The British erase underwear once a year: Learning, as can not


A study based on a survey of 2 thousand people spent Hammonds Furniture showed: the British lags behind when it comes to washing. Every third admitted that she was erased by bed linen only once a year, which, according to experts, can lead to accumulation of bacteria, the appearance of ticks and reactions in the form of itching on the skin. And their rough habits are not limited to sheets. 36% of the British erase the blankets once a year, and 18% admitted that even jeans erase only once a year. Womanhit explains why it can be dangerous for your health.

How often to change or wash sheets

According to a survey conducted in 2012 by the National Sleep Foundation, 91% of people change sheets every two weeks. Although this is the generally accepted practical rule, many experts recommend weekly washing. This is because a lot of invisible can accumulate on your sheets: thousands of dead skin cells, dust ticks and even feces (if you sleep naked, which can be useful for other reasons).

On your sheets can accumulate a lot of invisible: thousands of dead skin cells, dust ticks and even feces

On your sheets can accumulate a lot of invisible: thousands of dead skin cells, dust ticks and even feces


Factors that require more frequent washing

You should easily wash the sheets if:

You are allergic or asthma and you are sensitive to dust

You have an infection or lesion on a piece of leather that comes into contact with sheets or pillows

You are overly sweating

Your pet is sleeping in your bed

You eat in bed

You go to bed without having a shower

You sleep naked

What if you do not comply with these rules?

If you do not erase the sheets regularly, you are exposed to fungi, bacteria, pollen and animal wool, which are usually found on sheets and other bedding. On the sheets you can also find the release of the body, sweat and skin cells. People suffering from asthma and allergies can cause or exacerbate the symptoms if they sleep on dirty sheets. Even if you are not entering this group, you can feel the nasal and sneezing after night sleep if your sheets are not clean. You can also transmit and infect infections through contaminated underwear, as the results of the 2017 study showed.

The best way to clean the sheets

It is recommended to wash sheets and other bedding in hot water. Read the label care instructions and comprehend the sheets in the hottest remedicated temperature. The hot water, the more bacteria and allergens you delete. It is also recommended to iron sheets after washing.

It is recommended to wash sheets and other bedding in hot water.

It is recommended to wash sheets and other bedding in hot water.


Other bed linen

The rest of the bedding, such as plaids and dying blankets, should be erased every week or two. The study conducted in 2005 to assess fungal pollution of bedding showed that pillows, especially feathers and synthetic filler, are the main source of fungi. The age of tested pillows was from 1.5 to 20 years. Pillows should be changed once a year or two. The use of a protective cover for pillows will help minimize the amount of dust and bacteria. Blankets can serve from 15 to 20 years when used with a case and regular washing or chemical cleaning.

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