Blog: Marry Prince


Lana Capricious - "Fashionist, Gossip, Tusovers, writing, imagined" and the famous Fashion blogger. Her elements - Fashion and secular life; These topics are Lana and will argue on the pages of the Womanhit.

But first - a couple of words about an unusual last name. "Why a capricious?" Because it is funny and annoying inflated clever, that's why. And, if seriously, the capricious is a pseudonym of one actress of Russian silent movies, which took it by analogy with the faith cold. Occasionally I used it as a journalistic pseudonym. But it had to go to the court when I wrote my debut novel: Initially, I called it a "Lana's secular diary of the capricious." Publisher, as I saw the name, rested the horn: This is the perfect alias, take, you will not regret! Well, he was right, "says Lana.

Royal marriages are very interested in ordinary mortals, and girls at all times dream of marrying the prince. Drain everything, and it turns out - only in units ...

Today's column is dedicated to Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, who, in connection with the expectation of the child today, at all on the lips.


Arguing about royal marriages (and royal individuals as a whole) Always remember that the mentality of even modern royal specialists is radically different from the mentality of ordinary mortals. No matter how time changed, and whatever the eyelid standing in the yard, the royal origin and upbringing imposes its mark. Even in the Netherlands and Scandinavia, the monarchs are terribly far from the people. And what to talk about conservative and classily fragmented Great Britain and Japan ... Even the highest aristocracy today is much more democratic than representatives of royal families. In our harsh time, the aristocrats in their mass have a profession, they work, that is, tightly intersect with the simple people. And in the royal families, at best, the younger offspring is running, and it is very early after thirty years (and after having studied in five prestigious universities around the world).

By the way, the modern biographies of the Royal Persians are incredibly annoyed, because for the most part they are written in terms of messen. As I call it: "Versailles through the eyes of the collective farmers." It is impossible to assess the relationship of Prince Charles Wales and Lady Diana Spencer (plus Mrs. Parker Bowl) from the point of view of the provincial housewife. But for the most part these biographies (and articles) are written by people with a philistine view of life. As not to believing to the butler Paul Barrell, but his books about the royal family of Great Britain are written very competently in terms of "they are not like us." And it is neither good and no bad - "they" are just the others.

Lady Diana and Prince Charles. Photo: Rex Features /

Lady Diana and Prince Charles. Photo: Rex Features /

Actually, ambulance.

So, get married to the prince! Girls, outline.

1. Even considering the possibilities of divorce (even in Catholic countries), the modern prince chooses his wife "for the century." And often it happens that "princesses from the people" cannot be urgent. The most important example here is Lady Diana Spencer and Miss Sarah Ferguson. In one biographical book, a quotation of a person from the environment of the British Royal Family (I quote around my memory): these two young women received all possible privileges that gives marriage with a prince of blood, but they were not able to take over the accompanying duties.

Transferring to the human language: marriage with a prince is not only a crown on the head, but responsibility for the rest of life. And on the following life, since the siblings of this couple will also be the heirs of the monarchy, and the following siblings. That is, you need to think not only for yourself, but in perspective.

Summarizing this item: You need to know what to sign, Kakented Won with the pretty Zamar Prince.

2. But before you flirt with the prince, you must meet this prince. Where are the princes, or rather, where do you need?

The habitat of the blood princes is scary narrow. And in most cases, these are places intended for the privileged public. There are, of course, exceptions, like a stage of learning at the university or press conferences. But not everyone can afford to learn in a prestigious university or consist in the "royal pool". Of the three hereditary princes, with whom I encountered a nose to the nose in Moscow: one was met on the official press, the rest - in secular events and at no less poned nightclubs. In other words, your standard of living (and education) should be rather big, and opportunities and acquaintances - enviable. As you know, Sarah Ferguson, which no one even in a nightmare dream was a member of the British royal family, agreed with Prince Andrew, because: a) He was friends with Diana, b) her dad was a coach of Prince Charles team for Polo, c) her cousin was married On the sister Diana, D), this cousin was an assistant to personal secretary of Elizabeth II, D) in short, was "her".

Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew. Photo: Rex Features /

Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew. Photo: Rex Features /

It seems the only "princess from the people", which met the prince in the usual bar is Mary Donaldson. But she simply had a successful "registration" - Australia, and there was a Olympiad, where all the heirs flew by crowds. Hence: Sport is the main hobby of most royal people.

Horse riding, hunting, polo, cricket, yachting, football, rugby, motorcycle racing, skiing - all of this are interested in princes, and attend the relevant competitions. By the way, I remembered that literally crowds of secondary princes and other aristocrats I met at the Moscow Matches on Polo. So it is not necessary to go far, you just need to have access.

3. Any prince is a terry egoist. Even if the monarching parents mournfully press the lips only at one mention of the heir, even if he was in childhood the prince-consort, and even if he was the last to academic success in the university, he, the prince, was accustomed to Around him. Around the clock. Accordingly, in a relationship with a girl, he expects it to her, the girl will "spin" around him. His interests - the main thing, his hobby is more interesting, its schedule is more important. Point.

There is no need to go far: Prince of William William and Kate Middleton is the most striking example. As you like to mock the fact that Kate nine years old by his only and unique life dedicated to the expectation of the proposal of hands, hearts and crowns, but I can argue, the prince suited everything, and the behavior of Kate did not seem funny and miserable. But the favorite girl of Prince Harry Wales - Chelsea Davie put his life interests much higher than the relationship with our loved friable bupsik. The result - the prince was sent by the forest!

About the periods of courting of princes from other European monarchies write less (in any case, in the English-speaking media available to me), but I remember another bright example: TV presenter Letsius Ortis escaped from parties on his own birthday, in order to secretly meet the Spanish career Prince Felippe! Well, the fact that the girls of blood princes are forced to challenge work, the family, leave their homeland to move to the country of the titled Uhager - is so common that it is not even discussed.

Yes, and at this point will not cost without an example of the life of Prince Charles Welly and Lady Diana Spencer (plus Mrs. Parker Bowl). Camilla adjusted her life under the life of Charles. And their lifestyle largely coincided (and coincides so far). But Lady Diana during the courts of Prince Charles successfully pretended that she is interesting to all these walks around the fields, hunting, horse riding, architecture, painting - in general, all that is interested in the heir. And after the wedding, it suddenly finds out that she has completely different interests! And they kindly to her than the interests of her husband. It is not surprising that Charles continued to communicate with "his" Camilla.

Yes, I am a supporter of the theory that Roman Charles and Camilla resumed only when his marriage with Diana began to collapse as a card house.

4. The prince must perceive his girls (in perspective - the bride), like even. That is, in spite of all your egoism and privileged position, the prince does not need a housewife-dash-sexy slave (here, the hands will be scratched to write a couple of pages of the text about the relationships of our nouveau to their hearts of the heart, but here they are not a place). I do not know how a commoner girl from the class of fragmented countries can put themselves on one step with a prince of blood, but somehow can!

Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Photo: Camera Press /

Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Photo: Camera Press /

Of course, all the princes are different: someone needs a row, and someone dreams that they swept off on him. Here, an example was already familiar with the example of the relationship of the king Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson: According to all the sources, Wallis took the top over, then the prince of Wales, and he became her faithful slave for the rest of his life. Or look at the Crown Prince Felippe - what a brutal man, and, apparently, the podkinnik. In general, the potential princesses should quickly catch the fineness of the prince's character. "

The theme is long, so the continuation should be.

Blog of the author Lana Caprice

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