Galina Yudashkin and Peter Maksakov: Dynasty continuents


Galina Yudashkin and Peter Maksakov should be very soon to become parents. The name of the baby was invented in advance - Anatoly, in honor of his grandfather, the legendary Ambassador of the USSR in the United States. And this is not the only bright representative of several dynasties at once, which turned out to be interconnected by marriage Galina and Peter ...

Their wedding became one of the most discussed events of last year. And in the secular circles, this marriage is all in the voice called dynasty. She is a daughter of one of the most titled Russian fashion designers, he is a representative of the famous artistry-diplomatic clan.

Galina Yudashkin and Peter Maksakov had to meet much earlier, in childhood. Both grew literally in a pair of steps from each other. Galya - in Bryusov Lane in the house at number one, Peter - in the house number seven, among the famous grandmother. They even played once on the same playground - next to the Ascension Church. However, to look at each other became much later when she became an enviable bride, and Peter, wandering around in England and returned to Russia, decided to acquire his family. It was then, who, having studied the "bride market", noted the younger Yudashkin and began to carefully ask about her in common acquaintances. Galina then, not knowing about the increased attention from Peter, also interested in the descendant of the famous dynasty. And even took the first step towards, sending him somehow smiley in social networks, and began a conversation about any nonsense.

Valentin Yudashkin and Marina's wife and Galina's daughter

Valentin Yudashkin and Marina's wife and Galina's daughter

Lilia Charlovskaya

Their first date took place at Van Gogh exhibition. And then the relationship developed rapidly, even by the standards of today's century high speeds. Having become acquainted in early 2014, they have already announced the engagement in the spring (in honor of this event, Peter presented Galina a family relic - earrings with sapphires and diamonds that belonged to His great-grandmother - the famous opera singer Mary Marksakova). Three months later, they officially became her husband and his wife. But then the spouses decided to make a long pause to prepare for the wedding and a lush wedding.

The rite of the wedding was held in the Church of the Holy Clement on Pyatnita, and a little later, a wedding in the living yard took place. It was present about five hundred guests. It is clear: after all, representatives of the very famous dynasties really married. And it is worth telling about it.

The most famous relative of Peter is his grandmother, Actress Lyudmila Maksakova

The most famous relative of Peter is his grandmother, Actress Lyudmila Maksakova

Lilia Charlovskaya

High matters

So, she called Galina. From the family, which is considered very strong. After all, her dad, Valentin Yudashkin, and Mom, Marina Yudashkin, together for almost thirty years. Their marriage passed fire, water and copper pipes. There were times when Valentina, in order to somehow exist, had to sell furniture from the house, the car. And belonged to the property of Marina. "To say" I am grateful to her "- nothing to say. I am immensely appreciate what she dedicated to me life. She believed in me ... "," Yudashkin told in one of his interviews. Before Marina, Marina Yudashkin was quite famous in the bohemian circles with a hairdresser. And of course, a beginner fashion designer knew it among many. They got married three months after the first date and since then they did not part.

All secular Moscow meets today in their hospitable house. Alla Pugacheva is often considered to be a guest: she met the novice fashion designer in the middle of the eighties, and since then at each concert, it was sure to dress up in a dress from Yudashkin. Galina at the age of five even had an affair with the grandson of Alla Borisovna, Nikita Presnyakov. "He said so hardly:" If you won't go for me, I will kill you! "- Laughing, she told. - We are still friends. True, we are very rare, so we communicate most often through Facebook. "

Each appearance of Galina in the light with any young man immediately covered the press. And in 2010 it was "married" at all. " The media reported that the youngest Yudashkin was about to marry a young millionaire Ruslana Fakhriev. True, Galina herself is the same, six years ago, said that the sensation was a duck. "Wedding" with Ruslana journalists are arranged for the second time, "the girl said then. - The first publication wave passed after the reporters saw us together at the Ritz Carlton Hotel at the Luxury Brand Awards-2009 Hotel. But then I had no rings on my hand. Therefore, "sensation" did not make a special effect. And now, seeing the ring, Paparazzi was delighted: here it is proof! And they began to fantasize. "According to her, the ring, upset with the press, actually gave dad."

Nevertheless, Galina always said that she dreams of meeting a person, the love of which would sweep through all his life: "I would like me to have the same family like my mother with dad. I have seen since childhood: parents love and respect each other. And for twenty-five years of their life, their feelings have not changed. That's great rarity. I learned from the young age: such love needs to be stored and protected by all forces. "

Today, Galina itself hopes that Peter Maksakov will become such a person. Wise Valentin Yudashkin, who has ever been engaged on his daughter's engagement from her instagram, also believes in her happy future: "Children have feelings and a common desire to go further together. In 2015, this is as important for marriage, as in some 1915th. Another thing is that now all atpacing. Galya and Petya - from public families and this slander is not surprised. To their wedding attention is more than someone else. Happiness that they relate to this. "

Scenic scenes

The most famous relative of Peter is his grandmother, actress Lyudmila Maksakova. When they talk about the personal life of Lyudmila Vasilyevna, then they remember primarily about her German husband Petter Andreas Ignarburg, from which the daughter of Maria McChakova (Aunt Peter Maksakova) was born. Still: At one time it was a loud story! After all, the sake of his love actresses had to sacrifice folk glory.

On the engagement of Yudashkina and Maksakov reported all the media

On the engagement of Yudashkina and Maksakov reported all the media


"We met at the entrance," Lyudmila Maksakov told the story of a meeting with a future husband. - On the occasion of the anniversary of the theater, the title has been awarded several of our artists. The title of deserved artist was awarded and me. My friend of Lilya called me, the wife of the film director Alexander Mitty, and persuaded to go to celebrate this event. And so I, as I remember now, in a blue knitted dress, I descend down the stairs and see in the entrance of some person in the sheep, in glasses and in the Ushanka. And for some reason, the Ushanka with the visor lowered. This was mine Peter. "

Immediately on the day of acquaintance, Peter made a proposal of hands and hearts. Lyudmila consent answered, but she did not suspect that he puts the cross on her brilliant career. Marriage with a foreigner in those years was considered Kramol. Almost immediately after the wedding, her photograph was almost universally withdrawn, she was stopped inviting to the cinema, problems began in the theater, many colleagues stopped communicating with her. The period of oblivion continued until the middle of the seventies - in the flourishing of her female beauty. Only when a thaw began in the country and in the USSR began to invite foreign directors, the prohibitions were removed and the shooting of Lyudmila Maksakova.

However, speaking of marriage with Peter Andreas Ignarzhs, for some reason forget about the first marriage of the actress, thanks to which her grandson of Peter was born. But her chosen one at one time was a significant figure in Soviet art. The artist Lev Zbarsky was born in the famous and very influential family. His father, academician Boris Zbarsky, at one time embalmed Lenin's body. It is said that when during the war the leader's body was evacuated to Siberia, there was also to leave the whole family Zbar. The little lion was driving in a compartment, where Lenin lay on the next shelf.

Galina and Peter signed in September 2014

Galina and Peter signed in September 2014


But the scientific path of Zbarsky was not very attracted. From childhood he did not part with a pencil and paper. And in Soviet years was a very popular artist. So, Sergey Dovlatov wrote in his book "Solo on Underwood" that the Khrushchev thaw for him began with the drawings of Zbars. And the illustrations of the Oleshi writer called the peak of perfection.

Before marrying Lyudmila Maksakova, Zbarsky had a lot of novels (for example, with Mariana Vertinskaya) and one marriage - with an insanely popular at the beginning of the sixties, the mannequin named Regina. The French magazine Paris Match called her "the most beautiful weapon of the Kremlin." By the way, the fate of Regina has developed tragically: after the lion literally forced her to make an abortion, she tried to commit suicide. Then she was persecuted by organs, as a result she left very strange from life - she died with a handset in his hands.

Despite the reputation of Lovelace, friends argue that Zbarsky was very confidential in personal relations. Igor Kvasha in his book "Point of Return" recalled about the artist so: "Many considered him, the first playboy of Moscow, an endless womanist. Despite the fact that he was repeatedly married, he was faithful to his wives. If I fell in love, I certainly got married. When love ended, diverged. But never changed the wives. "

A Grand Wedding Party Yudashkina and Maksakova took place in June 2015

A Grand Wedding Party Yudashkina and Maksakova took place in June 2015


When Zbarssky married Lyudmila Maksakova, she was already a All-Union star. However, with the birth of the son of Maxim (the father of our hero, Peter Maksakova), the spouses were smashed. The fact is that Zbar and Maksakov lived in an unfinished workshop of the artist, who obviously did not fit for the upbringing of the baby. Therefore, Lyudmila moved with her son to his mother, Opera singer Maria Maksakova. It is clear that you didn't work for a long time for a long time. After the divorce Zbars, emigrated to America. The son of Maxim remained with his mother, and on the family council it was decided to give her the boy her name - so that there were no problems in school and the institute. Raised Maxima already his stepfather, Peter. Maxim did not become an artist nor an actor nor a musician. He is engaged in business, lives in Moscow, then in Rome, where his current spouse and two daughters are located. But his first marriage with Ekaterina Dobrynina, in which the son of Peter and daughter Anna appeared on the light, fell apart very quickly. Perhaps because they met too early. Lyudmila Maksakova recalled that when the twenty-year-old Maxim "pleased with her news about marriage, she only was able to ask:" Do you know what they do after being married at twenty years? " "No, Mom, what?" - he asked. "Divided," Lyudmila Vasilyevna responded hard.

Nevertheless, the young spouse of the Son, Catherine, really liked the actress. And with her parents Maksakova communicated even after Maxim divorced. Ekaterina's father Anatoly Dobrynin is the legendary Ambassador of the USSR to the USA. He served in this position about a quarter of a century and made a lot to strengthen relations between our countries. So, by the maternal line, Peter Maksakova also also very famous relatives.

Young family

It is clear that, born in such a family, Peter Maksakov received a brilliant education. At one time, he studied in the famous twentieth century, after which he went to England, to the prestigious University (one of the best schools of Britain, a leading story since the XVI century, the cost of training is about thirty thousand pounds per year). Then, in the same place, in England, he received a diploma of Durham University (the third seniority in the UK after Oxford and Cambridge). And as a final chord - MBA in MGIMO. Now Peter has several ambitious projects at once, which, as all his loved ones are sure, will help create decent living conditions of a young family.

Now Galina and Peter are waiting for the firstborn, who should be born in early April

Now Galina and Peter are waiting for the firstborn, who should be born in early April


Galina Yudashkin, despite his young years, also achieved a lot. She graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow State University, receiving a diploma art historian. Then he held the position of art director Valentin Yudashkin. However, although Galina said that in her plans to make a career, she almost immediately after the wedding delivered parents that they would soon become a grandparents. The heir should appear at the beginning of spring. Back in late January, a young woman flew into America, where childbirth will be held. Before the departure, she arranged a party for the girlfriends. And already being at the airport, published a "farewell" snapshot with Hesteg "30Weeks": "Well, that's all, it's time to fly away! So quickly flew time, now we will see you in May! And I'm waiting for new adventures and unforgettable events! "

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