Nastya Zadorozhnaya: "The word" diet "I excluded from your lexicon after a breakdown"


Nastya Zadorozhnaya to the issue of nutrition is suitable with all seriousness. She does not sit on diets, but at the same time retains harmony. In the absenteeism, the star period pays special attention to the quality of products. The secrets of his "autumn waist" singer shared with our readers.

- Nastya, tell us how much did your autumn diet change?

- The diet changes, based on seasonal sentences. I would not say that in my breakfasts or dinner something becomes drastically different in contrast to the summer "table". Is that fruit varieties become less. In addition, from the beginning of the spring and to today, I adhere to the systemic nutrition, individually selected by my gastro-faire Katya, with which I was lucky to meet again years of student friendship. I began to wonder the question "What I eat and why," and day after day to amazed the discoveries, which rapidly change my well-being and reflected in the mirror better. I plan to continue this marathon in the near future. My so-called "Detox" has already stretched more than half a year. Its main task is to help me recover after a protracted period of filming and flights. The tendency of healthy nutrition is noticeably beneficial for everyone who consciously refers to eating food. In the fall, as in any season, it is also necessary to look at the plate as carefully, filling it with content, especially emphasizing attention to the support of immunity.

Nastya Zadorozhnaya prefers to eat diverse, but right

Nastya Zadorozhnaya prefers to eat diverse, but right

Katia Kondratieva

-What now necessarily is in your diet?

- indispensable friends in my diet spinach and sweet apples (fresh or baked). I first add to all major meals, the second will suit any snack. The word "diet" I excluded from my lexicon after a breakdown. I hope forever. It is associated with the rule "not to eat", which turned out to be a very bad idea.

- And desserts allow yourself?

- There are two dishes that I love very much. These are cheese and apple quarreling. And, interestingly, both can be prepared so that it is to benefit, and it would be possible and not worried about calories in general. Or I also like the notorious Chia Pudding. Recipe is simple: Mixing vegetable milk, Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons of seeds Chia; You can add a graduate and a baked apple. Excellent bonus for the body in any season.

- Do you prepare yourself or someone helps?

- Yes, I am preparing with pleasure myself. And I also drink buckwheat bread and make the most delicious pesto in the city - so they say those who tried (smiles). This snack is particularly popular with all my friends and loved ones. Maybe I will open a shop on megal and useful sandwiches. During the pandemic, it was possible to make a lot of interesting discoveries: it turns out I love to cook. I do not understand (smiles).

Not so long ago, the actress married. Spouse with pleasure, tries useful dishes prepared by your beloved wife

Not so long ago, the actress married. Spouse with pleasure, tries useful dishes prepared by your beloved wife

Ivan Berezkin

- When cooking, do you take into account the vitamin composition?

- Vegetables contain not only vitamins, but also the necessary minerals. And it is necessary not to just take into account, but to use yourself for good. For example, broccoli contains protein, calcium, and vitamins A, B9, K, and even vitamin C. But the latter is destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, to compensate and harmonize a dish from broccoli, you can add spinach or tomato to it and be sure to add vegetable oil, because some of the vitamins in vegetables are fat soluble. When preparing any product, it is very important to render the minimum of damage to its useful properties and not spoil them by adding unnecessary spices. Vegetables - no exception. With the addition of sauces and spices, I have always had difficulties. As it seemed to me, everything should be a lot. But after I found the golden middle thing in this matter, I began to enjoy the taste of the product and benefit from its use. By the way, eat only raw vegetables and fruit - not the most useful option. In everything you need a measure.

Uncalcular autumn dishes from Nastya Zadorozhnaya:



Many favorite cheese can be not only delicious, but also useful. Or at least not harmful. This recipe will definitely delight those who love cheesters and baking. They are tender and air, but rather satisfying.

For cooking you will need:

On 10 cheesery:

Ricotta (Do not be lazy, find a fresh, weak, it is worth it) 0.5 kg, protein 1 pc. Coconut oil 4 tbsp. l. + A little on hand to do not stick to the hand. Coconut flour (can almond, if you do not like the taste and smell of coconut) - 4 tbsp. l. + A little bit for powder, wine / baking powder - 1 tsp, Coconut Syrup / Agave / Topinambur - 1-2 Article. l, pinching salt.

Cooking method:

All ingredients mix a mixer, protein add the last and mix with a spoon or blade.

A little oil to put on your arms and blind cheesery, then cut them a little in the flour and put on a baking sheet. If you use glass (I highly recommend), you can not put anything. On the metal I would put the paper for baking. Bake at 180 ° to the appearance of light golden color, about 60 minutes.

Apple cake without gluten:


Flour rice whole grain or gluten-free - 1 cup

Coconut flour - ½ cup, wine stone -3 h. L., Coconut oil - 4 tbsp. l., Milk Soy 1 cup, agave syrup (Topinambura, Coconut Flowers, Coconut Sugar) - 2-3 hp, egg white - 4 pcs., Middle Size Apples - 5 pcs., Berries, Fruits - 250- 300 g

Cooking method

Clean apples, cut. Flour to sift with a bustle. Mix separately liquid ingredients, beat proteins, mix and pour apples and fruits. Bake in the oven or multicooker at a temperature of 180 ° C 60- 80 minutes.

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