Egor Druzhinin: "Nika - director of our family"


It has long been known: so that the man takes place, there should be a right woman next to him. It was the future wife, an actress Veronika Yitkovich helped Hiruy a friend to determine his calling and become the unique choreographer we know now. Together they are almost twenty-five years old. And their relationship is held not only on feeling and trust in each other, but also at the atmosphere of good humor, which reigns in their family.

His Vashechkin fell into love with all the girls of the Soviet Union and fascinated their older sisters, mothers and even grandmothers. Surprisingly, but despite all this, according to Egor himself, he was very shye. By the way, today, communicating with him, you feel that in front of you a delicate and modest person. Druzhinina know not only by his roles in the cinema and theater, numbers of pop stars and the most equitable member of the jury show "Dancing with the stars" and "Dancing on TNT". He is also an amazing director of plastic performances. Handwriting and squad style do not confuse with anyone. And how many years ago, his performance "everywhere life" stunned and to the depths of the soul and the audience, and colleagues, and critics, and today he again surprised everyone with his "pit" in the theater on a small armor.

"Egor, I somehow said that in youth was a convinced bachelor, with whom no one would be able to get along. Where does such a mood come from?

- First, from the family. Papina Parents are my grandparents - all my life lived together. But even sometimes we did not talk to each other for weeks. Mom and dad went when I was fifteen. My friends also often parted parents. Probably, therefore the family did not seem to me a reliable company. Yes, and with the girls I was timid. Instead of winning timidity, I preferred to play insurgence. Here is all this nonsense about inconsistency and failure.

"" The calibration it happened that a person is more adequate in the hostel, which I still need to search ... "Are you inferior to Nika in all?

- Is it not to get along well together, one must certainly be compliant with someone? In the family, everyone has to make compromises. Even our children. Although they are the least. But neither they nor we even notice this. In our family, everything develops naturally. We have neither rules nor laws or taboos. It is forbidden to jump from the window without a parachute, that's all. We want to eat - you have to go to the store. We want not to be late to school - you need to get up on time and go to bed on time. And all this entirely and completely in the hands of Nicky. She leads, and we are fun to see her. Because this amount of information, like her, none of us - fools - will not keep in my head. Who, where, in which hour, what to take with me, who at what time to feed, what kind of homework to do what to buy, in which city to go on tour. Better I will work at the same time on all the works of the world year than a week to be the "director" of our family.

- Do you enjoy playing the podcast?

- In the case of a nickname, the heel framed an elegant female leg. Why not be under it? And if seriously, be "under the heel" means to obey, and Nick though "director", but not the commander. Orders she does not distribute. She offers, we are discussing, we argue, make decisions. When our childhood and misinterpretation with children finally tires the nickname, she invites us to invent something yourself. In addition to the absolute absurd attraction, she again takes everything into their hands, to our general pleasure. But I do not feel the podkinnik at the same time.

Egor Druzhinin:

Now the Druzhinin is also a member of the jury of the project "Dancing with the Stars"

- Nick, Egor always acts as you advise?

- Not always! He often knows that I am right, but sometimes comes as it is convenient. In secret. True, he has one wonderful quality: he does not know how to deceive. Therefore, all his funny "framing" is always written on his face. I will slightly grumble when family suffers from this: instead of spending time with children, he helps someone who actually would have to cope himself. So that I did not think that I was knut, and Egor is a gingerbread, I will cut the secret. Egor, though a patient guy, but it happens very strict. Ask his dancers or actors. He rarely raises the voice, but it is afraid. They say it would be better to shout.

- By the way, you have not played in the performances of Egor. Do you work hard with him?

- incredibly. Egor is terrible grumble. Especially when it comes to its choreography. A little bit wrong, he begins to hiss directly on stage, becomes unquest. Now I became quieter. If you work well, he believes that this is normal, and does not praise. And me, like any actress, praise inspires ...

- You do not have a single lead role in Egor. Why?

"I hope my main role in his performance is still ahead." He never forces the situation. If I did not make him negotiate with people, he would put two, three times less. After Yegor invented "everywhere life!" For the summer camp STD, he did not think to carry a performance on a large scene. I forced me to offer a performance to producers. And he safely goes now in the house of music and walked on the stage of the theater on a small armor. By the way, this performance was noticed by Khukruk, Sergei Golomazov and a few years later, I invited Egor to put "pit." And I have a question: where would this "pit" without me? Answer: in the pit. Well, and if seriously, I know that it is capable of much more complex, deep and bulk roles and that inspire a husband for good performances. I hope that sooner or later he will see in me not only muse and comrades, but also a good actress. Better, of course, early. And then I can get tired of waiting and the generation of him with a lacaround.

"Kubrin dedicated to the" pit "of the junior and acted as a moralist, although he understood that his story would beat all the revealing records. Yegor, how did you go?

- There are no frank scenes in our performance. I would recommend it to watch even schoolchildren of senior classes. But there is no direct morality, notation. What exactly attracted me? Paradox. In pre-revolutionary Russia, prostitution was legal craft. The girls handed their civilian passports, having received a special document in return for a special document - "Yellow ticket": an identity card with a photo, marks about the passage of regular medical examination and rules on eight pages. The attitude towards the priests of love was regulated by the unlawful laws of the Company. Men without a branch of conscience, praising and not taking mad, visited public houses. And girls, at least once we exchanged your passport on the "yellow ticket", as a rule, there was no way back. Only in the loop. Prostitution in today's Russia is prohibited by law. But, find out that someone from girls working in the offices of companies loving mothers, caring wives in their past life had a misfortune to be a prostitute, we will not minimize them in the grave. The society as a whole has become much more tolerant. Does this mean that prostitution in the modern world is not? Does not mean. Hubbe here and there. But our performance is not about time, not about the place, not about the difficult conditions in which it had to live his heroins, but about love and a dream.

The main thing for the dancer is a balance of balance

The main thing for the dancer is a balance of balance

Photo: Personal archive of Egory Druzhinin and Veronica Izkovich

"Egor, you said that Nick immediately attracted your attention, but the fact that she was a ballerina did her inaccessible for you. How did your romance still have?

- It all started with friendship. We had a cheerful company. We spent a lot of time together. On the first day that I saw nickname, I realized that it would be difficult for me to be friends with her. But I was afraid that I would frighten her with my confessions. She came from Tbilisi and came from the world of ballet, which I was guarding. It was possible to approach her only for a joke or some optional conversation. Passed year. And if Nick herself did not go to meet me, then perhaps I would have revealed, shy and caped.

- Nick, did Yegor attracted you something from the first day of dating?

- Absolutely not. I will say more: when we met, Yegor so painfully reacted to any mention of Vaschkin, that I saw only arrogance in this. If someone was dying "Vashekin", he invariably answered: "My surname is a friend." It seemed to me that this was so much chum and poses that this "Vashekin" could not expect this "Vaschkin". "

- How could you make friends?

- We had two passion uniting us - theater and dance. I helped the guys doing stretching. Herra was hard. I had a twine, which he jokingly called "parabolic". That is, to stretch, I was a little bit in the twine on the floor. I had to put a chair under one of the legs to raise it higher. Egor then, bent, barely could touch the floor with the tips of the fingers, without bending the knee.

- And when the friendship has turned into love for you?

- Probably, at that moment, when I realized that no normal person would have consciously walked for such torment. Well, and seriously, we have everything in the most natural way. Many classmates tried to care for me, but I have never encouraged them and did not give them a reason to hope for reciprocity. Why? Because I wanted only one friend friend, former Vashekin, and now a classmate - Egor Druzhinin.

- And how did he care?

- Bad! This is his screen character was decisive and bold. And the performer is timid, shy and woven from the complexes. With some, I dealt with some, and some - especially depletion - etching so far. Anyway, he just like me, came to the awareness of his feelings gradually. And he cared for me carefully, without loud confessions, passionate whisper and spontaneous kisses behind the scenes of the theater. It was later, after the most important words were told.

- In a big deal, did you not have to try to each other, breaking ourselves in habit?

Egor: We began to live with the second course. And we were very lucky that we lived together. My mother moved to a new apartment, and the old of the "temporary fund" was not hurry from us. Neither Nicky, nor I have no special habits. Well, that no one tried to help us, advise and did not observe from the side. We were hot-tempered and categorical. If one of us became mistaken, exploded, boiled, spoke offensive words, then everything remained between us. And very soon we learned not so much to live together, how much did they have learned to live separately.

Veronica: Egor - the focus of what I was always immensely annoyed. First, it is completely non-packual. My dad always knew the price of time. And from my childhood and to this day everything is painted in minutes. He may be late somewhere for a week. Secondly, it is extremely scattered. Once he lived for a whole year in a solid conviction that he was thirty-eight years old, although in fact he was less than a year. He understood that he was wrong, only on his birthday. I had to be 38 years old for two years. Thirdly, he is criminally forgetting. He speaks with someone half an hour, it is cordially crushed, then he asks me with a whisper: "You do not know who it was? Very cute man. I know that he has an eight-year-old son and a two-door blue-color car with a folding riding, but who he is and what his name is, I do not remember. " I am also far from perfection and probably annoying him on trifles. Well, and children with their habits take our chaos in absolute degree. And all this we consider harmonious relationships. In one we agree: Sweet couple, that in the morning until the evening, the sweet words are twisted on my ear, this is not our case.

Egor Druzhinin:

Veronika Izkovich in the role of Rovinskaya in the play "Yama", director-choreographer Egor Druzhinin

Photo: Personal archive of Egory Druzhinin and Veronica Izkovich

"Egor, almost immediately after the wedding Nick said:" I don't want to live with a dreamer who didn't even try to fulfill his dream, "and held you in New York. Did you surprise her act?

- I am still surprised. We both were on a good account in the theater. We had a small salary, but interesting roles. I was twenty-three or twenty-four years. To whom it is not a nickname to know that at this age to start a career of the choreographer, to put it mildly, late. Nevertheless, she not only supported me, but almost gently pushed into a plane. Maybe she wanted to relax two years from me? (Smiles.) One way or another, her great female intuition did not let down, and I became a choreographer, they say, even not bad.

- You easily let go of Egor in America?

- Well, I do not. That is, I let go, I easily, but what I was worth it, no one knows. Even Egor. I missed very much. He did not insist on his departure, but I seemed to felt that he had to go that it would change his whole life. Already in the third year, Egor began to put a dance. I graduated from the choreographic school, worked at the Opera and Ballet Theater, was familiar with many wonderful dancers, but I didn't remember any of them could put anything. This is a separate and some kind of talent. And I understood that this talent would not work out. He had certain ballet preparation. As a child, he was engaged in a jazz dance, in the institute carried away a chcheletk. From it could have a very versatile choreographer. In addition, for four years I thoroughly worked on its stretching. But he did Zano without me. Between the first and second course of our institute, studying at School Lee Strasberg in New York, dealing with the dance, broke his knee. When the first time returned from America, he had a foot bent only at forty-five degrees. He came to the theater, I sat on the floor and cried. I did not expect to see him. All the guys came out of the rehearsal hall, so that we do not interfere. And he got up to me, and I can't sit down to me - my foot does not give. But the most difficult decision for me was the decision to come to Horta two years later, leaving the theater in which I had already played almost the entire repertoire by that time. Previously, I was not released. Did not give a visa.

- I went primarily because I missed?

- Because he felt that he was needed. He felt that if he would return to me after two years of separation from the thoughts that theoretically could be staying in America, our life would raise in uncertainty. Fucked to allow this uncertainty. I clung to the flasher, turned on Sirena and rushed like "ambulance". Well, and there at the place of my suspicions confirmed: America is not the country where we should live. But Iron had to finish study. Already on the second day in America, I found a job. Taught the dance of girls in one of the dance schools. And then Hydra arranged there. We are still friends with the owners of that school.

- Egor, were you happy to meet after two-year separation?

- Ask! I remember this day almost a minute. Who went to the airport, as I waited for Nika, what she was dressed, where we went later, with whom I introduced her ... There were few such moments in my life. Is that the birthdays of Sasha and silence, well, and Plato, of course ...

- Did something changed with the advent of children?

- Everything. It seems to me that before that I was sitting in a stuffy dusty room, littered with all trash, and carefully considered herself into the only mirror. And through them, we first looked at the world for the first time, on what around us, and those who surround us. And if we had such an opportunity, we would continue to give birth to kids every four years. And so nothing remains, as I look forward to grandchildren! Nick will be the best grandmother in the world. And I am afraid only for the fact that after the appearance of grandchildren, children will begin to jealous to them. Because love is still no less in us, but the time, like the deserved pensioners, will even more than in their time there were children.

- Did Nick changed with age?

- She does not change. No progress. It remains the same slim, young, attractive, also preparing, she has all the same excellent intuition. Let's hope that everything is ahead. I always liked the older women. So another five years, and my love in her finally turn into a real passion.

Family assembly: Egor and his wife Veronica, daughter Alexander, Sons Plato and Tikhon

Family assembly: Egor and his wife Veronica, daughter Alexander, Sons Plato and Tikhon

Photo: Personal archive of Egory Druzhinin and Veronica Izkovich

- Are your home duties distributed?

Egor: Of course, distributed. For example, if I put underwear into a washing machine, I launched it, and then I forgot, then the duties of Niki enters remind me that I am sclerotic, I always do it. After that, I post the underwear and, running the car again, I forget about it again. The duties of Nicky also enters the time of cleaning to handate me from that subject, which I am selflessly draped throughout the time, for which Nick has time to remove the whole apartment. In general, the phrase "home duties" brings melancholy. We, as I said, everything goes by itself. We are very unorganized. The dishes washes who wants, outside the schedule. The garbage takes place - too. She is preparing nickname, but sculpt dumplings love everything. We eat too together and without disaster, because everything that is done at home is tasty. And with children together most love to travel, read, fall asleep under a not wound film, watch football-baseball, walk, play, collect memories and especially to be next to each other!

Veronica: Egor in all Pedantic. When he removes in the house, all things are removed from their places so that it is impossible to move. Everything dies and cleans almost a toothbrush. It can last three days. In this case, part of things disappears. Before the new year, he sat down in the bathroom for a day. What did it, it is not clear. But after he came out, it was possible to use the sink as a soup plate - fearlessly.

- What do children do, except for campaigns to the theater for daddy and mother's performances?

Egor: When you ask, then you understand that the classes of children are not always talking about their preferences. For example, Tikhon and Plato go to music school. Tisch is engaged in a guitar, and Plato is clarinet. And the one and the other do it well and with pleasure; Plato - a little big, Tikhon - a little bit. But this does not mean that they are small adderkinds. Will not be surprised if after school they will not continue their musical classes. But it develops them immensely. And the musical more of all their sister Sasha, which is just no special lessons take, but plays a bitle and sings just wonderful. She also loves to watch people. And its interest is such that she will certainly lead it to journalism or documentary. Tikhon is also interested in all that is associated with railways. And Plato recently became desperately carried away by "graphic novels" - comics.

- You have been together for twenty five years. Nick, did you learn something from Egor?

Veronica: I think that we learned a lot from each other. Maybe it sounds self-confident, but, oddly enough, I realized that a man is like a child. If it is properly directed and brought up, then you can exit from it. Each strong man is a loving woman. But this is true only under one condition: if a man loves his wife so much that allows you to do with him that it will consider it necessary.

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