5 useful properties of sex: what you were not suspected


Sex plays in our life a much bigger role than we used to think. The process itself brings not only pleasure, but also the real benefit of the body. This factor is especially worth considering women, what specific benefits will tell right now.

Add more intima to your life

Add more intima to your life

Photo: unsplash.com.

Prolongs youth

According to many gynecologists, women up to 40 years old who live active sexual life look, as a rule, for 5-8 years younger than their peers who prefer to avoid this sphere of life. In addition, the intimate permanent basis reduces the stress level and brings more positive.

Another interesting fact - passionate sexual act contributes to the active development of estrogen, which smoothes small wrinkles, and in general, the skin becomes more elastic.

Immunity increase

In order to boast a powerful immunity, sex in your life should have to happen at least once a week. Again, as specialists say, ORVI and influenza cases are recorded in sexually active people by 30% less.

sex must be high quality

sex must be high quality

Photo: unsplash.com.

Life expectancy

As we have already understood, high-quality sex makes our body work in full force, which means all the processes of cell renewal are much faster. This means that with chronic diseases such people face less often, which makes it possible to lead an active life, being in pensions.

For women during menopause, sex acquires therapeutic qualities, delaying the development of osteoporosis.

Weight loss

Probably the most famous fact, and one of the most pleasant for the female half: active sex helps burn calories, which is equal to the full warm-up. Decide, it is better to spend a few hours in bed with your loved one, instead of straining on the simulator in the stuffy room.

Reducing the likelihood of gynecological diseases

Is it worth talking how important the reproductive system is important for a woman, and how much time, forces and means is leaving for the treatment of the most fragile and complex system in the female organism.

For women, sex is especially important

For women, sex is especially important

Photo: unsplash.com.

Be sure if more sex will appear in your life, necessarily high quality and with your loved one, you will avoid the following problems:

- disorders of the menstrual cycle.

- Reducing the tone of the muscles of the vagina.

- Hormonal Balance Violations.

- Unpleasant symptoms of PMS.

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