Galina Volchek: "I believe only in mutual love, so I live alone"


Almost forty-five years, Galina Volchek is headed by one of the best Moscow theaters - "Contemporary". They say the director is a male profession, but it absolutely refutes this stereotype. She managed to survive and not make compromises: in the years of stagnation - with the authorities, today - with the commercialization of the theater. To do this, you need to have a hardness, male character. But at the same time and female wisdom. Galina Borisovna remains a woman in everything: as she looks like, as it keeps, and in what and how it worries.

1. About profession

I was very afraid and did not want to be the main director. It seems to me that I wondered all the difficulties that will be in my life. Maybe not in detail, but nevertheless I understood much.

Theater, like sports, is primarily the ability to the team existence, understanding that, even if you are a superstar, but you will not get the right feed from the partner, your entire star will go to dust.

Star disease is sick all. True, at different times and in different form. Somehow I read a wonderful phrase: "Star disease is the mania of greatness, only without hospitalization." It is badly treated and still has incredible infinity.

I will not crap, I am a happy man. I work all my life in the same theater. I did not try to build a career, I did not do anything for this, I didn't even joined in the party - and that was so fate.

Great happiness that God has deprived me of high self-confidence and self-love. I do not like my image. Partly therefore ceased to the cinema to shoot. And very rarely, I look in the mirror, I just don't like it.

2. About me

I think that the maximalist nature is given to me by nature, I was born with him. At the same time I am very patient. Probably, only such as me can tolerate to the limit, and then do not stop them.

I am sure that only indifferent, proud people in love with themselves are not offended. I'm offended by injustice, betrayal, malice. I can knock me out of equilibrium any injustice. And not only with respect to me.

I allowed myself luxury to be the one I want. But if I feel that it is not right, I can apologize to any person. The crown will not fall with me.

In everyday life, I did not achieve a lot. It seems I would like a good organizer, but to organize my life so that everything is enough, I did not work.

Now I am most pleased with the most young children. If I am dissatisfied, evil, then in order to bring me out of this state, you need to show me a child.

I never envied either appearance nor a good figure, which I never had. Neither wealth, which I also had never, nor roles. But for some time I envy health, physical condition.

3. About people

I really do not like pretense, welcoming, unnaturalness in any manifestation. We all have some masks, but it is impossible for it to increase so so that you forget who you really are.

I am interested in every person. Even the one that causes at once any dislike. I want to understand: why is it like that? Sometimes for this and ten minutes grabs.

I love Chekhov's whole life, because for me the main thing is a person and everything that is connected with him, then what is the best thing, in my opinion he wrote it. A, above all, the relationships that arise between people and around them.

Any news plot, even by a tangential relationship directly to a person, to human history, fate, I can call a lump in my throat. I always see: a story invented or the truth that I was shown without intermediaries.

4. About friendship and love

It is easiest to communicate with yourself like. But such people are difficult to find. In something they will be different. So the issue of compromise, tolerance and love is very important.

I have some close friends. This decades have proven relations. In the global sense, you must converge in views, positions. In tastes - not always. But if it is in the spirit of people close to you, then you will definitely find points of contact.

I can be grateful. First of all, for the ratio, for loyalty, for friendship. I had and there are a lot of people in which I am absolutely sure who are committed to the theater, and therefore me.

I believe only in mutual love. No compromises in this matter for me are impossible. Therefore, alone alive. No one said that this is good. Just this is the fact of my biography.

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