Iron confidence: why people with high self-esteem everything turns out


Self-esteem has become a nominal concept. Teachers, parents, therapists and other people focused on improving self-esteem, based on the assumption that high self-esteem will bring a lot of positive results and advantages - the assumption that is critically evaluated in scientific reviews. Want to know what scientists say? In this material, consider their points of view and make important conclusions.

Self-esteem is closely connected with happiness

Although the study "Does High Self-Esteem Cause Better Performance, Interpersonal Success, Happiness, Or Healthier Lifestyles?" Clearly did not establish a causal relationship between concepts, its authors are convinced: high self-esteem really leads to greater happiness. Under certain circumstances, low self-esteem is greater likely than high will lead to depression. Some studies confirm the bufferiness hypothesis, according to which high self-esteem mitigates the effects of stress.

High self-esteem really leads to greater happiness

High self-esteem really leads to greater happiness


Success in the career inevit

Also, as research confirm, high self-esteem contributes to experimentation. For people who do not know how to manage their lives and float within, it has a negative impact - they are more inclined to dependence on alcohol and drugs, early entry into the sexual relations and other things. For others, the lack of fear of experiments opens the way to learn a new one. Being, for example, an economist, you can get involved in cycling or playing the drums, without thinking about how the areas of your interests are straightened. This leads to the development of many skills and inevitable movement through the career ladder with your favorite opportunities you have.

No fear failure

Laboratory studies, as a rule, did not show that the feeling of self-esteem is a direct road to good task execution, as an important exception that high self-esteem contributes to perseverance after failure. That is, in life you need to develop skills and constantly learn regardless of whether you appreciate yourself or not. But regarding the number of attempts to cope with the problem for you, people with high self-esteem will benefit! They will not surrender, the foam on their unsuccessfulness or lack of intelligence, and try again.

Regarding the number of attempts to cope with the problem for you, people with high self-esteem will benefit

Regarding the number of attempts to cope with the problem for you, people with high self-esteem will benefit


Science still studies the effect of self-esteem for success in life. At this stage, the clear relationship is not traced and scientists are inclined to the fact that the artificial development of this skill often does not make sense. But those who he has been given by birth and has been developed with the support of a close environment, clearly lucky.

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