How to make desires and remove obstacles on the path of their execution


First, you need to dream and is important globally and the global, the easier it is to get the desired one. Why? Because than the global dream and desire, the smaller the brain resistance

If for example, your income is 30,000 rubles and you will begin to dream about 50000, then this is how reality and the brain will begin to issue fears and different "why not", and if you begin to dream about a personal aircraft and revenues in billions of dollars, then the brain will perceive it as nonsense will begin to laugh and joke, and therefore fear will pass by the reptile brain and will give an impetus to reality and actions.

It does not mean that the plane will immediately appear, but 50,000 will definitely go to your life together with good bonuses.

And of course, it is important to dream correctly, without a particle "not", which is not perceived by the brain and in the present time, and even better just thank you for what you want to have.

Often, people live from the position of denial, they all the time they say that they do not like and do not speak at all about what they like. Accordingly, there is attention and energy, there are actions and reality

For example:

I do not want her husband to drink ❌ not true desire

I don't want old boots ❌

I do not want children to hurt ❌

✅ Faithful options

I like to see her husband sober

I like to go to new boots

Thank you for the wonderful health of our children.

Thank you for this opportunity to travel around the world.

Thank you for this opportunity to develop with benefit for myself and peace and so

Main obstacles create our brain and thinking. Look at the children while their brain is clogged by installations and restrictions, they dream globally and believe that they are able to conquer the whole world and that they are available. Therefore, it is important to start choosing barriers with thinking.

The formula of desires is simple

Extended thinking = reduction obstacles + more opportunities to get the desired

When a person thinks from day to day: "I can't, I will not succeed, and what if ...", then he limits himself and his desires.

And when he just wants and does not think that it is unrealistic, the events of themselves develop and energy is not sent to fears and obstacles, but on new opportunities.

In general, as usual, everything starts with us and our thinking.

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