Preparing Easter cake in bread maker


Kulich in yolks


⅔ Glass of milk,

20-25 g of raw yeast,

3-4 yolk, 2 + ⅔ cup flour,

½ cup sugar,

⅓ teaspoon salt,

3-4 tablespoons (60-80 g) of vegetable or melted butter,

¼ cup of raisin or finely chopped dried

¼ cup of orange candied fruits, vanillin, if desired, 3-4 tablespoons of crushed nuts (almonds, hazelnut).

In warm water or milk put 1 teaspoon of sugar and dissolve yeast.

Wake a glass of flour.

Put in a warm place before the formation of lush foam.

Egg yolks to be confused with sugar, salt and vaniline, to interfere with oil.

To pour yeast into the oil-egg mixture, to stir well, pour 2 cups of flour and knead the soft non-sticky dough, if necessary, further sleeping flour (~ ⅓ glass).

Put a warm place to an increase at least 2 times.

Dough cover top with a film so that it is not covered with dried crust.

In the dough put raisins and candied fruits, make and put it in the form by filling it with ½ height. (Form pre-lubricate with oil and sprinkle with flour or ground breadcrumbs.)

Tsukata and dried fruits are preferably tedious to twist, the bay of their 1-2-stan brandy.

Instead of orange candied fruits (sugar orange crusts), you can use fresh orange crusts. But at first they needed at least 1 day (and better than 3 days) to scatter in cold water to remove the specific bitterness.

The dyed crusts finely cut, most convenient - with scissors.

Then they should be dried so that there is no excess water.

Shape with a test to put in a warm place, again covering the film from above.

When the dough takes the entire form, put into the oven preheated to T = 180 °.

Bake until readiness. If the top starts too quickly shut down, tighten the foil.

After 15 ~ 20 minutes after the start of baking (depending on the size of the form), the temperature can be reduced to 160 ° C.

Ready cake to sprinkle with powdered sugar or pour sugar icing.

Easter cake from bread maker.

Easter cake from bread maker.

Easter cake for lazy (or earned)

We decided to add an option with almonds, raisins and lemon juice to the main recipe, a raisin and lemon juice. First, fans of this kitchen appliances are becoming more and more. Secondly, even more women who, regardless of their attitude to the bread maker, prefer not to crush their head with complex recipes, but to do everything quickly and tasty.


Dry yeast - 2.5 teaspoons.

Wheat flour - 450 g.

Salt - 0.5 h. L.

Eggs - 4 pcs.

Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.

Vanillin - 1 tsp.

Butter - 100 g

Citrus juice. - 50 ml.

Raisins, Cuts and Nuts are a complete dispenser. If your bread maker does not have a separate dispenser for additives, just put in the dough.

Mode - dietary with raisins.

Size - L.

Here everything is simple, products are laid in the bread maker, and for four hours you forget about it, and then just take out hot fragrant cake.

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