Robert Downey Jr.: "My last feat - changing diapers"


"Robert, your hero, an iron man, briefly describes himself like this: genius, philanthropist, playboy and billionaire. And what four words are best talking about you?

- Father, son, husband and colleague. I understand it sounds not very cool. But sorry. (Laughs.)

- If you woke up once in the morning and found that you have many ingenious ideas in your head, and the closet has an armor-piercing superhero costume. What would you do? Where would they go?

- It is necessary to treat it very carefully. First of all, I would like to clarify the question, as it could happen so suddenly. (Laughs.) And then I would fly from my house to the office. I would surprise the security service, checked how they are guarded there and how things are going there without me.

- What about the salvation of the world?

- What about the world? Who said the world should be saved? This is a very convenient topic only for films about superheroes. And in life, everything is not at all.

- In the film you are a real hero. And in life when did the last feat?

- My last feat is the urgent change of diapers to the child. (Laughs.)

In the capital of Robert Downey Jr., one and a half thousand iron people met. The actor was delighted with Flashmob. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

In the capital of Robert Downey Jr., one and a half thousand iron people met. The actor was delighted with Flashmob. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- You have two sons. What films did you want to show them?

"I don't even know, I would like to make them watch your films." It would be somehow selfishly on my part. (Smiles.) If you say about movies in general, I would recommend them to see Stanley Kubrick, some films from a very early cinema. And also probably, I would consult with someone on this topic. For example, I recently communicated with Jude Lo, we are friends with him, as you understand. (Dauni Jr. and Lo were filmed together in the films "Sherlock Holmes" Guy Richie. - Ed.) And he asked me: "What kind of music do you listen to?" And I answer him: "No, you tell me, what do you listen to?" After all, he lives in London and aware of all musical innovations. I do not consider myself an expert in such matters, so I love to communicate with friends and even random acquaintances, which culturally enriched me, to enroll their advice.

- And whose advice do you hold?

- His lawyer. (Laughs). And Tom Hanks. He is my very good friend. Otherwise I would not listen to him.

- In 2004, you released your first solo album. However, then no longer recorded any plates. You no longer want to do music?

- I like music very much. And by the way, I was settled in the room with piano. It's good that I do not cry for the hotel. (Laughs.) And seeing the instrument, I came to full delight and immediately sat down. It was very exciting, because I have not played so long. But on the other hand, right there, in Moscow I met with Kevin Kostner, who came here with a concert, and in the day he should have been a performance in St. Petersburg. I hate it, because I'm terribly envied. (Laughs.) So this is already a completely different level, I still first of all the actor. And to try to entertain people with their musication seems to me not quite reasonable. Here is my son Indio - he is 19 years old now - very gifted. And I am now more interested in his musical career than in his own. Sometimes I ask him something to play. He takes his acoustic guitar and plays some song, which in good sense blames my brain. I ask: "When did you write it?". "Ten minutes ago," he answers. That's really great.

"So maybe you will withdraw in the Musical film, where you could shine with your vocal data." No similar plans?

- I'd better ask my wife Susan about my plans for the future. (Laughs.) The fact is that it is not only a wife, but also producer. I have some ideas about the musical, and I hope to embody them in the distant future. But in the near future I will have shooting in the film "Judge" with Robert Dulky. This is a serious dramatic movie.

Ben Kingsley and Robert Downey Jr., arriving in Moscow, immediately got up: so they entered the image of their heroes. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Ben Kingsley and Robert Downey Jr., arriving in Moscow, immediately got up: so they entered the image of their heroes. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

"Twenty years ago, you starred in a serious cinema - Charlie Chaplin played. I would not like to repeat the experience and play someone from the great?

- I'm just a hired worker, if you offer - I am ready. (Laughs.) And as for Chaplin, it seems to me that his echoes appear in everything I do. His personality, wit, charisma, the ability to tell stories. He left his life before he began to understand who he was. But I'm still amazed, I'm still studying Chaplin, I open it for myself.

- Robert, and you can say about yourself that you are as irrigible and invulnerable as an iron man?

- No, I'm just one of you. The same beautiful. (Laughs.)

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