Stars show business on restrictions and cancellation of New Year's holidays: "It's all terribly degrading and terribly unpleasant."


This week in Star Tusovka is actively discussing the decree of the mayor on restrictions in the work of entertainment. According to the decision, leisure activities are prohibited from the participation of spectators, entertainment institutions have no right to work after 23.00. In addition, New Year's holidays and corporate events are canceled. And this is all against the background of the lack of work in show business within 10 months. Lev Leshchenko admitted that he was forced to borrow money, Valery Meladze suggested at all as a protest not to be filmed in the "New Year's lights". The situation every day is becoming more busy. He talked with representatives of show business. Let's say right: many stars whose hearing names did not comment on what is happening for some reason. However, those who were not afraid to frankly speak out.

Joseph Prigogin: "Unscrax to do so in relation to artists"

Producer does not understand why close concert halls when airports and subways are open.

"Of course now the most important thing is not to get sick. As for the abolition of New Year's corporate standards, it is only one algorithm to me. Airplanes fly - people sit next to each other, as in the auditorium. Public transport works, the publicists work, enterprises - too. And the concert halls were banned. What is it connected with? Maybe someone who does not like the entertainment industry at all and wants to change something in this part? The entertainment industry becomes extreme in this story. I understand why concert halls are closed in the UK - Absolute Lockdown (strict restrictions and insulation regimen - approx ). And when in Russia all shopping centers are open, it turns out that in the show business is all bald or something? Well, it is impossible to completely close, well, would leave a little freedom in our industry. Why do it?

Valeria will have a New Year's holiday in a family circle from our friends. That is, scheduled work night. But perhaps it will be canceled. We in the industry for a long time. You see, ugly today come in relation to artists. That's all.

Anita Tsoi: "It threatens the collapse of almost the entire business"

Anita Tsoi

Anita Tsoi

Press service materials

The singer agrees that attention should be attracted to the problem:

"Of course, the whole occurring situation is quite difficult. It threatens the collapse of almost the entire business. A large number of people work with me, and their work must be paid. And this is quite large spending. Of course, we reduced the appetites, but we cannot completely shift, as it can affect the quality of my anniversary show, the preparation for which we have been for more than a year have not stopped even during self-insulation. And this despite the fact that we have practically no concert work since the beginning of the year, "the singer spoke.

As for the call of Meladze to ignore the "New Year's lights", Anita explained that he agrees with a colleague in the sense that it was necessary to say about this problem: "In his post, Valery did not call for boycott, but simply reflecting how to do it to pay attention to us? Well, let's not come to television and there will be no "New Year's light", and then maybe the government will pay attention. I, of course, do not agree that it is in this way that you need to solve this problem. My fans are a simple people. Many of many of They are just a patrity situation now. And now they are sitting in the new year with TVs, devoid of opportunities to go somewhere, and suddenly they do not see us there - loved artists. We are engaged in very important work. We are positive emotions. We have no right Throw fans, especially in such a difficult time. Yes, and if we will not appear for a long time, we will simply gradually forget in this etheric space. But I believe that it is necessary to talk about this problem and make this issue at the state level, discuss in the structures of power "I explained Anita Tsoi.

Prokhor Shalyapin: "To the question, how to earn, I will answer: go to the panel»

Prokhor Shalyapin

Prokhor Shalyapin

The graduate of the Stars Factory believes that the Matrah of the Patriotic Show business time is to be able to:

"I sympathize with all artists who remained without work. I have, where to survive these difficult times. Of course, I have lost a lot because of these restrictions, but I sincerely agree with these decisions. I also believe that now is not the time for concerts and public mass events. Anyway, the mayor of rights. I would have done so much in his place. It is difficult to many artists who are not in the twenty of those who are worth in sight. They, of course, earned money and are able to survive these times. Including I, although not superstar. I do not complain about life and I do not ask anyone. I grieved my teeth tolerate. To the question, how to make money, I will answer: go to the panel (laughs). Artists have always been engaged in such professions by and large. The world is not without good people. Someone has money. It is just necessary to understand who they have, and gain. Well, I, of course, I speak with humor. But now it is impossible to whine now, it is impossible to annoy people, because it is difficult for everyone.

As for the proposal, Valery Meladze does not participate in "lights", it will be very good, if this transchael will not participate, and build a queue from young artists who do not give roads in show business today. There are a lot of them after the "voice", "stars factory" and the project "you are super". We see how much youth, brightly declaring itself on the screens, then disappears, because nobody supports them. Our respected star twenty clung to all musical awards, rewards, ethers, occupied and does not give up to anyone. These artists are tired of everyone, there are a lot of them on the ether, and people do not want to see them in such quantities. I understand that money does not smell, but the time of these artists is gone. They are insanely talented, I myself remember these discs. It is necessary to give way to the next generation.

Anna Peskov: "It remains to believe and hope that the 2021th will bring us a deliverance from this virus"

Actress and Producer Anna Peskov

Actress and Producer Anna Peskov

Press service materials

Producer and actress hopes that next year it will be easier

"I and our whole family are very responsible for self-insulation. So, during the first wave, we still dreamed at home and somewhere before July almost did not go anywhere. As a film generator, I, of course, think a lot about the box office. Our game "Happy End" came out on the screens in the summer, when only opened cinemas. In those realities that we have, you can say: we were lucky. The next premiere for me as a producer and actresses next year. This is the film Renata Davletyarov. I already know that I will make a new year. And, probably, not me alone. Therefore, it remains to believe and hope that 2021 will be delivered to us from this virus, and everything will return to the circles. I love Moscow and her crazy, fast pace of life. But last years, when I became my wife and mom, my priorities shifted towards the house, family and comfort. And in this I find no less pleasure. We will soon decorate the house for the new year, and the holiday will note, as always, in the family circle. For my 35 years, only once in my life I was not at home in the new year. And I understood for yourself that this is not mine. So celebrating at home, I will feel comfortable. "

Elena Sparrow: "The only thing we want is to quickly return to work, I do not ask for alms"

Elena Sparrow

Elena Sparrow

The artist has already tried to speak out about the problem on the Internet, but not everyone has supported support:

"I assume that the forced closure of theaters, exhibitions, concert sites and Christmas presentations will not lead to a stopping of coronavirus. Those who remained afloat before the Decree, approached the possibility of work very professionally: installed thermal imagers, handed out the masks, the sanitizers hung. I say how a man is touring who saw whether the situation has changed in the hall, and how safely coming there. I suppose it is much safer than in the subway.

It seems to me that now artists will make extreme, since some of us dared to say that the situation when you do not have the opportunity to work, it is abnormal. I want to once again draw the attention of all aggressive people who pounced on me and my colleagues, we do not ask and do not go around the country with an outstretched hand. The only thing we want is to quickly come back to work, I do not ask the alms. There are in my friends who have already mastered new professions who have already sold the cars, sites in order to calculate with debts. I do not need anything. Believe me, I was much worse than the situation when I needed, I had nothing to eat. And I only rely on myself, never asked anything. Even in the period when I made an expensive operation for the child. I can't ask. How true to notice Haters, I have something to sell. Yes, but most of the country, unfortunately, no. Therefore, all patience and respect. It is necessary not only to manage not to survive from the mind, but to survive and remain people.

Dmitry Sordun: "It will be difficult for those who are not accustomed to themselves to refuse something"

Dmitry Kaldun.

Dmitry Kaldun.

Press service materials

The Belarusian artist difficulties do not frighten:

"Of course there is nothing good in this situation for artists, but I don't think it is so critical given the existing restrictions throughout the last × 9 months. These are just another restrictions. I think that those who want to celebrate the New Year, one way or another organize their holiday under the fear of the ban. And for us, artists, this decree means only that work will not be at all, or it will be in meager quantities compared with previous years. As for the proposal, Valery Meladze does not participate in "lights", then I believe that there are already a lot of negative around us. You can not be filmed, you can not be removed, but people want a spectacle. Refuse such filming - it means doing to do it Watch New Year's programs.

Of course, it will be hard, but I plan to live on the same way as in previous months: you delay the belt at most - and survive. It is hard to have to those people who have always spent the funds of approximately the same. But I all my youth before I came to Moscow and got into the project "Star Factory", lived not to. It is hard to have to those who are not accustomed to yourself to deny and predict their spending. "

Star show "Ural Pelmeni" Ilan: "I have a husband who works and contains me"


Star "Ural Pelmeni" Ilan Yuryev

Press service materials

Participant comedy show sitting without tour

"Of course, this news about the constraints did not please me, since my earnings directly depends on concerts, tour and events. I was lucky, I have a husband who works and contains me. But not everyone is! I have no tour of the tour already half a year, concerts pass in the abbreviated audience. And now we are "delighted" by the fact that on the richest corporate party we will not be able to restore our financial foundation. It seems to me that all these prohibitions will lead to the fact that people will hold events as before, it will simply be done without unnecessary eyes. As for me personally, this period I will spend with my family while there is such an opportunity.

Natalia Gulkina: "It's all terribly degrading and terribly unpleasant."

Natalia Gulkin

Natalia Gulkin

But for the singer, the situation is close to critical:

"What can I say? Full and disgrace! If they believe that Coronavirus after 11pm will attack unexpectedly on people with more power than until 11, you understand that this is complete nonsense. This is only a negative attitude. And in general, they scored, to put it mildly, to the whole shop of artists, a huge number of people were left without work, and everyone to do with it. Eyes cover us and pretend that we are transparent and glass. They believe that we probably do not eat, do not pay a communal service. In addition, the people called. To put a post about the problem so that you pay attention to, it does not work, because they immediately begin to write: "Shut up. You are at all the artists, all you have." People look at Kirkorov and Pugachev and think that everyone lives in castles. This stereotype kills me. And we have no work for more than 10 months. Thanks to some individual shooting and TV shows, thank God, somewhere it is possible to snatch. And accordingly, you start earning how you can. I go around the castings: It is necessary to live. I took a loan, for me two families, I used them before and now also for them in response.

I remove the costume, I have a big ballet and a bunch of costumes, which in 30 years have accumulated, a huge card file. I can't keep it in my apartment: not everyone lives in steep houses. I have to shoot. And what will I pay? And these are the permanent apologies that I am paying not in time ... It's all terribly humiliating and terribly unpleasant. It turns out that there is no help from the state. "

Director Shura: "He is almost the only artist who has New Year's Eve sold"

Singer Shura

Singer Shura

But Shura makes a good situation, despite the limitations of the authorities and the recent health problems of the artist.

"We do not need halls, stadiums do not need. Our main income is restaurants and clubs. - Says Paul. - Of course at 23.00. Close them, but now the system is rebuilt. Here is the second week in a row we have no cancellation. And if earlier worked at night, now - at 9 pm. As for December 31, I think that Shura is almost the only artist who has a New Year's Eve sold. True, not in Russia, but in Belarus. Yes, of course, the volumes fell, but work as it was and remains: every week stable. Now people go to walk, already tired of sitting at home. And now the time of the festivities is simply rebuilt. Of course, large artists who have groups of 20 people with musicians, need halls. Of course, working with a 25 percent filling of the hall is at all at a loss. But we are much easier. We have ballet, but sometimes we can reduce it when the artist is one on the stage under the minus. We are mobile in this regard. Therefore, I would not say that we beat the alarm.

I believe that all artists now need to be more loyal: and prices do not overestimate, well, and reduce the teams so that at least someone remained in some plain. To, as they say, there was enough for bread with butter.

Jasmine: "I consider limitations justified"



Press service materials

The artist calls on to try to create a holiday in those conditions that are

"In my surroundings, there are very difficult for quite a lot of people. Of course, the new year is one of the favorite holidays from many people, I myself love him even more than a birthday. But I saw how hard people can hurt, and what a huge load during pandemic peaks falls on the shoulders of physicians. Therefore, although it is sad that this holiday will not be as usual, considering the limitations justified. This year, it was difficult not only to artists, in many difficulties of the outgoing year they hit much stronger. It remains only to wish people to try to start a new year with hope for the best and try to create a holiday, dedicating the family time and the closest.

Inna Malikova: "Now save everything. And we including"

Inna Malikova

Inna Malikova

Artist looks at the situation with optimism

"We have nothing changed. We continue to rehearse, keep yourself in shape and believe that everything will be fine. We are optimists in life, we have the next year anniversary - we will be 15 years old. Now is the time to rehearse, create a new material. Therefore, we are focused as much as possible in 2021, when everything is over, and we hope so, celebrate the anniversary with a scope. I can not disagree that the cancellation of corporates is sad. True, my son, thank God, went on culinary footsteps, so he has its own direction, it does not very much depends on the situation in show business. Stesh made his brand clothes. As life showed, it's great that the children did not go through our footsteps. As for "gems", "new gems" and Dmitry Malikova, while they are kept. Of course, we will save. Today we save everything. And we are including. "

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