Vinira: Another HIGE from the world of dentistry or panacea


Who does not seek a snow-white smile, he does not know what she is capable. Beautiful smile - more than aesthetics. A snow-white smooth line of teeth transforms the face is no less effectively than a group of stylists. Gives charm and self-confidence.

Unfortunately, nature has not awarded ideal teeth. Uneven the color of enamels, cracks, chips, features of the shape of the teeth, the increased wasrability, the slot between the front cutters - even a small defect takes attention.

Modern dentistry picked up the key to solving the problem. More precisely, the whole bundle of keys. One of them is veneers.

Thin pads on the teeth, a thickness of 0.1-0.3 mm from biological compatible materials. As it happens with discoveries, ideas, changing life, viniirs are blinking the minds, turn the myths and questions. Reply to the most acute of them.

1. To install the vinir you need to catch healthy teeth.

Viniron are installed according to the testimony of the doctor. At the same time, the upper part of the enamel is calculated - only 0.1-0.3 mm. Taking into account the fact that carefully installed veneers will serve at least 20 years, no one will see that the tooth has a slightly processed.

2. Viniron fragile and unreliable. Even apples can not be biled.

In the case of high-quality, competently installed veneers, it is categorically forbidden to nibble, only items such as nails, wood, and nuts. And any foods do not threaten their integrity.

There are composite, ceramic and zirconium veneers. Stories about chips and deformation after installation are more likely to composite. Ceramic in service are not inferior to their own teeth.


3. Viniron change color over time

This is a frank myth. More precisely, composite can change the shade, but not ceramics. And all sorts of recommendations do not drink tea, coffee, do not eat beets and other red products are relevant for the first 2 hours. Until cement arrives. Everything. Further without fears, eat what you wish.

4. Viniirs are needed to everyone and everyone, they impose doctors.

Viniron - installed according to the testimony. It is important to choose a "your" doctor who will trust, do not be shy to ask any questions and share experiences ..

There are several contraindications - the wrong bite, large seals on the teeth, bruxism, diseases of the gum and oral cavity, etc. This means that you first need to eliminate them, and then do prosthetics. The complex procedure is complex, requires a thorough survey of the oral cavity and training. Sometimes the venir is prepared for years.

Therefore, the installation of Vinir is a conscious weighted solution.

5. Viniron stand like a plane

Yes, good veneers are not cheap pleasure. Moreover, the pursuit of a low price often leads to sad for health, and for the wallet consequences. The cost of the veneer depends on the material, the qualifications of the doctor, the complexity of the case. This is a multistage process involving expensive equipment. But the qualitatively installed veneers serve from 20 years and more.

6. And if the caries?

If caries is formed under the vinir, it will have to change it. However, a careful treatment of all teeth and oral cavity is carried out before installation. Vinir is so tightly adjacent to the teeth that no caries will pick up. Vinirs, on the contrary, protect teeth from caries. All you need is 2 times a year to come to inspection and cleaning.

I always recommend not going to general advice, and immediately consult a doctor for a full advice. At the consultation, you will receive answers to questions taking into account individual features. And you can also make a computer model of a possible smile and "try" her for yourself.

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