In search of the adventure


Facts from history

Currently, the minimum excursion tasting in the world of tea varieties can take several years of life: because at the moment there are about 1500. Looking at a slightly further tea bag (which, by the way, should be stored only and exclusively in foil, in order to avoid loss of properties Content), you can plunge into the authentic world of collecting and gourmet. And even get an initial historical education ...

For example, the financial power of the famous East India company was based only on tea. For many centuries, her ships were carrying invaluable cargo to Europe, and tea was more expensive than sugar and alcohol. Pirates were very loved to rob ships with tea in the South China Sea area. The most famous of them was black bart, which, - and it is reliably known, - preferred Tea Roma.

In England, tea was brought in 1662, after the wedding of Charles of the Second and Portuguese Princess Catherine Briagan. Did the latter accounted for chests with tea and ... The regions of Bombay and Tangier in India.

Of course, the world of tea is then not comparable today. Up to 20th century, there were no fertilizers and pesticides, tea plantations were not subjected to climate change and treated solely manually, which was definitely one of the guarantors of the ideal taste of tea.

And then, and now the brewing method is of great importance. But the chain that "stands" in front of him has even greater importance: this is a growing place, collection time, storage conditions, packaging and transportation speed. That is, literally everything!

Collect Tea

The quality of the tea sheet depends on the conditions of growth: temperature, humidity, air purity, the number of sunny days, etc. The tea plant is very sensitive to changes in the external environment, which is immediately reflected in the taste qualities of the product. The richer the mineral composition of the soil, the more interesting the taste characteristics of tea. It historically developed that the title of the manufacturer of the best tea in the world claims only a few countries. These are unconditional giants, - India and China, and their equally well-known competitors: Kenya, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Turkey, Indonesia, Japan and Taiwan.

The most valuable and high-quality tea is collected during the period of the so-called "Prime-Time", in the spring and summer, when the first tea leaves bloom. During this period, the upper part of the tea escape, two sheets and kidneys, contain the maximum number of useful substances and active elements.


Storage and transportation

The right collection, fermentation, sorting, is not all 100 percent of success. Sometimes the transportation of tea takes enough long time; Unfortunately, this time (like storage time) works for the product not in plus. But globalization dictates its laws: many companies today use the help of third-party organizations for tea packaging, and therefore, until the package, tea can fly in the warehouses months. The newby factory, which is in the heart of the tea region, in Calcutta, one of the few who does not appeal for a third-party help in this important process, and always keeps on the control as the speed of tea delivery from plantations to the factory and the quality of packaging and storage.


Do you know that storage conditions for different varieties of tea are different? Climate control systems in NewBy factory facilities are configured specifically for each variety, maintaining the optimal temperature and the necessary humidity. Packaging is especially important when it comes to maintaining the beneficial properties of tea. To date, the foil is the only material that can protect the leaves from the destructive effect of humidity, light and temperature drop. But in plastic transparent packaging, the healing properties of tea leaves are completely destroyed.


Packing or sheet?

Over the centuries, the true connoisseurs of tea prefer to brew sheet tea. But the time of high speeds made their own adjustments: bags appeared. Prejudice to them gourmets is partly justified. Their content is worse than visible, and unscrupulous manufacturers can add cheaper raw materials to them or, for example, tea dust. Naturally, having such supplements in their composition, tea becomes less useful, and sometimes just dangerous to health.

"Packaged tea does not always mean bad, - comment at the same time specialists Newby, - the main difference between high-quality packaged teas from a large sheet in the fact that they have smaller gradation and packed in a convenient form for brewing. All packagedes newby have a high level of quality, because it is made only from high-quality raw materials, like elite scattering grades. "

Package material matters

Let's ask you another question. And what is the tea bag made from? That is, exactly what tea is lying. But this is no longer no bags of natural silk, in which American importer of tea and coffee Thomas Sullivan in 1908 sent samples of tea to their customers who had not had to immediately lower the packages in hot water, first supposed to take out tea. However, they did not do this, and so, the tea bag was "born" quite by chance. Alas, today with sadness you have to admit that some companies can use far from the production of packaged tea. Most likely, these are derivatives of plastic, which in contact with hot water fall into the human body and ... may harm health. NEWBY, releasing individual packaging tea, uses only safe materials of plant origin. These are ready to confirm both the factory in Calcutta and in the central office in London.

With benefit

Nowadays, we can conclude that good tea can not be cheap, and cheap tea can not be good. Tea leaf has in its composition a variety of trace elements obtained from the soil, including fluorides. The older sheet (the later assembled), the less benefit it will bring a person. In a small amount, fluoride is useful. But in the leaves of tea, collected later, with violation of technology, fluorides multiple times exceed the norm that can make a drink dangerous.

Therefore, it is important to buy tea from a proven supplier. All Newby Tea Sorts Contain a low level of fluoride, which is confirmed by the studies of the EUROFINS international laboratory.

But that tea brings maximum benefit and pleasure, it is very important to brew it right. Specialists of the British Tea Company NEWBY give their recommendations and warn beginners - those who decided to go with us to a long and exciting tour of tea adventures - just from 2 rude mistakes.

The first - it is impossible to exceed the time of insteading the drink; Second - you can not brew tea with boiling water in the wrong temperature. Classic tea brew recipe: on 200 ml of water use 2 g of leaf tea (1 spoon of tea on a cup).

For black teas and tizanov, the brewing time should not exceed 5 minutes, the temperature of the water should be 100 degrees.

Green and white teas insist 2-3 minutes in water temperature 70-80 ° C. If you pour tender kidneys and leaves of green or white tea boiling water, they can simply burn them, from which the taste and fragrance will suffer. Wonds insist 3-5 minutes, brewing 100 ° C water, as well as Puers.

Have a good tea party. Choose the right tea.

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