5 Masks for Snow White


There are some procedures for skin that best do in winter. For example, lighten it until the sun is not active. Namely, lighten the pigment stains that are found on the face and hands of girls and women. After all, you will agree is always a cosmetic defect in one degree or another. Tell how to cope with him people.

Method number 1.

Lemon juice, first and main means. Prepared a salad with citrus refueling? Marinated meat on juice? In no case, do not throw away the remnants - wipe the powder the skin of the hands - they will become light and soft. By the way, at the same time strengthen the nails. Lemon juice is able to even remove old stains with brushes. And in the ratio of 1 to 10 with boiled water, they can wipe the face.

Freeze the lemon and wipe the face with ice cubes

Freeze the lemon and wipe the face with ice cubes


Method number 2.

This is a purely Russian "chip", because in Europe, a little parsley is eaten, and in vain. The stalks of this plant must be finely cut, brew boiling water, insisted and wipe the charts of problem areas several times a day. The effect will not make himself wait.

Our grandmothers used this recipe

Our grandmothers used this recipe


Method number 3.

Well, what kind of cosmetics were our grandmothers? Only a vegetable garden, only in the summer. This is now we see cucumbers on the counters in any season, and the sin does not take advantage of this. Three vegetable on the grater and put in the quality of the mask for 20-25 minutes, and after washed off. Cucumber not only eliminates pigmentation, but also gives skin silkiness and softness.

Cucumbers are available in any season.

Cucumbers are available in any season.


Method number 4.

But grapefruits are cheap now. This citrus has a large number of vitamin C. But it is so aggressive that it is better to mix it with kefir, so as not to burn the skin. And for the effect in a bleaching mask (the juice of the middle fetus, three spoons of the milk product) you can add 15 drops of ammonia alcohol. After 15 minutes, the mask must be washed away.

This fruit has wonderful properties.

This fruit has wonderful properties.


Method number 5.

Again we resort to kefir, which blends well. It is not bad to breed white and blue clay - it cleans the face and dries the rashes that often become the cause of pigmentation.

Kefir is useful not only to drink

Kefir is useful not only to drink


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