We select face care after 35 years


At 20, we rarely think about it, which will be with our skin in 10-15 years, and therefore we go to bed, without flushing makeup, do not follow food and, in principle, you do not pay the skin care of due attention, especially if the skin is not problematic.

However, after 35, your skin is no longer so elastic, and much worse copes with stimuli, and therefore it is important to choose the right care that will extend the youth.

Few penetration of skin care in youth

Few penetration of skin care in youth

Photo: unsplash.com.

Hydrophilic oil

Relatively new tool in the world of cosmetology, but deservedly received recognition of women worldwide. If in your youth you are used to using a alcohol gel or a foam for washing, then the skin for 30 will not tell you thank you so that attention at this stage is worth switching to the oil. The peculiarity of this product is that it is necessary to apply it to dry skin, and then complete the cleansing of the foam. The oil will not give your skin much to dry, supporting the normal level of moisture.

Skin type cream

It is important to take into account not just the type of skin, but also what principle changes occur:

- The skin gets tired. Oval Family persists, but the color and tone of the skin becomes much worse.

- Merry wrinkles. This usually happens with thin and dry skin, which has not previously received the correct care in the form of a moisturizing cream.

- gravitational. Ovali face changes noticeably, they appear broil, but there are still no wrinkles.

- Muscular. Typically for Asians - the high tone of the muscles does not give the skin to be sought, and the wrinkles do not worry longer.

For tired skin, it is necessary to choose creams with a vitamin C content to awaken the cells, for a gravitational type, the cream can generally be dangerous, as it will make the skin even more denser. Dry skin definitely does not hurt a good moisturizer, and it is best to start using up to 30 to reduce the number of wrinkles in the future, and people with a muscular type needed tools with the content of SPF, since their skin is strongly subject to pigmentation.

do and moisturize the skin

do and moisturize the skin

Photo: unsplash.com.

Sun protection

It is now difficult to find a cosmetic tool that would not contain the SPF filter. However, the level of protection in such creams is usually not high. Buy an emulsion or cream from the Sun separately to be sure that your skin will not cover with small specks by the end of the day, and for this you need protection from the SPF-30/50 level.

Hyaluronic acid

Over time, the skin gets less and less humidification, so you need to independently maintain this balance with special means, creams with hyaluronic acid will come to help. Therefore, from 35 years, you can safely acquire hyaluronic acid in various formats - tablets, injections or cream - however, you will definitely consult your dermatologist.

In Asia, women do not suffer from saving skin and early wrinkles

In Asia, women do not suffer from saving skin and early wrinkles

Photo: unsplash.com.

What is prohibited after 35 years?

Remember that the aggressive impact of alcohol and other annoying means your skin will forgive you only at 25, after 30 it will start to respond, and not the most pleasant way. Therefore, your shelf in the bathroom should not contain:

- alcohol tonic.

- Scrubs.

- clay masks (with caution).

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