Elizabeth Arzamasova: "My heart is busy - I hope for a long time"


Lisa Arzamasov, spectators have known for many years. She debuted into a movie in four years, and the popularity brought the series "Daddy's daughter", where the actress played smartly Galina Sergeevna. Now Lisa bloomed, turned into a charming girl - nice not only to watch, but also talk to her. Since the actress does not like to talk about personal life, she periodically attribute novels with partners along the set. In this interview, Lisa put all the points over "I". Her heart has long been busy.

Vorious to communicate with the Liza Arzamasovoy journalists can be infrequently. She prefers to answer the questions in writing. So there is time to think. Nevertheless, our meeting was very friendly. Lisa pleased with his sincerity, emotionality and some inner purity. There were very nice impressions. Moreover, we communicated in a very unusual and mysterious place - the house of Bulgakov, where the actress had a rehearsal of the performance.

- Lisa, today you can often be seen on the stage of the theater than in the movie. Such is the need for self-expression or just circumstances develop?

- I would not say that. Last year, very good films were removed, I look forward to the exit. This is always such an exciting period for the actor - anxiety unknown. I would like, despite all the economic difficulties, these works saw the light. But if you compare the movie and theater, probably, for the viewer, it is always better to observe the live actor here and now. Just before interview, we rehearsed the play "Romeo and Juliet" on the stage of the Bulgakov House. Here we play and another performance - "Conspiracy in English." A small hall, a chamber scene - not only the audience are close to the actors, but we literally can hear their breathing. And here the system is not a "fourth wall" - people in the hall also become accomplices of what is happening. This is an amazing feeling! In the theater, such a reward is important, power failure.

- Do you know your permanent fans?

- Yes of course. It's so nice - hear a laugh of someone native in the hall! For example, it is very important for me that my mother attended the performance. When the director of the house of Bulgakov, Nikolai Golubev and his wife Natasha, are coming, they laugh so much, they react to some scenes in the performance (although they see it not for the first time), and generously help this reaction. And of course, there are spectators who are no longer just audience, but my good comrades. Alexander from Samara, Yana from Tula, Nastya from Cherepovets, Maxim from Minsk - they are specially come to the premieres, and we are pleased to somehow come true. We are glad to any viewer. It happens such a quiet reaction of the hall, which first alarming, makes it tense: "What happens? Something is wrong or, on the contrary, everything goes well? .. "And it happens that with the very first stage, the viewer is so involved in the action that turns into a partner. We live together this story.

- Flowers carry home?

- necessarily. It's so nice! Especially when unfamiliar people are given them. I think not in all countries there is such a tradition: to give flowers to actors. I have a whole ritual. I bring bouquets home, putting beautifully in the vases all over the apartment, I make a photo and send them to grandmother in Vladivostok - such a report on the work done. (Laughs.)

Jumpsuit, Araida; Clips, style of stylist

Jumpsuit, Araida; Clips, style of stylist

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- You early found your calling, began to engage in profession. Very often, such people ask a question about ruined childhood. What do you remember from the early age in addition to theatrical and cinema history?

- About ruined childhood - you are right, this topic often arises. (Laughs.) Why? I do not find a response to this question. And my childhood I remember very well. Parents tried to paint my life in the brightest paints and dishended me. There were some incredible trips to the children's park, picnics, entertainment, noisy companies, reading fairy tales. We put the spectacles in the summer at the cottage, the concerts arranged, together prepared, came up with surprises for each other. And the conclusion I did: I will also indulge my children! Because I suspect that mom and dad received great pleasure from this. What to talk about the celebration of the New Year! Throughout the time that the Christmas tree stood, gifts appeared under it every night. It was so interesting: what did Santa Claus brought there today? (Laughs.) I am sincerely surprised: why do we need to remove the Christmas tree at the end of January? Such a wonderful tree - all the time gifts appear! .. See what bright memories?

And about what I wanted to do, - I did not know that. When I was four years old, my mother recorded me in different circles: theatrical, drawing, dancing, music school. I tried everything. The drawing went with pleasure - the classes led a very good, good teacher. But there I was boring, did not happen some kind of action. In the music school, a wonderful company of the girl was selected, we were very sfed. But after six months, the music teacher went to my mother and strictly asked: "Why doesn't your child know after half a year of study, doesn't know how the note is located?". And my mother asked her the same question. But, having come home, I decided to figure out what is the matter. And then it turned out that I am writing notes not where they should be located, and where it seemed to me more beautiful. (Laughs.) So I have not been delayed in the music school. And in the dance studio I did not like that all the girls should be in the same black swimsuits, - I tried to "decorate" classes, then some insane pink bundle, then new invented movements. And only in the theater studio I was allowed everything. It was a feeling of happy freedom! I ran on all fours along the scene, crossing it diagonally. And teachers considered this self-expression. There and adults sometimes behaved like children. I was very comfortable in this environment. But the main thing - I felt the joy of staying on the scene. I remember there was some kind of advice of the readers, and I took part in it. My mother and I learned the poem: "A man, jarred legs lived in the world. And he walked a whole century on a coarse track. " Mom I was well explained to me well what it is for a person how hard it lives. And I read this poem with such a feeling, so everything looked with me, all the limbs, a face and even the voice of "hooked" that the audience laughed. I was awarded the first place, and I didn't even understand it, because I had never participated in competition before. The joy was not from victory, but from the fact that people reacted so well, I was able to influence their mood, give positive emotions.

- What do you think, why do the actors who start to act in early childhood and become popular, then the career does not make shape?

- I do not think that there is some regularity. Although I also often heard such in my address. After all, I started filming a movie in four years, and for the first time I first came out at eight - in the musical "Annie" Nina Chusovoy. I even got sick with this thought - that, possibly, when we grow up, I will not be removed. Mom reassured me: "This does not mean that you will be unclaimed. People grow up, you yourself can change the interests. " I think everyone has its own way. Perhaps it looks like this: there was such a small star, and then I was stopped inviting to the movies. But maybe a person himself made a choice in favor of a family or other profession? And success for him in another?

Suit, Maison Di Marie; Top, IZETA; Sandals, H & M; Socks, Calzedonia; Bracelet, Magia Di Gamma

Suit, Maison Di Marie; Top, IZETA; Sandals, H & M; Socks, Calzedonia; Bracelet, Magia Di Gamma

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Mediation somehow influenced your life?

"After the TV showed the TV series" Daddy's daughter ", I began to learn. I like when people greet me on the street. I also definitely greet the answer. This is such a touching feeling that you have a little more acquaintances on Earth than it was supposed. (Laughs.) I still lucky: I did not come across some crazy manifestations of my fans, everything was culturally.

- Are you an extrovert?

- No, I probably introvert. Although it happens differently. As for loved ones, I am very tactile. It is important for me that I am already an adult girl, could go to my mother, hug with her, get silent alongside. But also to be alone, to strive about something, lie on the couch with a book - this is also my story.

- At first it was natural that mom accompanied you on shooting. And how are your relationships are built now? Isn't it difficult when mom also director?

- Of course, in four years, a person cannot learn the text itself and come to the shooting platform. She helped me and drove with me everywhere. Now we have a working tandem, but first of all, of course, Mom is a mother, my best adviser and friend. It is important to me that I can share with her some experiences. Of course, the girls secrets should remain. It is impossible to all that boiled, pour into a loved one, it is not generously. It is clear that, growing up, people are less common with their parents: they have their own company, personal life. But when it comes to work, I know exactly that mom should be near. This is my condition for a happy stay at work, my comfort zone. I have once watched it from other actors and felt it myself how you need to hide in a mink, take a time out.

I was lucky that I had director, assistant, friend and mom - in one person. I come to her, we are talking simply to the distracted topics, and I "let go." She cares and the fact that I was comfortable physically. If at some point I need a pill from a headache or something to eat something, my mother quickly organizes. No one even knows that the artist wanted something. (Smiles.) First on the set, many were surprised: an adult girl - and with mom! But then it is invariably, it turns out that Policolika is already friends with her, come to visit us. Nothing amazing: my mother is cool, the company and sociable. She also helps me with time planning. I am a rather unorganized person in this sense. I live here and now and do not even know that I will have tomorrow. It is recorded in the mother's blue book. (Laughs.)

- Suppose you got a script. You like, mom - no. What's happening?

- I, of course, always definitely read the script. When his mother reads him with me, a dialogue occurs. But if I know for sure that I liked everything, and my mother begins to express arguments with a minus sign, I will not listen to her. (Laugh.) Prefer not to talk on this topic. Mom knows exactly: if I caught up with something, I will definitely do it. For what I am grateful to her - she never deprived me of experience. The only thing my mother helped and helps, is to deal with the consequences of what I did.

- The director is usually paid a salary. How this happens to you: the tenth comes, you stretch your mother envelope ...

- No, we do not reach such an absurd! (Laughs.) Mom works for love.

- You have been twenty-one for you - even on Western standards of age. Are you psychologically ready to start an independent life, to live separately?

- I have long been ready for this, and I feel like an adult. This is such a strange paradox: on the one hand, I feel like an adult from the earliest childhood. Perhaps because parents always treated me seriously, with respect, as equal. On the other hand, growing up. I am the shore of my "internal child" and very much love people who do not fight with their childhood. In this perception of the world, there is much more truth and purity, there is a miracle place. The numbers just never played for me a decisive role. These are some formalities that from eighteen years old is allowed to wear weapons, drink alcohol. But you can get married at sixteen. It turns out that you can drink only two years after the wedding. (Laughs.)

Dress and Basque, All - Svetlana Kushnerova Couture

Dress and Basque, All - Svetlana Kushnerova Couture

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- You were attributed to novels with partners on the set: Philip Pale, Maxim Colosis. Every time you assured you are just friends. Are you more comfortable to be friends with men than women?

- Not that more comfortable. But I have a lot of male friends. And women. (Laughs.) Although truly close friends do not happen much. People with whom do not just support a friendly relationship, but with which you can be extremely frank and open, I, of course, a little. In general, if we talk about friendship, I am very long to come closer to people. I need time. Sometimes it can happen through years of communication. Suddenly the flash - and you coincide with some inexplicable way ... There are such things that I do not consider it necessary to share with anyone at all. I worry with me a lot. And I talk a little in life. (Smiles.) I love to write and even if possible, when it comes to an interview, I try to do this by mail.

- What do you write? Stories, diary?

- all. And poems, and fairy tales, and scripts. While I do not risk it to make public. I share only with the most close.

- You study at the Faculty Producer. Did your idea changed about this field of activity?

- Yes, I thought I know how it was done. I saw everything! (Laughs.) But in fact, everything turned out to be much more difficult. Faced with the first practical task, it would seem simplest - it was necessary to remove a small story stacked in a certain genre - I thought: "What nonsense, I will do everything myself!" With this "myself" I marched the year along the way of completing the task, and it was a complete failure. My stupid self-confidence had no soil. And then I realized that you need to seriously understand everything, to delve into study. I like learning. Behind the seventh session, which I passed on "excellent." And I'm more and more dismantling in the profession that chose.

- Have you always been such a girl - with character?

- In childhood I was a very obedient child. I did not reread, I did not prove anything. Mom even feared that with such a molding it will be difficult for me to survive in this world. Therefore, when I saw some manifestations of hooliganism in me, Quietly tried to encourage them. So my inner hooligan is obliged to the appearance of Mom. (Smiles.) In general, I wanted to play not only the princesses, but also robbing, like now - the heroine of diverse.

- In order for in adolescence to play Galina Sergeyevna from the "daddy daughters" - a rather terrible person, you need a certain courage.

- Rather, ironic attitude towards yourself. Before that, I was offered roles of children with tragic fate, from difficult families. Probably, the external type coincided. I was so small, pale. And then they offered to play a nice, funny girl. I am very grateful to the TV series "Daddy's daughter". This is a few years of my life.

- The more surprising was your transformation into a beautiful juliet. You yourself approached the director with a request to try you on this role. Where was the confidence that everything would work out?

- Acknowledge, I myself did not expect such audacity from myself. (Laughs.) This is also the courage of our director Sergei Aldonin, who went to meet me. I am so grateful that I played Juliet for fourteen years! For seven years, I have been in this play, but as it was not there, so there is no now. Perhaps it was even dressed. Previously, I had some kind of desperate recklessness, I just flew the performance from the first to the last scene. Well, I explained everything so well for me: "Lisa, you don't need to play anything, just be yourself." But now, when I matured, much in this drama seems for me incomprehensible, awesome. I used to be sincerely surprised and confused in the final scene of the performance. I did not understand why the heroes should die, and I cried not because it is written in the play. I stayed in kindergarten. I sincerely believed that even if your beloved did not become, you still need to live on. To bear this love, keep the memory of a close person. Now I understand that love is the only uncontrolled irrational feeling. Pride can be reconciled, to swallow offense, and love often pushes people to crazy actions like a plus sign and minus. Trucks like Juliet, make a lot to argue on this topic. But the only thing I was trying to figure it out for a long time and could not, - which means the first love, the second, one hundred and third ... It seems to me that the real love is only one, and she is for life. Everything else should be called something different: passion, charm, attraction.

Dress, aka nanita; Earrings with a body kit and a slave bracelet, all - Kojewelry

Dress, aka nanita; Earrings with a body kit and a slave bracelet, all - Kojewelry

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Did you see such examples in your life?

- You know, for me there is a big joy that our interview is income in April. After all, my beloved grandmother embedded turns eighty years. She really trembles to all publications about me. It will be a gift for her. So, of these eighty years, Grandma fifty six lived with my grandfather. This is a very inspirational example for me. They love so much, with such understanding and tenderness treat each other! My grandmother is rejected by everything. The same "fives" at the institute. Every time I call my grandmother in Vladivostok, and it's like a game: "Grandma, I passed the exam!" - "Yes, what! And what put? " - "Five!" And my favorite moment begins when Grandpa is happily called: "Vitya, Vita, our granddaughter passed the exam on perfectly!" This summer, we shot a picture of the "partner" in Vladivostok. My grandmother was happy. She came to me on shooting, looked from afar, what was going on there. We spent a wonderful week! I remember somehow it went three times - mom, grandmother and I am for candy. We go through the road to the underground transition, and there is completely cursed, and such a wicking echo is heard. And suddenly we are starting to sing and spin in Waltz with my eighty-year-old grandmother! Mom has twisted, tried to sharp us, everything repeated: "Grandma, grandmother! .." And that proudly turned and replied: "I'm not a grandmother - I am a princess!" I want to wish my risk, my princess, all the best, light. I think about her all the time, I remember.

- What do you think it is necessary to get married only by love?

- Sure. Can it be otherwise? I don't have any other options in my head. Just like Romeo and Juliet, but to live long and happily. I understand that over time, some events will certainly adjust my views on this question and, perhaps, it should be accurately responsible for him. But today I think and feel like that.

- Are you in love?

- I fall in love with people, talent. Charming with your colleagues, actors, directors. Wax, I am singing those who know how to do something with your own hands, and many families, and talented chefs. I like to take the position of the observer and on the part of Tikhonechko to admire a talented person. And if we talk about relationships with the opposite sex, then no, I'm not in love.

- And why? You give the impression of romantic nature.

- Of course, I am more romantic than a pragmatist. But my heart is busy. And I think (I hope), what is for a long time. "

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