happened on the samples: a harsh, gloomy, hard and very strong character with a fantastic inner charisma appeared in front of me. And, as it turned out, Menshikov and his hero are similar and externally. This in old years Anatoly Vladimirovich became fat, and in his fifty it was energetic, easy in movements and quite a sports complex. "

№ 11. The standing of hockey scenes was engaged in Cascader and director of the tricks Jodie Steisek, who worked on such films as "Start" and "2012". Canadian hockey players played professional athletes who specialize in work in hockey films. "We still do not know how to shoot hockey," explains Alexander Kharlamov, the son of Valery Harlamov and the producer of the paintings. - It is technically very difficult. Therefore, specialists from Canada were invited to the picture, which gave advice. Joint efforts the goal - thoroughly show the game - was achieved. " In total, at the shooting of hockey scenes took more than a month.

№ 12. Close-on Valery Harlamov performed small roles in the film: Son Alexander (professional hockey player) player player player "Star" team, and sister, Tatyana Borisovna, the episodic role of Wathers in Luzhniki.

№ 13. For the film, about 1,500 sticks of the old sample were purchased.

№ 14. All blades for skates had to be made specifically, as modern skates are very different from those on which hockey players of the 1960-1970s ride. They were attached to modern shoes, "reorganized" under the model of the pore. Hockey players who are accustomed to modern skates, had to move, so that they would not only confidently ride, but they could play the skates of the old sample.

№ 15. Many tricks in the film were performed by the actors themselves, which were trained about four months the basics of hockey riding and hockey game. Danil Kozlovsky daily went to training and ice, and in the gym and as a result not only did the tricks, but even invented a number of hockey combinations. For example, Danill complicated and made a visually brighter decision of one of his scored heads - scenes with the so-called Spanish washer.

Oleg Menshikov appeared in the form of coach Anatoly Tarasova. .

Oleg Menshikov appeared in the form of coach Anatoly Tarasova. .

№ 16. Wife Valery Harlamova, Irina, played Svetlana Ivanov. Preparing for the role, the actress met with relatives and children Valery and Irina, as well as with his mother's heroine. "They showed and told us such things for which fans would be ready to go on a lot: unique photo archive and incredible stories that we then tried to apply on the set," Svetlana recalls.

№ 17. "Legend number 17" is a feature film. "It was immediately stipulated that it would have a share of fiction that it would not be strictly biographical cinema. So it is not worth strictly to unwind all the facts on the biography of your father and look for a portrait similarity - the creators did not set themselves such a task. The idea was in another - show the life of a person. Valery Harlamov's life, "says his son.

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