Maria Kozakova: "With my father, I did not communicate until fourteen years old."


Her mother is actress Alena Yakovleva. Grandfather's grandfather - Mikhail Kozakov. According to the parent - Yuri Yakovlev. And all three are folk artists. Therefore, going in the footsteps of his famous relatives, Masha was very worried that she would constantly have to prove: her successes - only her merit. But she did not even suspect that it would take such scales. In her filmography, more than ten paintings are already more than ten paintings, the audience love her and know, but it still hears for their backs, that all this she has achieved exclusively thanks to related relations ...

With her father, Kirill Kozakov, Masha did not communicate until fourteen years old. Girl's parents diverged when she was completely crumb. "Few men love household problems. Masha was four months old when I plunged things into the baby stroller, took the baby in the arms and gone. I do not complain at all. It was a certain stage in life, rather heavy, but he ended, "he recalled in an interview with Alena Yakovleva, Mom Masha. If one grandfather, Yuri Yakovlev, took a permanent participation in his granddaughter's life, then with the second grandfather, Mikhail Kozakov, she met only in 2007. At about the same time, a fateful meeting of Masha with his father took place. They starred in the neighboring sites: The young actress received a role in the television film "his own team", and Kirill Kozakov - in the series "Woman without the past". At first they just greet, then began to communicate, and then the Kozakov offered: "Forgive me, and let's forget all the bad." As Masha is recognized, now they have become truly close and native people with the Father. And his professional advice helps her at work. By the way, in the series "Carmelita", who brought Mary Fame, the Kozakov was filmed together: Kirill received an episodic role of Father Hitan.

Often, children of actors are desperately resisting, rebellious, not wanting to continue the creative dynasty. And in the end, they still turn out to be on stage scenics. Just do not say that you were not going to become an actress as a child, just then the circumstances were ...

Maria Kozakova : "But I was really not going to go to this profession! Although, probably, so: somewhere deep inside I thought about her, but actively these thoughts tried to kill. Even more from the principle. When my grandmother said: "Well, you will still go to the artists" - I immediately got up "in the rack": "No, in no case, never in the world!" I had a wild number of complexes in my childhood. I believed that I had no ability that I am terrible, and just afraid. When my mother went on stage, I did not understand how she was still alive when a thousand two hundred people from the auditorium look at her. Therefore, I said to everyone that I don't want to be like an actress. And when I started to shoot, I realized that I wanted to really! " (Laughs.)

And what did your parents say?

Maria: "No one did not dissuade me, but did not persuade. Mom was generally for any profession, whatever I chose. "

And who else would you like to become?

Maria: "Oh, bunch options. I wanted to be a lawyer, and a designer, and a doctor, and a writer. Very little dreamed of the profession of the inventor. Category "Crazy handles" in one TV show - it was for me! I loved to invent, do some crafts from the girlfriend. "

Maria Kozakova:

"I have always been very obedient. And now, whatever I do, I am talking about this mom. We communicated with her and communicate like a friend. " Photo: Archive MK.

But nevertheless, you started to start early ...


"At four years. It was the film "The Temptation of the Dirk God". I rented my stepfather, Cyril Mozgalonevsky, Mom played a major role. I actually do not really remember how everything happened. But I understand that this is my best job. There I am diverse, and organic, and interesting. Apparently, by virtue of age. Worked on the subconscious. I truly began to understand what is the profession, in fourteen years. I then starred in the series "my own team" - eight months, every day, everything is serious. Well, and then there was a "carmelita" when they coincided with the shooting, and the exam, and the entrance exams in theatrical. That's, I extremely clearly realized all the minutes of the profession: in summer clothes lying on the cold ground, to shoot with the temperature and so on. And at the same time it became clear to me: I do not want another way. "

Role-playing games

Tell me, at what moment did you understand that your family is not like everyone else, I'm sorry for Paphos, the successor of the Great Creative Dynasty?

Maria: "Well, I somehow understood this since childhood. Of course, I didn't always have "combined" in my head, when I saw my mother or grandfather on TV, that this is a mother or grandfather. But from the very gentle age he participated with Mom in photo shoots, gave an interview. There were always questions about my relatives - and at school, and later at the institute. "

Your mom in an interview to our magazine said that it was the last name very much ...

Maria: "In fact, she also prevented her, just to a lesser extent. Because she has only dad actor, and I have a mother, and dad, and two grandfathers. Imagine what is me? I just went to the institute, I did not have time to do anything yet, but already said: "Clear, thoroughly." Of course, it presses. But now I already understand that I still go to the scene, the viewer looks at me, after some time he no longer thinks whose daughter or granddaughter. Just with the movie: I calmly do my own business and I do not think that they will say or not say. In addition, lately I often come across situations when they do not associate me at all with my relatives. I went to somehow in the subway, my grandmother approached me, began to touch me: "It's you! Pretty! And I, my granddaughter, looked at the "Carmelite".

This series means a lot for you?

Maria: "Of course. After all, this is my first big job. A year and a half shooting - huge experience. "

I heard that your grandfather Yuri Yakovlev, with all the favorite and

Maria: "No, did not help. But he supported me very much. He said that I was well done that he likes everything. I am important to me words. After all, at the institute, I still have this series by this series. And at first there was a horror at all. Every time I went on stage, I was told: "Well, it is a carmelite of pure water." I fell into despair: how do this series show? But the most nightmarish that in the first week of my study at the institute came out a magazine with me on the cover dedicated to the "Carmelite". And teachers, and students saw it. And I was wildly ashamed and uncomfortable, because I have not learned anything else, but already on the cover. But nevertheless, I am grateful "carmelite". Like other television films that I gave me the start in the profession. "

With Grandfather Yuri Yakovlev. He helped Masha very much when she first starred in the series. Photo: Archive MK.

With Grandfather Yuri Yakovlev. He helped Masha very much when she first starred in the series. Photo: Archive MK.

What is your favorite role?


"If in the theater - then in the play" Waterville ", which we put in the school. I have a characteristic heroine. For me, this is an insanely interesting job from which I enjoy. In the movie I would notify my last work - in the TV series "Bad Blood". I play a girl Masha from a small provincial town, she comes to Moscow and falls into a serious binder, which turns her life from his legs. Play fear is difficult, but interesting. I went to shoot with so happiness! Gathered a wonderful group, a talented director. I hope it will be a good project. "

To play with my mother in the theater, would you like?

Maria: "Yes, I dream about it! For me, the theater was standing in the first place. I am now finishing the fourth course in Schukinsky School and I hope that I will be taken to some metropolitan troupe. Of course, I really would like to get to the Satira Theater. Not even because my mom plays there. I just like the atmosphere that reigns there, I know literally every extraction. There is something old that is really theatrical. Well, and besides the artistic director of the Satira Theater - Alexander Anatolyevich Shirvindt, who put with us at the Institute "Waterville".

Blood bonds

Surname, as we found out, I interfered with you. Do you have any thoughts to take a pseudonym?

Maria: "And I changed the surname once - when I went to the Schukin school. I still studied in the tenth grade. And I went to exams in theatrical, just try yourself, understand: Can I have the right to. Somewhere passed, somewhere failed, somewhere even before the third round I got. Then I used another surname. Well, and after a year, after the eleventh grade, at the same time, the Schukin school came under his name. And of course, then all the teachers knew who I am. "

I wonder: what the surname did you choose for the first time?

Maria: "Lisitsyn. This is the first thing that came to mind. I then met with a young man with such a surname and for some reason decided to be called so. "

Eminent relatives did not try to help - call their acquaintances, fold the word?

Maria: "Of course, helped. I read the program Michal Mikhalych Kozakov, grandfather the deceased. Mom, naturally, supported me. I called familiar educators, they know all each other. But not at all in order to ask - "Take my daughter," she simply recognized, asked what and how. And dad called Mom all the time. I prepared me to enter the mother friend and partner on theater Satira Yury Borisovich Vasilyev. So all relatives and acquaintances helped. But I tried to act on the maximum itself: I was very seriously laid out, I had the largest number of points in the sum - the exam, the colloquium, competition, vocals. I wanted no one in any case tell me about me - "Bloom". Although, naturally, they said. "

Maria Kozakova:

"I clearly realized all the disadvantages of the profession - in summer clothes lying on the cold ground, to shoot with a temperature ... And at the same time I understood: I do not want another way!" Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Why did you choose the Schukin school?

Maria: "I don't even know. But when I came there, I was covered by some wild happiness. I can not explain this, but the feeling is strange: I just entered the building and understood that I want to learn there. I do not know if it is connected with the fact that Mom and Grandfather also graduated from "Pike". Probably connected. "

Now, when did you achieve something, relatives give professional advice?

Maria: "Yes! But for me the worst thing when mom comes to look at me. Although so, she supported me, no one supported and never ... I always listen to the advice of relatives. They are great, many achieved in the profession. "

And they usually praise you or can and chite?

Maria: "At first, everything, of course, spoke only good - supported. And over time, we began to make comments: what was wrong with what you need to work. All in the case. I am doing my best


Purchase and Duma

It is believed that girls are usually like dads. How do you think what's more?

Maria: "Some say that I am an accurate copy of my mother in my age. Others assure that he took a lot from the dad. Third believe that I took a little bit from my mother, and from the dad. It seems to me that I am more like a mom. As she brought up me, then I am a daughter my mother. "

And how did she bring you up?

Maria: "Good. I never forbid anything. But I did not strive for any destruction, did not set ultimatum: "Buy it, buy it." So everything was calm. "

Have you been a backstage child?

Maria: "Of course. I spent a lot of time in the theater at Mom. Especially when it was small: I sat and because of the Kulis watched all the performances. "

So you were such an appeal girl who does not create any problems?

Maria: "Yes, I was very obedient! I am now, whatever I do, always talk about this mom. She is my best. We always communicated and communicate like a friend. "

Do you now live separately or with my mother?

Maria: "I live with my mother. At the moment I am very comfortable. I would not want to leave her, although there was such an opportunity. "

And how are your relationship with dad, actor Kirill Kozakov? After all, your parents divorced when you were still a breast baby ...

Maria: "I started to communicate with the dad for fourteen years, before that I did not create anything. I then began to star in the "my team," and he worked in the neighboring pavilion. And we gradually began to get closer. I can say that now we have very good, trusting relationships. During my receipt in "Pike" he worried about me and very much supported. And today also goes to my shows. So we have a close contact. "

Your mother recently almost officially stated that she was ready to become a grandmother. What do you think about this?

Maria: "I'm not going to marry yet. I just twenty years old, and I still do not see myself in the role of my wife. I want to work while working, and for me it is in the first place. Perhaps when there is more time and something stable will appear - I will finish the institute and somehow fix on the profession, then I will think on the topic of marriage. "

But you already know what your chosen one should be?

Maria: "I meet with a young man. And although to marriage, as I said, not yet ready, we have a serious relationship. He is so accurate! "

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