Who in my environment deserves confidence?


Today I came to the interpretation of sleep from a familiar woman. She also sent her reflections about sleep, but let's and we will connect to the decoding of her dreaming.

So, sleep about its unconscious conclusions about trust and distrust of others:

"We leave with aunt from the entrance, I ask her:" Do you want to get behind the wheel? " She answers in his children's manner: "I want." She sits down, I stay to watch from the side. She goes first forward, stops and then from all the dius back, but not in his strip, and the oncoming leaves when a little left to the back of the car, it stops again, and then from all the Daci reversing it goes into it - the 1st Alarm. Then another car drives up to it, and for some reason it also drives into this car. Here I already come out. The first car is old, and she got a little, the driver says that he does not need anything; The second driver says that he learns the cost of repair.

The next day he called and said that there were no damage to 250 thousand rubles. I'm shocked, I say that, maybe they pay on the CTP. I have a familiar emergency commissioner. Then I understand that there is no aunt in my OSAGO. And if the certificate has already done to it, it does not remake it. I think that I can not shift all this load on the aunt. And the driver indignantly says that he does not receive money, so you have to pay me myself.

My conclusion that I was very scared to talk to someone, because it threatens me with the troubles of material, and in general any. For all the answer will still have to me all the same. What else is worth it, I can't understand. Because this conclusion is simple, and I know him. I think that there is a connection with the fact that I do not have employees, I do not trust them. Waiting for your interpretations. "

In general, as I have repeatedly spoke, it is important to interpret a dreamy, its unique metaphors and symbols. Interesting question, she asks himself about the connection to the mistrust of people and the damage she covers, with the lack of employees in her business.

I think the answer is obvious from her sleep. She agrees that her car in this case will be controlled by aunt, which does not know how to drive, as a children's fun. It's like to believe in the hundredth time to believe the word alcoholic, that he will not drink a glass, or an avid player that he will not take on the old one. The whole drama, which is played after, is only proof that it comes into relations with people, knowingly knowing that they may not cope.

It is unlikely that you will beat your child earnings of money, the elderly weakened parents - moving and transferring the piano. In the light of mind and solid memory, you delegate these tasks to those who can cope, or make themselves. However, sleep demonstrates the heroine, as blindly she trusts where it should not be done. The confidence of an adult is different from children's naivety and limitless suggestion by the fact that he is also worth the experience and ability to recognize, feel: what and who can be entrusted.

Moreover, all subsequent chats are increasingly convincing it in their own right that "everyone else to pay for everything."

This conclusion provokes it to entry into relations with unable or unreliable people, they undergo it, rooting everything deeper in their own error of thinking. The circle closed. If this happened only with her, we would light easily with you. But this is the nature of man. Own rightness, no matter how illogical, it requires self-safe prophecies. For example, a common idea that "men cannot be trusted" offers women various scenarios in order to make sure about it once again: a meeting with married men, alphonses or depressive types that are trying to cope with the depression with help to add or alcohol.

If we talk about our heroine, she should notice not to how and what she has to pay, but to how she provokes his loved ones to "let down" her. As blindly trusts where it is just to refuse or prohibit.

We wish good luck to her on the most interesting way to transform our own beliefs.

By the way, these beliefs, or negative cognitions about themselves or about the world, not so easy to eradicate. Lightweight tips for girlfriends or grandmothers from the series "Do not think about the bad", "Top at the good" here will not help. Negative beliefs are firmly sitting on painful experience. As a result of difficult emotional events that were in the experience of everyone and everyone, we come to a negative conclusion about ourselves and others to somehow explain what is happening sincere pain. In primary events, such conclusions help to cope with what is happening, but for subsequent events in life affect the most poisonous way. "It is impossible to trust" men "extends not only on a specific offender, but is a prism through which women look at all men. "I myself, no one for me in this world" over time develops into the abyss between people. Our unconscious convictions themselves cannot harm us, but the more they are unconscious, the more we obey their impulses. The path of success in life is the awareness of these conclusions, their inspection on the consistency and personal risky deeds that such destructive prophecies can be corrected.

I wonder what you dream? Send your dreams and questions by mail [email protected].

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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