How did the stars spent the May holidays?


Everyone understands the rest in its own way. Someone wants to soak on the warm sun, holding an exotic cocktail in his hand, and someone dreams of an active rest away from hot sunlight. Ksenia Sobchak and his spouse Maxim Vitorgana belong to the latter. In the May holidays, they walked around ... volcanoes. But Ksenia was still a little frightened: "We have come to walk to the very crater of the current volcano. Lava - warm. Even scary. " Sobchak admitted that he had long wanted to visit Iceland, finally, she was given such an opportunity. "I waited for spring so much to come here," added Ksenia. Maxim, in turn, no less wife admires such an extreme rest. Apparently, such a pastime of star spouses only harres their relationship. At the photo, pleased and brave Maxim meets the morning. Briefly and clearly Ksenia signed a picture with the participation of her beloved: "Morning in the mountains."

Maxim Vitorgan in Iceland. Photo:

Maxim Vitorgan in Iceland. Photo:

Ksenia Borodin with a civil husband Mikhail Terekhin went to Sunny Egypt. Famous TV presenter shared every day with his readers in social networks with fresh photographs from vacation. And, if you believe the pictures, then the restless leading scandalous TV show "Dom-2" was a little active: on one photo Ksyusha poses in the hotel with vases of scarlet roses, and on the other - feed camel. And her microblog's readers did not stop wondering why Borodina stopped his choice on this country.

Ksenia Borodin in Egypt. Photo:

Ksenia Borodin in Egypt. Photo:

But the TV host Victoria Lockarev went to his hometown to recharge the energy: "I had to spend the past May holidays without my lover, because he is tied to his team and is constantly in the road. But during this time I gladly went to Rostov - to my native land, where I was born and grew. There I met with my old friends and friends, we had a great time. This city charges me with energy, a good mood, there are hospitable and kind people in it! "

Victoria Locking in Rostov. .

Victoria Locking in Rostov. .

Glamor Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova Together with his lover Bakhtiar to all May holidays flew to Thailand. By the way, the famous dancer, now and then publishes on Twitter pictures of the islands, grotts, the beaches that she managed to visit. Of course, she does not forget to lay out to review the broad public and beloved. This time she shared a frank photo in a short pink dress, where the stars ... shine nipples! Alas, fresh pictures did not cause special delight from readers of her microblogging. The figure of Nastya did not criticized only the lazy. Star subscribers noted that she scares them with "effortless shoulders" and the lack of neck.

Anastasia Volochkova in Thailand. Photo:

Anastasia Volochkova in Thailand. Photo:

Cornelia Mango admitted Womanhit that very fun spent holidays with friends. But, of course, the main fun was not in Moscow. The singer preferences warm Croatia, where she gladly missed on a hot sun. But the girl could not limit ourselves to only passive rest: "I participated in a sailing regatta, rode on the yacht and received just an extraordinary pleasure from rest," Shared Cornelia's impressions.

Cornelia Mango in Croatia. .

Cornelia Mango in Croatia. .

Valery with his family in the well-deserved weekend visited the Holy Land - in Jerusalem. People's Artist of Russia visited the Old Town, Garden Garden and other famous places of Israel.

However, in photographs from rest, it is very rare to see the singer itself, more often in the pictures there are attractions of someone else's country and foreign people.

Valeria is resting in Israel. Photo:

Valeria is resting in Israel. Photo:

So, an Israeli guard of order littered at the next photo: "Merry and friendly, nothing that cars in their hands - a duty," wrote a picture of Valery.

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