Stars continue to celebrate Easter


Actress Elena Sparrow The rules are adhered to: meet Easter in a family circle, with loved ones and relatives. On the eve of the main Orthodox holiday, she makes Easter from the cottage cheese, with her daughter dies eggs and bakes of cakes.

"Sonya especially loves to paint eggs," Elena shares. - Every year I buy her new paints and stickers, and the daughter is already working on the design. She can do this all day. We also adorn cake every year in a new way. To do this, I buy a chunks, nuts, various color powder, and Sonya is already decorated with him. The day before the holiday, we and Sonia and I go to the temple near the house to consecrate the cakes, eggs and Easter. In the evening, I will say honestly when there is time, I do several different favorite dishes and some light salad. But in the morning we run everything cooked, but first - Easter and eggs. And congratulations to each other with the words "Christ Risen!" On Easter, it is customary to "fight the eggs", knocking in the end of a painted egg about another. In our family, this tradition is observed, Sonya loves her especially. She "fights" with everyone and until everyone will win - will not lag.

Elena Sparrow cake


flour - 500 g; Egg - 2 pcs; Milk - about 200 ml; Sugar - 250 g; Salt - ½ tsp; Dry yeast - 10 g; Creamy oil - 150 g; Lemon zest - 1 pc. (large);

Almonds - 100 g; Raisins without seeds - 200 g; Almond essence - 1.5 h.; Walnut, Tsukata (to taste)

For glaze: egg (proteins) - 2 pcs; Sugar powder - 250 g; Lemon (juice) - 1-2 hours l.

Cooking method:

We take flour (approximately 7 tbsp), yeast, sugar (1 tbsp.) We are divorced in a mile with warm milk (200 ml), then cover the napkin and put in a warm place (you can on the battery or in a deep bowl with warm water ). At this time you need to wash the lemon, wipe dry and graze the zest. Eggs rubbing with sugar, add zest and soft butter. All stirrate a wedge or mixer, but not very active so that the oil does not turn into porridge. Further almond grinding in a blender to the state of shallow cereals. Raisins are rinsed and poured with warm water for 20 minutes, after which we fold on the colander. We connect the dough with an egg-oil mixture. We gradually, stirring, add flour and salt, then almond flour and almond essence (optional).

We wash the dough, gradually add raisins and other nuts or candied tsukati at will.

Next, cover the dough with a towel and put in a warm place. We leave it for at least 3 hours, with this time 2-3 you need to form it.

First, every mold linner with bakery paper. Fill the molds with a dough on a half, cover with a napkin and give "go." Do not rush. When you decide that the dough has risen enough, you need to carefully put the shape with herbs breathed to 150 s in the oven. Leave the cakes for 15 minutes, then you need to increase the temperature to 200 s and the furnace until ready. Ready cakes to leave in the form and cover with a napkin. If you want to pour a cake with sugar icing, then water the cake hot. The icing is prepared very simply - whipped proteins, sugar powder is added and sharpened again. You can add lemon juice.

Margarita Sulankina with children. .

Margarita Sulankina with children. .

Margarita Sulankina Also, this holiday is always spent in a family circle, but this year loved ones became more, and she will first celebrate Easter with his kids Leroy and Seryozhe: "On the eve of my mother prepares Easter, Culichi, paints eggs - she gets it just great! We categorically use no dyes and other preservatives, everything is only natural. Even the eggs and cottage cheese for Easter are not buying not in the usual grocery store, but on the farmer market. Here is another plus life outside the city! But this year will be unusual for us, we have become more. Leray and Seryozhe have to get to know this holiday for the first time - this is their first real family Easter. For a long time I tell them about what is this holiday, all his nuances, traditions. Every time I chose somewhere, even in the store, we go all together, with Leroy and Seryozhey. Not far from the store there is a small church, where we will definitely go to at least a couple of minutes. The guys are looking forward to when you can paint eggs together, decorate cakes, try your homework. By the way, about Easter. We have our own family recipe. I will share them with you, I hope you enjoy it. It is called "Double Easter".

"Double Easter" from Margarita Sulankina


Ryazhenka - 3 liters, cottage cheese 9% - 400-600 grams, sugar to taste, butter creamy - 100 gr, cardamom ground at the tip of the knife, brassing zest - 1 tsp. L.

Cooking method:

Ryazhenka brew before the formation of flakes, throw back to the gauze, hang and give a stance of the liquid. We will succeed in grazing cottage cheese. Simple cottage cheese to rub through a sieve, mix with mild oil, sugar, cardamomon and zest. Pastechinitsa lay out gauze, put on the bottom and the walls to put fucked cottage cheese, and in the middle put a simple cottage cheese with a meal filler put on a plate, oppressing and remove in the refrigerator.

"It is in that church where we go, in the morning we will shy Kulichi, Easter, eggs. Especially for this day, I bought the guys new shirts, all in Russian traditions. And Lera is already learning to tinkering a handkerchief.

We also agreed that the guys in the evening, after visiting the church, draw their drawings: how did they remember this day. They love to draw them very much and I support them in every way. Sometimes we even take together pencils and brushes. I already bought them as a gift - a few puzzles for Easter themes, we will collect all together. They are simple, with a small number of elements, but very bright, with interesting images. As long as they are small, but it will take another little time, and we will already prepare a festive food together. Lere and seinery are already interested in all these preparations. And, by the way, they have their own baskets in which they will put food and bring it to the church: My basket will be the biggest, and they will be smaller, interestingly decorated with toy birds, flower and ribbons. I am sure that this day will be remembered for them for a long time and will lead a love for Easter and respect for our church and Russian holidays. Such days contribute to the bond of family bonds! This is valuable!

In the evening we are waiting for the guests of the group "Mirage" with children. Will, of course, the solemn exchange of eggs and battle them. I almost always won, I will teach Lero and Seriously small tricks, "adds Sukhankina.

Danko with daughter. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Danko with daughter. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Famous singer Danko After the appearance of the daughter, the holidays became especially preferably and realized that these days could not work. He also devotes his baby all the time: "Easter is one of the most important Orthodox holidays. I especially want to instill love and respect for her daughter. I noticed by myself when a child appears, you begin to easily approach the issue of celebrating the holidays. Especially such! Sonya perfectly knows what Easter is, with pleasure paints eggs, and every year she gets everything in an arterier. Three years ago, we began to draw small pictures, patterns, brush. I then painted a lot, and it was easy for me to explain the Sona how to keep silent and other subtleties. Now she is already doing this herself, apart part of the eggs at home and brings me as a gift, I also prepare Easter eggs for her, which she takes. We definitely see the holiday itself, I give her gifts and we arrange the "fight" eggs. I myself do not understand how this happens, but she always wins.

Last year, Sonya taught me such a trick: on a white egg it is necessary to put a leaf, flat, the egg itself wrap marley and omit into the dye. Marry must be tightened tight and tie it to not slip. Paint according to the instructions. Instead of leaves, it is possible, for example, wrapped with a construction tape (it will then be easily removed) and also put into the dye. Here you can "draw a scotch than any pattern.

While Sonya studies how to do everything beautiful and original, me, as a parent, more cares to be used as few artificial dyes. And if about the onion husk, each of us knows from childhood, I needed time to study what other natural ingredients can be painted eggs.

Birch leaves will give a yellow shade. Already boiled eggs can be gratened with beet juice, carrots. If the water add a teaspoon of vinegar and a bit of natural ingredients, there will also be interesting colors, the coloring substances here are the beets, carrots, orange zest, a walnut shell, nettle, coffee. So that the color was more saturated, hand over the eggs night in this brave, putting a saucepan in the refrigerator.

I really like that modern children have this holiday in honor and is not forgotten. Sonya and I always do so many eggs that it relates a part then to school, where they with the guys exchange and arrange the competition. And if she sees there an interesting painted egg there, then there will be a whole year to wait for the next Easter to do the same. And after all, it does not forget: take pictures, writes, looking for recipes.

All holidays we definitely celebrate together - it is extremely important for us. Last year, for some reason I had a lot of proposals for the Easter, someone even called, asked for a concert. From everything completely calmly refused and spent the day in pleasant family troubles.

In the afternoon - a trip to the museum or theater, and in the evening they are going to the whole family, friends and relatives come and we arrange a festive dinner. In addition to mandatory dishes, we prepare what each of the dinner participants loves. I love meat, and in Easter you can already begun. So with a pure heart I can afford a good steak.

Alena Apina. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Alena Apina. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Honored Artist of Russia Alena Apina Recalls that in this bright day and actions should be bright: "Easter for every Orthodox person is a great holiday!

He is waiting for him in every family, they are preparing to him. They give their thoughts, soul into harmony, no wonder before Easter is a great post. In general, the post primarily implies a refusal of negative thoughts and actions and already in the second - restrictions in food. Russian Easter is especially full of traditions and customs. Each family is especially carefully cleaned in pure Thursday, paint eggs, bake cakes, make Easter, which then illuminated in the temple. The church is satisfied with a solemn worship service, which is traditionally accomplished at night. In front of him there is a so-called procession for Easter.

There is also a belief that good deeds committed on this day take sins from the soul. I remembered one story that happened on the eve of the celebration of Easter. My girlfriend calls, wonderful and talented Katya Semenova and an agitated voice says that her neighbor wants to put his dog! And the dog is 2 years old, and since Katya unites us not only friendship, but also the love of dogs, the brothers to our smaller, to act was very quick. It turned out why the neighbor wanted to get rid of his dog faster. Wine all his undivided love. It turns out that this dog gave him his girl, and then they had a breaking, they broke up. And the dog stayed with a young man, he was seriously worried about parting and could no longer see his beloved Rottweiler Donald. The dog had to urgently pick up and to give someone in good hands. I had 2 big dogs at home at that time: Bobtail Dusya and Bernese Zennenhund Vasya, Kati's dachshunds live. At the time of the call, I was on the set and Volodya Turchinsky - a wonderful person, bright memory him - witnessed our conversation. And it turned out that they and his daughter and wife wanted to make a dog. He immediately called home, told everything. The decision was taken lightning. The dog moved to the Semal of Turchinsky. For several days, Donald lived at me at home, and at the Easter week Volodya came with his daughter and took the dog. We later converated with him. It turns out that Volodya also loved dogs very much and in his youth he had Rottweiler. So do good deeds, and not only on the Easter holiday! "

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