9 best serials of the year


"Trotsky" (Channel One)

In the desire to celebrate the Century of the October Revolution, the main TV channels with a truly Stakhanovsky perseverance took up the development of historical events and attracted the first magnitude stars. Trotsky performed by Konstantin Khabensky became perhaps the most striking character from all that the viewers were presented. The evil genius of the revolution turned out to be a hedonic rock star. Leather raincoat, theatrical gestures - everything is just like in the song: "Fast gait, an insane look ..." Add to this races in time and rumbling armored train as a symbol of revolution. Rather, the thriller than the historical drama.


"Walking on the flour" (NTV)

The modern version of the Soviet superhit on the trilogy of Alexei Tolstoy is not a very successful rating destiny, which does not cancel all the strengths of the series Konstantin Khudyakov. This is a big film with an impressive selection of actors. Moreover, regardless of the value of the role, they all played as if they were in the project of their dreams. Julia Snegir and Anna Chipovskaya, who got the main women's roles, just a miracle as good in retro images. Teleclassic of pure water.


"Ivanov + Ivanov" (STS)

The old plot of confused babies has become the basis for a very modern telecommotia about family values. And the authors managed if they could not get around all the tedious stamps of the genre, then from the soul to laugh at them. There is a suspicion that without Sergey Burunova a good comedy series is now impossible. However, the actor has a beautiful company: both adult and youth.


"Dr. Richter" (Russia 1)

The story frame and the characters of the American series "Dr. House" have repeatedly adapted to local conditions, but in this case we are talking about a completely official version. Unlike Hugh Laurie's hero, Dr. Richter has only one cane and other medicines to build harmonious relations with the outside world. But our house also exudes tons of sarcasm and is a classic irresistible type. And also, as in the foreign version, the main role went to the actor, for which it seems there is nothing impossible. Now we can say that Alexey Serebryakov is very convincing in a medical coat.


"Policeman from Rublevka" (TNT)

The second season of the series coincided with the ninth shaft of the popularity of Alexander Petrova, who played a major role. However, not only the successful coincidence of the career circumstances of one of the actors did the continuation of the series about the weekdays of police majors superhit. In each episode, there is a lot of energy, and often everything is happening - on the edge of the foul. And in the frame - Sergey Burunov, whose comedy talent goes to a dangerous level.

For the best foreign TV series of 2017, the definition of "teleparpet" sounds almost humiliating. We are talking about first-class cinema, which by the will of the authors stretched out for several episodes.


"Game of Thrones"

In this period of time, the "Game of Thrones" is the most popular TV series in the world: even those who have not seen a single series know about him. The seventh season, unfortunately the fans, turned out to be shorter than three series: seven instead of ten. But by no means disappointed the plot. Deeneris, Sersa, Tyrion, John Snow, Sansa and, of course, the king of the night showed everything that they are capable of. And even more.


"Twin Pix: Return"

Continuing the TV series "Twin Pix" His fans waited for more than a quarter of a century. And, which is the most unexpected, did not even argue on the topic: "This, of course, does not go to any comparison ..." The continuation really happened worthy. The actors returned from the original were not a pale copy of themselves, and the whole premium of new, among whom the stars of the first magnitude did not look attracted by the ears for wealth pictures. No wonder "Twin Pixes: Return" was named the "best serial of the year" at the global level.



The most popular foreign TV series among the Russian audience, according to the survey of the authors of the popular film, was the eight-grade drama "Taba" with Tom Hardy in the lead role. Critics also praised this mini-series, but Western television drivers reacted very cool. However, the creators of the story about the dealer of adventures, who tried to get a monopoly on trade with China, are not despair. And, apparently, in favor of the Russian viewer prepare a continuation.



Each Sherlock season is an almost universal scale event. Three series, who came to the screens in January 2017, were no exception. Moreover, some fans of the history of modern Holmes, they launched to colic, others brought to the powerless malice, the third were finally confused. Will the fourth season last, until no one says. After all, Arthur Conan Doyle once wanted to get rid of Holmes, dropping it to Reichnbakh Waterfall, but readers demanded the return of the hero. It is possible that the authors of the series do not stand before the sips of the audience again see Benedict Cumberbatch in the image of unsurpassed Sherlock.

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