How losing weight men? On the dispute!


One fine April Day, Oleg wrote to friends: "Lady and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. We here with my friend Alexander came in no joke: who detects in seven weeks. And then drove over all measures for the winter. Who wants to join? "

In the comments, there was still a couple of volunteers, including a person whose name in this country is known to everyone (not yet disclosed). "I am ready to participate," he wrote, "but I will not report the weight, I will only tell the difference from today in the morning by the morning of the day H.

And all wrap ...

Oleg promised to share the details of the takeoffs and falls of the "Passionate detachment" with Womanhit readers. And at the same time - to tell what I learned, preparing for "competitions": the materials were read and analyzed quite a few.


Alexander, the proliferation progress; Starting weight athlete 81.5 kg.

Oleg, a disgrace supporter; Starting weight 98.6 kg.

Two participants from the support group that did not know accurate data.

And Special Guest - the name has not yet been disclosed, the weight is not disclosed.

Brief Challenge Rules:

1. Date of summing up - June 3, 2013.

2. The method of counting the result: the percentage of weight reduction from the starting. *

3. Proof: video weighing before and after. **

4. Methods to achieve the goal - at the discretion of participants in the competition. ***

5. Details are currently being discussed, bring suggestions.

Notes and all that:

Date is chosen arbitrarily, but forced. For impressive results, it takes three months, but for a start, let's see what we will achieve the beginning of the summer.

* Actually, weight is a bad indicator. Athlete and Zhyhtrone can weigh the equally with an increase, and the marathonist is light, but look sad. And even with the right way of use, the weight is reduced slower, since light fat is replaced by heavy muscles.

But this is more or less objective, measurable indicator. The percentages slightly equalize the chances of the participants weighing 80, 100 and 150 kg, since it is so lighter and can be made more in absolute figures. On the other hand, the norm of a healthy weight loss is evenly 1 kg per week. That is, in this pace, the result will be stable and long-playing. Total for 7 weeks - a maximum of 7 kilos, and the percentage is different.

** Photos in Public will not. We are all gentlemen here and believe each other for the word. But one of the fundamental rules of both work on yourself and competitions, even friendly: fix the result "to" and "after". The easiest way is to remove weighing on camera phone or camera. The newspaper or the tablet screen with the current date is welcome. But for itself, it is necessary to take a photo of the FAS, profile, intenitating and from the back. Yes, now the spectacle is terrible, but then the real progress will be visible.

*** There are methods and methods. We are for healthy sex. However, with all the wealth of choice, there are ways effective and reliable, and there are all the others. There are also paid and free, to whom that anyone. Who does not like to think, consider and kick yourself yourself, there are ready-made solutions: for example, an inflammatory workout, where all-all is painted. Or Community RU_HealthLife, where everything is also painted, but you need to read a lot, and when to read it, if urgently need to lose weight? In general, the cherished figure on the scales is good, but health is better.

Just in case, suddenly someone does not know, weighing rules:

In the morning, at the same time, before breakfast, after the toilet, 1-2 times a week at the same day. The scales are better to check the warning weight, the shooter lie, the electronic is also waving over time. Alcoholic withdrawal on the eve, oily, acute, salted food and a lot of water - everything affects the current weight.

Alexander: "My technique will be extremely simple. Low carb diet (without bakery products and sweet), plus walking and homemade multiple fitness. Home, because from Vip Rocking, I did not care for a while, and turned out to be com. On the other hand, when a calorie deficit, heavy classes are impossible. "

Oleg: "You can harden in different ways. If by the mind, with suitable power training, the weight is slower. But the appearance improves faster. But our main task is different: get used to a new lifestyle, which will allow for years to be preserved. There is already exactly the hurry is harmful. To sit on fruits and kefir - this is for me still extreme, a healthy weight loss implies normal nutrition. And walking is very good, but takes a lot of time and, alas, does not give real male muscles. So the dumbbells will be very much. And better - Giri. "

If you want to lose weight with Womanhit, waiting for your offers in the comments, as well as at: [email protected].

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